Fermi National Laboratory

Accelerator Update

Friday September 10


    A0 Vacuum Upgrade - 60%

    D17 Separator Installation - 33%

    E4 Vacuum Work - 40%

    Level Run - 80% complete (During a level run an alignment crew checks all the magnets positions relative to survey monuments.)

    Shimming Dipoles - 35% complete

    Kaiser Coil Measurements - 90% complete (A Kaiser coil measurement checks to see if the cryo magnet's coil has twisted or shifted in any way.)

    Mark Survey Monuments - 40%

    Magnet Stand Replacement - 40%

    BPM Upgrade - Tunnel work is 100% complete (A BPM is a Beam Position Monitor.)


    Low Energy LCW System Upgrade - 95% complete

    Low Energy LCW Instrumentation Upgrade - 80% complete

    Power Amplifier Filament Power Supply LCW Hose Replacement - 60% complete

    High Energy RF Maintenance - 100% complete

    Mod VME Fans - 100% complete

    Drift Tube Tank #5 Replacement - 5% complete

    Drift Tube Tank #1 Vacuum Repairs - 100% complete


    Vacuum Work - 67% complete

    RF19 - 28% complete

    Long 13 Work - 54% complete (Long 13 is a sector of the Booster ring.)

    Vertical Collimator - 82% complete

Antiproton Source
    Debuncher Injection Area Beampipe and Quadrupole (Quad) replacement - the rebuild of this area has begun

      Install Injection Septum - The septum has been installed and pulse tested

      Debuncher Motorized Quads Alignment - this work was completed

      Debuncher Motorized Quads Installation - ~20% complete

    Accumulator Flying Wires - Investigations discovered two wires destroyed - the cause was understood.

    ARF1-1 Installation - ~75 complete

    AP30 SO Cord Remediation - ~85% complete (Maybe one more week to finish)

    Other Work - Target Station, Alignment, Stochastic Cooling, Cryo, LCW, LLRF - all work on track

Main Injector
      Q307-309 - Not started Q303-305 - ~90% complete Correction Magnet Replacement - 40% complete


      Cooling Tank Repairs - 38% complete


      Correction Magnet Replacement - 40% complete Vacuum Modification - 100% complete


      Flying Wire Installation - ~77% complete

    Shielding Installation - Not started

Accelerator Update Archive

More Information
For Tevatron luminosity charts and the current status of Fermilab's accelerators and detectors (live!), please go to Fermilab Now

Comments and Suggestions
What do you think about the Accelerator Updates? Please send comments and suggestions to: accelupdates@fnal.gov.

last modified 9/10/2004   email Fermilab
