CKM Papers, Talks and Preprints
Physics Results
Conference proceedings
and talks on physics results
Steve Kettell
The Fermilab Kaon Physics Program
Talk at
Fermilab Proton Driver Workshop , October 2004.
Bob Tschirhart
The Fermilab Kaon Physics Program
Talk at
CERN Villars Workshop , September 2004.
Ken Nelson
Status report of the CKM Experiment
at the Fermilab Annual User's Meeting, June 2003.
Hogan Nguyen
The CKM Experiment
Proceedings for Talk
at Beach02, June 2002.
Sasha Kushnirenko
Measurement of K+ -> pi+nunu
in CKM Experiment
Talk (pdf)
at Snowmass 2001, 13 July
2001. E5 working group (Fixed target experiments)
Erik Ramberg:
The CKM Experiment at Fermilab;
HEP Seminar at Argonne National Labs, March 2001
Myron Campbell:
University of Michigan graduate student talk , September 29,2000
Peter Cooper:
CKM - Charged Kaons atthe Main-injector; Talk
at CP2000 19 Sep 2000
Published in Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl.99:121-126,2001
Also in *Ferrara 2000, CP violation physics* 121-126
Leo Bellantoni:
Fermilab Research Techniques Seminar; 22
Aug 2000
Caroline Milstene:
Charged Kaons at the Main Injector (CKM).
Talk at BEACH2000
- IV International Conference on Hyperon, Charm, and Beauty Hadron,
Valencia, Spain, June 27-30, 2000.
Published in Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl.93:348-351,2001
Also in In *Valencia 2000,Hyperons, charm and beauty
348-351 e-Print Archive: hep-ex/0009046.
C. Milstene, P.S.Cooper, M.A. Moinester:
Kaon Radiative Decay K+ -> mu+ nu gamma at CKM
at the Fermilab Main Injector
Preprint TAUP-2444-97, March 31, 1998
e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9803033.
Beam &
detector publications, talks, and conference proceedings
Peter Cooper:
Redesign of the CKM RICH Velocity Sepctrometers for use in a 1/4 GHz Beam
Talk (pdf)
at Rich 2004,
03 December 2004
Erik Ramberg:
A Photon Veto Detecotr for the CKM Experiment
Proceedings (pdf)
Published in IEEE Trans.Nucl.Sci.51:2201-2204,2004
13th IEEE - NPSS Real Time Conference (RT 2003), Montreal, Canada, 18-23 May 2003.,
03 December 2004
Mark Bowden (Fermilab, BTeV)
DAQ Switches & Links -
tutorial for CKM
(PDF 5MB) at CKM Meeting in December 2001
(Download the talk as acroread plugin is likely to
blow browser)
Jinyuan Wu:
Architecture design of trigger and DAQ system for
the Fermilab CKM experiment;
at CHEP'01 3-7 Sep 2001,
Beijing, China Abstract
Peter Cooper:
Kaons Beams; Talk
at Snowmass 2001, 03 July 2001
Leo Bellantoni,
Design and Measurements of a Deflecting Mode Cavity
for a RF Separator
Proceedings for Talk
2001 Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago, June 2001.
Mark Champion,
Engineering, Design and Prototype Tests of a
3.9 GHz Transverse Mode Superconducting Cavity
for a Radiofrequency Separated Kaon Beam
Proceedings for Talk
2001 Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago, June 2001.
Jin-Yuan Wu:
Current Trend of Trigger and DAQ Architectures of
HEP Experiment;
at Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing,
June 2001
RICH Group, J. Engelfried et al.:
The RICH Detector of the SELEX Experiment.
Presented Paper from the 3. International Workshop
on Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detectors,
RICH98, Ein Gedi, Dead Sea, Israel, November 15-20,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods A433(1999)149-152.
Preprint FERMILAB-Conf-98/399-E
RICH Group, J. Engelfried et al.:
The SELEX Phototube RICH Detector.
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A431(1999)53-69. Preprint
A Straw Drift Chamber for Operation in a Vacuum Tank
To be submitted to Nucl. Instr.
and Meth A
Review & Poster
Univ of South Alabama
10th Annual Research Forum
Last modified: Wed Feb 23 10:28:54 CST 2005