Fermilab Today Wednesday, November 1, 2006  

Wednesday, November 1
11:00 a.m. Fermilab ILC R&D Meeting - 1 West
Speaker: A. Para, Fermilab
Title: A Study of Novel Detector Geometry for the ILC
3:30 p.m. Director's Coffee Break - 2nd floor crossover
4:00 p.m. Fermilab Colloquium - Auditorium (note location)
Speaker: W. Panofsky, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Title: Can the Spread of Nuclear Weapons Be Stopped?

Thursday, November 2
11:00 a.m. Academic Lecture Series - 1 West
Speaker: W. Giele, Fermilab
1:00 p.m. ALCPG ILC Physics and Detector Seminar - Hornet's Nest (WH-8XO)
Speaker: A. Seryi, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Title: Initial Evaluation of Push-Pull Option
2:00 p.m. Theoretical Physics Seminar (note time) - Curia II
Speaker: K. Kong, Fermilab
Title: Measuring Masses and Spins of New Particles at Colliders
3:00 p.m. Special Particle Astrophysics Seminar - WH-6NW
Speaker: P. Gorodetzky, College de France, Paris
Title: EUSO: Resurrection Then Maybe Ascension Instead of Cosmic Vision
3:30 p.m. DIRECTOR'S COFFEE BREAK - 2nd Flr X-Over
4:00 p.m. Accelerator Physics and Technology Seminar - 1 West
Speakers: D. Harding and W. Chou, Fermilab
Title: The MI Wide Aperture Quadrupole (WQB) Project

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WeatherPartly Cloudy 45º/21º

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Weather at Fermilab


Secon Level 3

Wednesday, November 1
-Portabello Harvest Grain
-Santa Fe Chicken Quesadilla
-Teriyaki Chicken with vegetables
-Beef Stroganoff
-Triple Decker Club
-Assorted Slice Pizza
-Pesto Shrimp Linguini with Leeks and Tomatoes

Wilson Hall Cafe Menu


Wednesday, November 1
Chicken Marbella
Saffron Rice with Vegetables
Chocolate Cheesecake with Strawberry Coulis

Thursday, November 2
Steamed Mussels w/White Wine, Garlic & Thyme
Spicy Spare Ribs
Sautéed Greens
Spaghetti Squash
Lemon Napoleons

Chez Leon Menu
Call x4598 to make your reservation.

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DOE awards contract to
the Fermi Research Alliance
The contract was signed by Pier Oddone, FRA president and Fermilab director, and Dennis Wilson, FSO contracting officer. From left: Robert Zimmer, Ray Orbach, Dennis Hastert and Fred Bernthal are standing behind the table.

DOE Press Release:

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has awarded a new $1.575 billion, five-year contract for management and operation of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL) to the Fermi Research Alliance, LLC (FRA), owned jointly by the University of Chicago (UChicago) and Universities Research Association, Inc. (URA).

"The quality of the new contract is a direct consequence of the competition process," DOE Under Secretary for Science Dr. Raymond L. Orbach said today at a ceremony at Fermilab where he made the announcement of the contractor. "The partnership between UChicago and URA will enhance organizational depth and capability, promising improvements in performance and accountability."

House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert also participated in the ceremony.

As a new independent entity, FRA was supported in its proposal by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Northwestern University, Northern Illinois University and the Illinois Institute of Technology.
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Fermi Research Alliance
to manage Fermilab

FRA Press Release:

Fermi Research Alliance, LLC, a partnership between the University of Chicago and Universities Research Association Inc., has been chosen by the U.S. Department of Energy to operate Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, effective Jan. 1, 2007. The Alliance is a new corporation that was formed in response to the DOE's competition to manage Fermilab and is dedicated solely to the laboratory's management.

Fermilab has been operated for the Department of Energy by URA since the laboratory's inception in 1967, and scientists at the laboratory have made many crucial discoveries about the fundamental nature of matter and energy. The University of Chicago has managed the DOE's nearby Argonne National Laboratory since Argonne's founding in 1946. The DOE's Office of Science is the nation's major supporter of federally funded research in particle physics, and much of the past century's extraordinary progress in the understanding of the elementary structure of matter comes directly from DOE-funded research.
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Panofsky to speak today
Wolfgang K.H. Panofsky, founding director of SLAC, will speak today, Wednesday, at Fermilab's Colloquium. His talk titled, "Can the Spread of Nuclear Weapons Be Stopped?" will take place at 4 p.m. in the auditorium.

