Fermilab Today Wednesday, May 24, 2006  

Wednesday, May 24
11:00 a.m. Fermilab ILC R&D Meeting - 1 West
Speaker: P. Bauer, Fermilab
Title: ILC SRF Material Activities at Fermilab
3:30 p.m. DIRECTOR'S COFFEE BREAK - 2nd Flr X-Over
4:00 p.m. Fermilab Colloquium - 1 West
Speaker: N. Lane, Rice University
Title: The Future of U.S. Science - to Follow or to Lead?

Thursday, May 25
12:00 p.m. Summer Lecture Series - Curia II
Speaker: A. Kolb, Fermilab
Title: Fermilab, 1967-2006: Four Decades at the Frontier
2:30 p.m. Theoretical Physics Seminar - Curia II
Speaker: S. Raby, Ohio State University
Title: Constructing 5D Orbifold GUTs from Heterotic Strings
3:30 p.m. DIRECTOR'S COFFEE BREAK - 2nd Flr X-Over
4:00 p.m. Accelerator Physics and Technology Seminar - Curia II (note location)
Speaker: T. Sen, Fermilab
Title: US-LHC Activities in the Accelerator Division

Click here for links to descriptions of each event.

WeatherT-Storms likely 79º/61º

Extended Forecast

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Secon Level 3

Wednesday, May 24
-Vegetable Beef
-Fish and Chips
-Country Fried Steak with Pepper Gravy
-Beef and Cheddar Panini with Sauteed Onions
-Assorted Personal Sized Pizzas
-Cavatappi Pasta with Italian Sausage and Tomato Ragu

The Wilson Hall Cafe accepts Visa, Master Card, Discover and American Express.

Wilson Hall Cafe Menu


Wednesday, May 24
Dessert Lunch
-Cold Fruit Soup
-Assortment of Desserts
-Cold Lime Soufflé

Thursday, May 25

Chez Leon Menu
Call x4598 to make your reservation.

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Help Heartland save lives
Abigail Bartel, now in remission from liver cancer, was helped through a number of surgical procedures with Heartland blood donations.
Did you know that a single pint of blood can help three different patients? This year, Fermilab will host a number of blood drives with the Heartland Blood Center, and volunteers are needed to help coordinate the events. In addition to a drive earlier this year, two more are scheduled; one for August 21-22 and the other for December 11-12. Heartland hopes Fermilab will schedule one more drive this year to bring the total to four. In order to do that, volunteers will need to act as liaisons, and anyone at Fermilab can help. With an average of 80 donors per drive, you may be saving 240 lives just by helping to book the next one.

Business Services' Lori Limberg has volunteered for six straight years and has streamlined the job, so helping should not take too much time. She says the job consists of sending emails to past donors (she has compiled a list), acting as a contact person for the blood center, reserving two rooms for the drive and reserving parking for Golden Kiwanis members who will register donors. If Fermilab can book four drives this year, the heartland will offer seasonal incentives for donors such as Oberweiss gift certificates in the summer and fleece jackets in the fall.

"There are a lot of people here who have given blood, and five donors here have given over 40 times," said Limberg. "They've made a serious life commitment...you just come away with a good feeling after doing this."

If you are interested in volunteering, contact Bruce Chrisman at chrisman@fnal.gov. If you have questions about volunteering, contact Lori Limberg at llimberg@fnal.gov.
--Siri Steiner

Soudan laboratory hosts successful open house
Fun tricks were revealed at the cryogenics facts and magic show during the Soudan open house. In addition to holding the far-detector for the MINOS neutrino experiment, the Soudan mine houses the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search detector, which operates at near absolute zero.
Fermilab's Minnesota cousin, Soudan Underground Laboratory, hosted its 16th annual open house on May 6. Over 460 people came to the event, traveled 2,400 feet down into the mine shaft-turned-laboratory, viewed the 6,000-ton neutrino detector, and learned about Fermilab's Cryogenic Dark Matter Search as well as the MINOS neutrino experiment. You can take your own online tour here.
In the News
Seed Magazine,
May 22, 2006:

Discovery for the Sake of Discovery: The new particle accelerator is truly a Gothic cathedral of the 21st century.

