Fermilab Today Monday, August 27, 2007

Mon., Aug. 27
12:00 p.m.
Wellness Works Brown Bag Seminar - One West
Speaker: R. Taylor (Author)
Title: Alzheimer's - The Disease and Its Challenges
2:30 p.m.
Particle Astrophysics Seminar - Curia II
Speaker: C. Chang, University of Chicago
Title: Cosmology with the South Pole Telescope
3:30 p.m.
THERE WILL BE NO All Experimenters' Meeting THIS WEEK

Tue., Aug. 28
11:30 a.m.
Summer Lecture Series - Curia II
Speaker: S. Dodelson, Fermilab
Title: Fundamental Physics from Space
3:30 p.m.

Click here for NALCAL,
a weekly calendar with links to additional information.


WeatherSunny 87°/66°

Extended Forecast
Weather at Fermilab

Current Security Status

Secon Level 3

Wilson Hall Cafe
Monday, August 27
- Wisconsin cheese
- Corned beef reuben
- Stuffed chicken breast
- Mostaccioli al forno
- Chicken oriental wrap pineapple
- Assorted slice pizza
- Pacific rim rice bowl

Wilson Hall Cafe Menu

Chez Leon

Wednesday, August 29
- Grilled Tuna w/White Beans & Charred Onion Salad
- Fruit Tarts

Thursday, August 30
- Smoked Salmon Napoleon
- Tournedos of Beef w/Madeira Sauce
- Cauliflower Gratin
- Vegetable of the Season
- Bourbon Walnut Pie

Chez Leon Menu
Call x4598 to make your reservation.


Fermilab Today
Result of the Week
Safety Tip of the Week
ILC NewsLine


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Congressional staffers tour ILC R&D facilities at lab

On Thursday, three staffers of the US House Committee on Science & Technology visited Fermilab. They came to learn about the proposed International Linear Collider and Fermilab's roadmap to the future. Harry Carter (top photo, left) gave the tour at MP9, to Christopher King, Adam Rosenberg (both CST), Sergei Nagaitsev (Fermilab) and Michelle Dallafior (CST). "Hopefully we can act as a conduit, providing as much information to the decision makers as possible," said Christopher King at a meeting with Director Pier Oddone, Deputy Director Young-Kee Kim and members of the ILC project.

From left: Harry Carter shows an ILC-type cavity to Andy Hocker, Camille Ginsburg (both Fermilab), Michelle Dallafior (CST), Rich Stanek (Fermilab), Adam Rosenberg (CST), Mark Bollinger (deputy head, DOE Fermi Site Office), Christopher King (CST) and Bob Kephart (Fermilab ILC project director).


Taking physics out of the textbook and into the tunnel

QuarkNet members take a tour of the AntiProton Source as part of the first annual Modern Physics Fair earlier this month.

Particle physics doesn't just involve big visions and big bangs. Today, it involves dust and dirt. Metal and magnets. It's a multi-billion dollar industry supporting tens of thousands of jobs world wide, including hundreds at Fermilab in Batavia.

But try explaining that to a restless teenager cooped up in a classroom. Members of the local QuarkNet center at Fermilab decided that showing the teens would work better than talking, but first they had to educate teachers on how to do that.

The QuarkNet members launched the first Modern Physics fair in early August to expose teachers to current research and show them how to translate that into hands-on classroom projects. Thirty area high school teachers learned to analyze Fermilab data, create mini accelerators, use a classroom cosmic ray detector and infuse students with the passion for research.

"We offer something very special here," said Marge Bardeen, Fermilab Education Office director. "We do science here. You hope you get somebody going back to their class and saying, 'Guess what I did this summer.' You hope they bring their kids back for a tour or come to the teacher resource center." Jennifer Ciaccio, a teacher who helped organize the event, said educators were thrilled with the classroom-specific projects and talks by laboratory scientists that applied text book physics to current research students could follow.

A tour of an accelerator tunnel -- a rare privilege -- drew more teachers to the fair than expected. It also helped bring home the enormity of a field that is on the cusp of changing the understanding of how the universe operates. "When they get to see the tunnel or get to see the detector or get to talk to the scientists who appreciate what they do, that's great," Bardeen said. "They become part of the research."

