Fermilab Today Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2013

Fermilab Inventor Awards

Fermilab Inventor Awards ceremony celebrates employees and technological progress

On Nov. 18, Fermilab recognized 50 laboratory employees for their technological innovations, honoring them with the Fermilab Inventor Awards. Hosted by Office of Partnerships and Technology Transfer Manager Cherri Schmidt, the ceremony celebrated employees who earned patents and submitted records of invention between 2000 and 2012. Chief Operating Officer Vicky White and DOE Fermi Site Office Manager Michael Weis presented the employees who earned patents with plaques.

The recognized employees were:

Michael Albrow Matt Crawford Hans Jostlein Adam Para Cheng-Yan Tan
Charles Andrews Philip Demar Robert Kephart Brian Petersohn Zhijing Tang
Alan Baumbaugh Grzegorz Deptuch Thomas Kroc David Peterson Alvin Tollesrup
Alan Bross Gregory Derylo Mark Kujawa Anna Pla-Dalmau Raymond Tomlin
Gustavo Cancelo Joseph DiMarco Tiehui Liu Alan Prosser John Tompkins
Herman Cease Juan Estrada Sergei Nagaitsev Rajendran Raja Arden Warner
Weiren Chou James Freeman David Neuffer Ryan Rivera David Wildman
John Chramowicz James Hoff Thomas Nicol Jinhao Ruan Jin-Yuan Wu
Lance Cooley Steven Huey Kenneth Olesen Tengming Shen Wenji Wu
Charles Cooper Carol Johnstone Marvin Olson Jason Steffen Jae-Chul Yun

The following employees received awards for earning patents:


Alan Bross and Anna Pla-Dalmau

Alan Bross and Anna Pla-Dalmau received four Fermilab Inventor Awards in recognition of their technology contributions at Fermilab that resulted in the issuance of U.S. patents. Patent no. 6,909,098, issued on June 21, 2005, was for systems and methods for detecting nuclear radiation in the presence of backgrounds. Patent no. 6,927,397, issued on Aug. 9, 2005, was for systems and methods for detecting neutrons. Patent no. 7,038,211, issued on May 2, 2006, was for systems and methods for detecting X-rays. Patent no. 7,067,079, issued on June 27, 2006, was for an extruded plastic scintillator including inorganic powders.


Weiren Chou and David Wildman

Weiren Chou and David Wildman (not pictured) received Fermilab Inventor Awards in recognition of their technology contributions at Fermilab that resulted in the issuance of U.S. patent no. 7,541,755 on June 2, 2009. They received the patent for an inductive-load broadband RF system.


James Hoff

James Hoff received a Fermilab Inventor Award in recognition of his technology contribution at Fermilab that resulted in the issuance of U.S. patent no. 7,023,235 on April 6, 2007. He received the patent for a redundant single-event upset suppression system.


Carol Johnstone

Carol Johnstone received a Fermilab Inventor Award in recognition of her technology contribution at Fermilab that resulted in the issuance of U.S. patent no. 7,880,146 on Feb. 1, 2011. She received the patent for a tune-stabilized, non-scaling, fixed-field, alternating-gradient accelerator.


Hans Jostlein

Hans Jostlein received a Fermilab Inventor Award in recognition of his technology contribution at Fermilab that resulted in the issuance of U.S. patent no. 7,021,888, issued on April 4, 2006. He received the patent for an ultra-high-speed vacuum pump system with first-stage turbo fan and second-stage turbomolecular pump.


Adam Para and Jae-Chul Yun

Adam Para and Jae-Chul Yun received Fermilab Inventor Awards in recognition of their technology contributions at Fermilab that resulted in the issuance of U.S. patent no. 6,218,670 on April 17, 2001. They received the patent for scintillator reflective layer coextrusion.

Fermi National Accelerator - Office of Science / U.S. Department of Energy | Managed by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC.