Fermilab Today Nov. 16-20, 2015

Fermilab Today Announcements

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Timecards Week of Nov 16-22 are due Friday Nov. 20
Due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Timecards are due early for the week of Nov 16-22 Employees submit their timecard by 10 a.m. Friday Nov. 20. Supervisors approve timecards by noon Friday Nov. 20. Payroll will sign off at noon (non exempt) and 3 p.m. (exempt) on Friday Nov. 20. Pay day for non exempt employees for this week will be Wed. Nov. 25.

School's Day Out: November 23-25
School's out Day Camp: Nov. 23 - 25. Childcare for school age children (7-12 years) will be offered at Kuhn Barn from 7:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m., cost is $25.00 per camper/per day. Enrollment will be accepted until noon on Thursday, Nov. 19. Space is limited and will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. The program will be cancelled if less than 7 register. Campers will need to bring a lunch. A refrigerator and microwave are available. Beverage at lunch, morning and afternoon snack will be provided. Payment must be made when you drop your child off. Email daycare@fnal.gov to register.

Employee Discount at RX Auto Care
Show your Fermi ID for 10% off parts at RX Auto Care, 2S781 Rt. 59, Warrenville. For more info call 630-393-6566.

English country dancing Sunday afternoon Nov. 22 at Kuhn Barn with live music
English country dancing will be held Sunday, November 22, at Kuhn Village Barn. The program starts with dances for experienced dancers at 1 p.m., and dances for everyone from 2 to 5 p.m. Newcomers are always welcome to join this social and accessible sort of dancing. We will dance to fine live music by Old Fezziwig's Band. The group meets monthly and will dance Dec. 6, and celebrate their 10th anniversary on Jan. 10, 2016. For more information visit http://chicagolandecd.org or http://orgs.fnal.gov/folkdance/english/ or contact folkdance@fnal.gov or 630-584-0825.

Open Pickleball League at the Gym
An open Pickleball League is being formed at the gym. Come try it out on Mondays between 4pm and 6pm and/or Wednesdays, Noon-2pm. Pickleball is a slower and smaller court version of tennis. Beginner paddles will be provided. Gym membership is required. Non-gym members can obtain a free trial membership to try it out from Jeanne Ecker at jecker@fnal.gov or x2548. Email John at jky1944@gmail.com if you have questions or are interested in playing. Pickleball is ideal for those who don't move as fast as they used to but want to get some exercise and have fun at the same time.

Employee Discount at Warrenville Oil Express
Warrenville Oil Express located at 2S781 Rte. 59, just south of the Fermilab entrance is now offering Fermilab employees a $5 discount off any service with Fermi ID. For more info call 630-791-8085.

Holiday Travel Planning for Foreign Nationals
If you are a foreign national who will be traveling internationally during the upcoming holiday season, make sure that you have all the necessary documents, including a passport with sufficient remaining validity, a valid visa in the appropriate classification, and advance permission to travel where necessary. If you will need to apply for a visa while you are abroad, be prepared for possible delays in visa issuance. On reentry to the United States, you should expect thorough screening at the port of entry. Any questions? Contact the Visa Office at visaoffice@fnal.gov.

Indoor soccer
Indoor Soccer is on Tuesdays (6:00 pm – 9:00 pm) and Thursdays (6:00 pm - 9:00 pm) and Sundays (4:00 pm – 7:00 pm) in the Gym at the Village. Gym membership required. Please contact O'Sheg Oshinowo at Oshinowo@fnal.gov for more information.

NALWO Thanksgiving dinner demo
Wednesday, 18 November at 5 PM fro cooking demo, 6:30 PMtastings and potluck meal at Chez Leon. Get acquainted with and learn how to prepare the typical foods of an American Thanksgiving dinner. All are welcome . There is no need to bring food. but you are invited to bring your special Thanksgiving side dish to share (turkey will be provided). A cookbook will be available at the event. If you have favorite recipes you'd like to contribute for the cookbook, please send them to mady.newfield@gmail.com by Wednesday, November 11. RSVP would be appreciated, to mady.newfield@gmail.com. Questions: contact nalwo@fnal.gov or Mady at 630-584-082

International folk dancing 7 p.m. start this Thursday, Nov. 5, at Kuhn Barn, no dancing on Thanksgiving
International folk dancing meets weekly, Thursday evenings, from 7:30 to 10 p.m. but this Thursday,Nov. 5, dancing will begin at 7 p.m. with a special beginner program. Newcomers are always welcome. There is instruction and dances for children and newer dancers early in the evening and request dancing later on. Many of the dances are lines and circles, with no partners needed. The group will not meet on Thanksgiving, Nov. 26. For more information, email folkdance@fnal.gov or check http://orgs.fnal.gov/folkdance/ or call 630-584-0825 or 630-232- 9089.

Thanksgiving cooking demo, recipe sharing, potluck tasting meal - Wednesday, Nov 18, 5 p.m. Chez Leon
NALWO-Fermilab's Community Organization will host a discussion, demo and meal to share the diversity of American Thanksgiving traditions on Wednesday, Nov. 18, at Chez Leon. Starting at 5 p.m., we'll discuss classic ingredients and how to prepare them, and at 6:30 p.m. we'll share a meal of turkey (provided) and potluck side dishes. We encourage all to contribute their favorite Thanksgiving recipes for a cookbook and bring samples for the tasting meal. However visitors are also welcome without a food contribution. Please send recipes by Wed., Nov. 11, to mady.newfield@gmail.com. An RSVP is also appreciated, to Mady by email or at 630-584-0825.

Fermilab Prescription Safety Eyewear Notice:
There will be no on-site technician Wednesday, Novemer 25, 2015. ESH&Q apologizes for any inconvenience.

Workshop on Booster Performance and Enhancements - Nov. 23-24
The Proton Improvement Plan (PIP) will be hosting a Workshop that will be held on 23- 24 November 2015 at Wilson Hall. This Booster Workshop will bring together partners, collaborators, users and collegial experts to confer with Fermilab accelerator physicists and experts to critically assess issues related to the intensity and performance of the the Fermilab Booster synchrotron, and comparable accelerators elsewhere. For those who would like to attend, the link to the workshop website is: https://indico.fnal.gov/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=10547 Questions can be addressed to: Bill Pellico (pellico@fnal.gov), Bob Zwaska (zwaska@fnal.gov) or Cheng-Yang Tan (cytan@fnal.gov)

Professional & Organization Development 2015-16 fall/winter course schedule
Professional & Organization Development 2015-16 fall/winter course schedule The Office for Professional & Organization Development 2015-16 fall/winter course schedule is available. The schedule includes management, professional development, technical and computing courses, including all Microsoft 2013 application courses. To view course descriptions and to enroll, please visit http://wdrs.fnal.gov/train-dev/index.htm If you have a request for specialized training, contact Barbara Brooks x5021.

English country dancing Halloween Party Sunday afternoon Oct. 25 at Kuhn Barn
English country dancing will feature a Halloween theme Sunday, October 25, from 1 to 5 p.m. at Kuhn Village Barn. The program starts with dances for experienced dancers at 1 p.m., and dances for everyone from 2 to 5 p.m. Newcomers are always welcome to join this social and accessible sort of dancing. Costumes are encouraged, and donations of treats for the break are welcomed. The next dance, on Sunday, November 22, will have live music by Old Fezziwig's Band. For more information visit http://chicagolandecd.org or http://orgs.fnal.gov/folkdance/english/ or contact folkdance@fnal.gov or 630-584-0825.