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Accelerator Update
The integrated luminosity for last week was 4.1 pb-1.
Wednesday September 3 TeV experts completed their studies at 10 AM and Operations put the TeV through a dry squeeze. Operations put the TeV into shot setup at 10:31 AM. At 12:00 PM, the TeV suffered a sector A1 quench just after the dampers were turned on. Pbar resumed stacking. TeV experts began a study period to determine what happened. Operators made the D-zero (D0) and the Collider Detector Facility (CDF) ready for access at 12:25 PM. D0 came out of access at 1:22 PM and CDF came out at 3 PM. Operations loaded a 36x0 TeV study-store at 4:11 PM. A Linac RF station (LRF2) tripped off at 4:36 PM. Operators reset the station and had it back on ten minutes later. TeV expert completed their damper studies at 7 PM. They decided that the dampers should not be used for the next store. Operations put the TeV into shot setup at 7:30 PM. At 9:41 PM, Operations established store 2985 with an initial luminosity of 3.4E31. At 11:38 PM, the TEL output went to zero. Operators investigated and then called in an expert.
Thursday September 4 The TEL experts reported that he replaced a power supply at 1:30 AM. The MI experts completed their 2.5MHz studies at 2:24 AM, but then started a slipstacking study. This study ended at 7:32 AM. The Cryo Coordinator informed Operations at 9:50 AM that the TeV sector A3 wet engine was suffering serious problems. It will have to be worked on as soon as the store ends. A Pbar expert began a multiwire study on the P1 and P2 transfer lines at 10:24 AM. Operations halted stacking at 3:02 PM to prepare MI for an access. Operations terminated store 2985 at 3:04 PM. Cryo technicians began work on the A3 wet engine at 3:10 PM. They had the job finished by 4:28 PM. The MI access was over by 4:31 PM. Operations put the TeV through a dry squeeze at 4:49 PM. Pbar resumed stacking at 5:21 PM. Operations put the TeV into shot setup at 6:45 PM. At 9:15 PM, Operations established store 2988 with an initial luminosity of 3.6E31. Pbar resumed stacking. At 9:25 PM, Operations reported that the TeV luminosities were dropping rapidly. The problem began when operators turned on the TEL. An expert was called in to investigate. The TEL expert corrected a triggering problem at 10:31 PM.
Friday September 5 At 4:42 AM, Pbar experts completed their studies. Unfortunately, stacking did not resume due to a problem with D:ISEPV. After contacting an expert, operators cycled a breaker. This helped a little, but stacking was very poor. Operators cycled several other supplies, and this also helped a little. By 5:40 AM, experts were tuning. At 6:10 AM, Debuncher RF cavities (DRF1) were warming up to normal operating temperatures. MI experts began a study period at 5:37 AM. At 6:13 AM, the TeV RF went unstable for a moment due to TRF1. Operators turned this station off. A Linac RF station (LRF5) tripped off at 6:24 AM. Operators had the station back on in five minutes.
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last modified 9/5/2003 email Fermilab |