On a summer day, you can ride your bicycle through the narrow lanes that bisect fields of grass on the outskirts of Geneva with no thought that, dozens of meters below, one of the most complex construction projects in human history is underway. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), just one year from completion at CERN, will be the most powerful particle accelerator ever constructed, the largest and most technologically sophisticated machine ever built, and one of the greatest scientific endeavors humanity has yet undertaken.

The late Austrian-American physicist Victor Weisskopf described the grand particle accelerators that began to take shape around the world in the 1950's and 60's as the "Gothic cathedrals of the 20th century." The comparison was, and is, apt. The medieval cathedrals pushed the limits of available technology, involved the craftsmanship of literally thousands of skilled workers, and took generations (and sometimes centuries) to complete. Modern particle accelerators require decades from conception to completion and involve scientists from about 80 countries, speaking dozens of languages, whose separate handiwork must mesh together perfectly on the scale of thousandths of millimeters. The physical magnitude of these distinct public works projects is similarly comparable-just one of the LHC's four detectors is large enough to house the Notre Dame Cathedral.
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CERN-Fermilab Physics Summer School a smash
The poster for the first CERN-Fermilab Hadron Collider Physics Summer School, welcoming advanced physics students from around the world to Fermilab. Next year, the summer school will be held at CERN, home of the new Large Hadron Collider.
The Organizing Committee for the first CERN-Fermilab Hadron Collider Physics Summer School sent out its acceptance e-mails to the applicants selected to participate this August. "We were overwhelmed with 300 applications for the planned 100 places," said Fermilab's Jeffrey Appel, Co-Director with Bogdan Dobrescu of the Organizing Committee for the school. In response to the great interest in the school, the Organizing Committee members have increased their class size to nearly 150 participants. "In spite of this increase in size, we are committed to maintaining a school atmosphere," said Appel. To accommodate the extra students, the committee will need to reorganize portions of the academic schedule, budgets, and social event plans.

Even with the increased size of the school, not everyone who wants to participate will be able to do so. "We focused on those whom we think will get the most out of the school, and will try to accept more than were initially accepted. We will also schedule a significant number of lectures in the Auditorium, open to the larger Fermilab community, and plan to video-cast all the school lectures," Appel added.

Registration by accepted applicants is required by June 2 to hold a place in the school. The students accepted are from universities and laboratories in more than 20 countries, half of them from US institutions. A second school is in the works for the summer of 2007, to be held at CERN just before the LHC is turned on. "The timing of this school and the one planned for next summer at CERN couldn't be better," Appel said
--Jennifer Lauren Lee

Accelerator Update
May 22-23
- Startup
- 8 GeV, MI, Recycler, Pelletron, MiniBooNE given permission to run
- Beam established to Booster and MI
- Machine Reports
Read the Current Accelerator Update
Read the Early Bird Report
View the Tevatron Luminosity Charts

International Folk Dancing
International Folk Dancing will meet Thursday, May 25, at Kuhn Barn before moving to Ramsey Auditorium for the summer on June 1. Dancing begins at 7:30 p.m. with teaching and children's dances earlier in the evening and request dancing later on. Newcomers are welcome and you do not need to come with a partner. Info at 630-584-0825 or 630-840-8194 or folkdance@fnal.gov.

Dinosaurs at SciTech
The SciTech Hands-on Museum in Aurora hosts "Dinosaurios Argentinos," an exhibit with lifelike replicas and 8 complete skeletons of dinosaurs. The objects are for the first time on display in the United States and include the Giganotosaurus, the largest predator to ever walk the earth. Tickets are $12. SciTech will launch "Dinos on Parade", an exhibit of about 15 painted dinosaurs, in the streets of Aurora on Memorial Day weekend; more information.

Village Pool to open this weekend
The Village Pool will open Saturday, May 27, at 10:00 am. The baby pool will not be open as we will be tiling the pool in the near future. Please watch for further notices regarding the use of the baby pool. Memberships to the pool can be purchased in the Recreation Office or you may pay the daily fee at the pool.

Canoes and Car pack Rental
Canoes and car racks can be rented through the Recreation Office, WH15W. Cost is $7 per day per canoe and $5 for the car rack. This includes paddles and life jackets. More information can be found on the recreation website.

Film developing program suspended
Once the envelopes located at the drop off box for film developing have run out, Fermilab will no longer be using the Sundance Company for film development. If or when the office finds another company to provide this service, photo developing will be offered again.

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