Fermilab Today Monday, February 26, 2007

Mon., February 26
2:00 p.m. Accelerator Physics and Technology Seminar - (NOTE DATE AND TIME)
Speaker: S. Sawada, KEK
Title: J-PARC Status and Channeling Experiments in Japan for J-PARC and ILC
2:30 p.m. Particle Astrophysics Seminar
Speaker: P. McDonald, University of Toronto
Title: Probing Inflation, Dark Matter, Dark Energy, etc. Using the Lyman-Alpha Forest
4:00 p.m. All Experimenters' Meeting
Special Topics: Streamlining CDF Shift Operations; Adaptive RF Correction in the Recycler

Tue., February 27
11:00 a.m. Academic Lecture Series - 1 West
Speaker: A. Kronfeld, Fermilab
Title: Course 5, Part 2: Lattice QCD with Applications to B Physics
2:00 p.m. Research Techniques Seminar - Curia II
Speaker: H. Wieman, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Title: A High Resolution Vertex Detector for the STAR Experiment at RICH
3:30 p.m. Director's Coffee Break - 2nd floor crossover
4:00 p.m. Accelerator Physics and Technology Seminar - 1 West
Speaker: W. Scandale, CERN
Title: Observations of Proton Reflection on Bent Crystals at the CERN-SPS

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Secon Level 3

Wilson Hall Cafe
Monday, February 26

Wilson Hall Cafe Menu

Chez Leon

Wednesday, February 28
-Northern Italian Lasagna
-Caesar Salad

Thursday, March 1
-Seafood Soup
-Grilled Duck Breast w/Pan Asian Flavors
-Brown Rice Medley
-Vegetable of the Season
-Ginger Shortcake w/Strawberries

Chez Leon Menu
Call x4598 to make your reservation.


Fermilab Today
Result of the Week
Safety Tip of the Week
ILC NewsLine


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Before it was Fermilab, land produced food and memories

Fermilab firefighter Rod Oxe spent a large part of his childhood as a farm kid at Fermilab.

If it's winter and you want to make refrigerator rolls from the recipe in the 2007 edition of the Fermilab Farmers Cookbook, you could just skip the refrigerator and keep the dough overnight on your summerporch. That's how Pearl Miller did it when she lived as a farmer's wife on the land that is now Fermilab. And she wrote the recipe.

"She made it once a week and we had it with breakfast instead of toast," said Miller's grandson Rod Oxe, who has been a Fermilab firefighter since 1977. As a teenager, Oxe stayed on his grandparents' farm, helping with the chickens, cows, geese, ducks, oats and corn that grew there. "My strongest memory is wearing a handkerchief around my mouth, because I had grain dust allergies," he said. "I was working the dirt with everyone else, sneezing and hacking. I loved it." He also remembers the food. "We always ate big meals when we were working. A huge breakfast and a huge lunch."

The recipes for those meals have been recorded in annual volumes of the Farmer's Cookbook (you can find an advanced draft of the 2007 issue here). Most of the recipes use ingredients that came from lab land, before it was a lab. "Growing up, I didn't even know what a turkey was. On holidays we had fresh duck or goose, or we would exchange a fresh ham with a neighbor who raised pigs," said Oxe. Fresh goose does not appear in this year's book. But one of Oxe's favorites, Grandma Miller's rhubarb cake, does. "It was an especially big treat to skim the bulk tank off to make whipping cream to eat with her pies and cakes," he said. "But since that's the butter fat--the dollars and cents of the milk--whipped cream was only for very special occasions."
--Siri Steiner

Learn more about Fermilab farmers on the history website. You can watch a 1997 video of the first Fermilab farmer's picnic here.
Readers Write


Tita Jensen and Kathy Lootens party at Chez Leon.

Dear FT:

Thursday, February 22 was "Carnival" at Chez Leon. As soon as the dishes were cleared and put away from the Wednesday lunch, the ladies who work at Chez Leon started decorating for the celebration.

Tita Jensen brought the costumes and masks back from her native Dominican Republic (see photo). Chivas Makaroplos made her own. The other photos are of guests working off the wonderful meal with a conga line.