Ramberg explains mass and energy to USA Today
For a nice description of matter-antimatter collisions at Fermilab, check out Monday's issue of USA Today. Reporter April Holladay interviewed Fermilab physicist Erik Ramberg to get the scoop on mass-energy conversions.
In the News
CERN Press Release,
October 31, 2006:

Antiprotons Four Times More Effective than Protons for Cell Irradiation Geneva, 31 October 2006. A pioneering experiment at CERN[1] with potential future application in cancer therapy has produced its first results. Started in 2003, ACE (Antiproton Cell Experiment) is the first investigation of the biological effects of antiprotons.

"We have taken the first step towards a novel treatment for cancer. The results show that antiprotons are four times more effective than protons at terminating live cells. Although it still has to be compared with other existing methods, it is a breakthrough in this area of investigation." says Michael Doser at CERN, one of the scientists collaborating on the experiment. ACE brings together a team of experts in the fields of physics, biology, and medicine from 10 institutes around the world.
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Director's Corner
Fermi Research Alliance
Pier Oddone addressed the crowd at the signing ceremony.
Over two years ago the Department of Energy announced that the contract to run Fermilab would be open for competitive bidding. Today the DOE awarded the contract to run Fermilab to the Fermi Research Alliance, LLC, a not-for-profit corporation formed by URA and the University of Chicago to manage and operate Fermilab. I will serve as president of FRA and director of the laboratory and will report to the chairman of the Board of Directors who by FRA's charter is the president of the University of Chicago. The Board is composed of distinguished members of academia, national laboratories and industry and is appointed in equal numbers by URA and the University of Chicago.

The details of the new arrangement to manage and operate Fermilab can be found in the transition website. Here I want to share some of the ideas that have motivated the creation of FRA and share the enthusiasm that I have for the great strengths and opportunities that it brings.

The call for competing Fermilab's contract led to a deep examination within URA about what new arrangements would benefit the DOE and the laboratory in the long term. Our conclusion was that a partnership between URA - an organization that brings broad national involvement - and the University of Chicago - that brings great depth and management experience - would be ideal. Don Randel, then President of the University of Chicago, saw that this arrangement would bring many benefits to the laboratory and supported this idea in the national interest. From that time on we have received the enthusiastic support of the senior management of the University, culminating with the outstanding support and the participation of Robert Zimmer, the new president of the University of Chicago and chairman of the board of FRA, in the oral defense of FRA's proposal.

FRA as the managing entity for Fermilab brings many additional strengths beyond the broad national involvement represented by the URA universities. These include a powerful connection to Illinois through the commitments and participation of the major Illinois universities, a strengthened link to ANL, which is managed by the University of Chicago, and human and technical resources from our designated subcontractor EG&G to benchmark and implement best practices across the laboratory. FRA is designed to further the very ambitious program of the laboratory.

The transition from URA to FRA should be seamless for our present employees and will occur during November and December. All salaries and benefits will remain the same. Our colleagues involved in the transition team will have an arduous two months ahead as every contract currently in existence has to be reviewed and assumed by the new corporation. I urge you all to give them your full cooperation and support.

You can watch a video of the signing ceremony on the Visual Media Services Website.

New bulls: Every 5 or 6 years, Roads and Grounds replaces the herd bulls to maintain healthy blood lines. Mike Becker sent us pictures of the newest bulls. "Two new Fermilab employees reported to work last Friday," he wrote. "The two-year-olds make up for their lack of experience with plenty of enthusiasm. Of course, as new employees they will have to attend several days of safety training before they can actually do any work. Their first duties will be to keep the pasture grasses trimmed and apply fertilizer as necessary."

The bulls are named "191" and "210." 210 is shown above, you can see 191 if you click on the image.


Free training on Digital Certificates
Digital Certificates are commonly used at Fermilab and the broader open science community. When shopping online, the underlying technology that allows a transaction to remain secure is based on the use of digital certificates. Fermilab is now offering a free beginning level course that will provide a background on certificates, then give specific instructions on how to install certificates in your browser, including the two most popular certificates at Fermilab: KCAs and DOEGrids. Internet Explorer, the Netscape family, and Safari will be addressed. Participants are encouraged to bring a laptop, but are not required to. To enroll in the November 6 or December 4 training session please visit the course enrollment Website.

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