The evening was amazing!

Suzanne M. Weber
Particle Physics Division

In the News

Science Magazine,
February 23, 2007:

NSF Enjoys a Heartfelt Ending to a Difficult Budget Year

On Valentine's Day, the U.S. Congress sent the National Science Foundation (NSF) a long-delayed token of its warm feelings for the $6 billion basic science agency. It came at the end of a marathon budgetmaking process that stretched 4 ½ months past its intended deadline. The card was signed by the new House Speaker, Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

Read More (subscription required)
Safety Tip of the Week


Fermilab's Site Occupational Medical Director, Dr. Brian Svazas (seen smiling at upper right), with his right index finger stuck into the top of a plastic model of a right knee joint. Note the clever use of a hanging folder to provide a neutral background.

The knee is the largest joint in the body and is often the site of pain and injury. Though it accounts for only 3.7 percent of Fermilab's recordable occupational injuries since 1984, it is responsible for a disproportionate amount of disability: 8.2 percent of lost work and 8.9 percent of restricted duty days. Half of the injuries are caused by slips, trips, or falls. Another twenty percent result from striking accidents and overexertion. In addition to work-related conditions, a significant fraction of the Lab's health insurance costs and sick leave usage are associated with knee-replacement surgery subsequent to osteoarthritis.

So what can you do to reduce the risks of knee injury and disease?

Accident prevention: Make sure you have adequate footing and avoid trip hazards. Avoid squatting or prolonged kneeling, as well as forceful leg straightening while twisting.

Health maintenance: Exercise to maintain flexibility, strength, and coordination. However, avoid activities that impose large forces or impacts to any small part of the knee at one time. Bicycling, pool exercises, and low-impact knee exercises are good. Deep knee bends, long-distance running, and vigorous competitive sports can be harmful if you are out of shape or have already experienced knee injury. Since obesity greatly increases the risk of osteoarthritis, this is another good reason to keep your weight under control.

Safety Tip of the Week Archive

Photo of the Day

Owl rescue: Last Friday inventory control's Dave Seifert discovered an eastern screech owl inside the site 38 stockroom. After a call to Roads and Grounds, Jim Kalina came to the stockroom and captured the bird. "It was just a matter of going over and being really gentle with him," said Kalina. Owls fall asleep easily during the day, and this owl feel asleep in Kalina's hands. "I picked him up and covered his head to settle him down, then I took him outside and woke him up," he explained. After it was released, the owl made itself comfortable in a nearby tree.

Accelerator Update

February 21 - 23
- Three stores provided 34 hour and 10 minutes of luminosity
- ComEd power glitch causes quench
- Feeder 32 trip hits CHL and the Neutrino and Meson area
- LRF5 has weak Power Amplifier
- MTest (T953) begins taking beam
- MI extracts a record intensity of 4.04E13 with one pulse to NuMI

Read the Current Accelerator Update
Read the Early Bird Report
View the Tevatron Luminosity Charts


Submissions for URA Thesis Award
due before March 1

Fermilab and Universities Research Association invite submissions for the tenth annual URA Thesis Award Competition. The award recognizes the most outstanding thesis related to work performed at Fermilab or in collaboration with Fermilab scientists and must have been completed in the 2006 calendar year.

Nominations must be submitted to Richard Tesarek (tesarek@fnal.gov) by March 1, 2007 and should include a letter supporting the merits of the thesis being nominated. (Theses can be uploaded to Tech Pubs.) Selection will be made by the Thesis Awards Committee. Each thesis will be judged on clarity of presentation, originality and physics content. To qualify, the thesis must have been submitted as partial fulfillment of the Ph.D requirements and be written in English, and it must have been submitted in electronic form to the Fermilab Publications Office in accordance with Fermilab policy. The recipient of the award will receive a certificate of recognition and a check for $3000.

Upcoming brown bag seminar
Please mark your calendars for Friday, March 2. Sheron Brown, M.D. will present a brown bag seminar titled "Eat..Sleep...Breathe... & Move" (rescheduled from an earlier date). The seminar will be held in One West from noon to 1:00 p.m.

Upcoming Activities

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