-- Tona Kunz and Lauren Younis

In the News

From Beacon News,
August 25, 2007

Fermilab unveils its 'Project X'

New machine: Proposal would keep lab viable in future

BATAVIA -- While Fermilab officials are still committed to bringing the International Linear Collider to their facility in Batavia, they know that they can't count on it happening anytime soon.

That's why, for the past few months, they've been working to craft what they call a "road map to the future," a plan that will allow them to keep the ILC as a top priority while giving themselves new avenues to explore if the collider is housed elsewhere or delayed for years.

The ILC, a 20-mile-long accelerator that would be housed underground, is currently being designed by an international team of scientists. The massive device, estimated to cost around $5 billion, will be funded through a global effort, and at least three countries are vying to be its host location.

Read more

Safety Tip of the Week

Stockroom safety supplies

Stockroom foreman Dave Seifert displays one type of muff-style protector that is available through the laboratory's stock system.

Do you need safety supplies? Maybe you can find what you want in Fermilab's stockroom. To find out what they have to offer, we visited the stockroom located in the east end of Warehouse 1 at Site 38.

As we entered the area, we were greeted by store keeper Dan Ewen who was working behind the walk-up counter. Ewen explained that the stockroom carries various personal protective equipment including earplugs, gloves, non-prescription safety glasses, hard hats and Tyvek clothing. They also stock sun block, hand sanitizer, mosquito repellant and hornet spray. Ewen said that the highest volume items they carry are gloves and glasses. Leather gloves are most requested by FESS employees, while technicians prefer nitrile and cloth gloves. With the accelerator shutdown, Ewen said that there has been a brisk business in hard hats and Tyvek clothing.

The stockroom is open year-round and carries staple safety and protective equipment. It also carries seasonal items, like "sox" to prevent wasp nesting in pressure cylinder caps. Another seasonal item, mosquito repellent, is in high demand right now, said store keeper Jeff Clark.

On our tour of the stockroom, we also met Dave Seifert. He pointed out that people repeatedly ask for afew items that they do not stock, mainly dust masks and electrical safety gloves. If you need these you should contact your SSO. Click here to view the contents of Fermilab's online stockroom catalog.

Safety Tip of the Week Archive

In the News

From Northwest Herald,
August 24, 2007

Local teacher instructs at Fermilab

CARY - Cary-Grove High School teacher Vandana Thakur has a new title she may tell her students about when classes begin Monday.

The science teacher earned the title "master teacher" after being selected by Fermilab in Batavia to participate in this year's QuarkNet Summer Research Program.

Read more

Accelerator Update
August 17 - 24
- Power outage in Booster east and west 8/25/07
- NTF treats patients during evenings
- Crane working at MTA will move

Read the Current Accelerator Update
Read the Early Bird Report
View the Tevatron Luminosity Charts


Have a safe day!

Video of draft report discussion
Friday's presentation and discussion of the Fermilab Steering Group draft report by Fermilab Deputy Director Young-Kee Kim is available via streaming video or as a Power Point or pdf file on the Steering Group web site. Fermilab Today will also report on the meeting.

School back in session, drive carefully
School is back in session in most communities, including Warrenville and Batavia. A school zone, with reduced speed limits during school hours, is located outside the eastgate on Batavia Road. Please pay attention to school crossings and posted speed limits.

Alzheimer's Brown Bag Seminar today
Wellness Works presents a Brown Bag Seminar on Alzheimer's by Richard Taylor, PhD on Monday, August 27, from noon to 1 p.m. in One West. Taylor is author of the book "Alzheimer's from the Inside Out." He has been diagnosed with dementia, probably of the Alzheimer's type, and will give an honest perspective of the disease and its challenges.

Professional and organization development classes
The Office for Professional and Organization Development has recently added new classes to the fall schedule. More information.

Blood drive Tuesday and Wednesday
A blood drive will be held Tuesday, August 28, and Wednesday, August 29, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Wilson Hall Ground Floor NE Training Room. Although sign up is recommended to keep wait times to a minimum, walk-ins will be accepted. Reservations are available online or by contacting Diana @ x3771 or Margie @ x 3411. Donors will receive a very nice travel mug set (see posters for details).

EAP Office hours Thursday and Friday
This week, the Employee Assistance Program Office will be open on Thursday, August 30, and Friday, August 31.

Scottish country dancing
Scottish country dancing will meet in Ramsey Auditorium this Tuesday, Aug. 28, and will continue at Kuhn Barn beginning in September. Instruction begins at 7:30 p.m. and newcomers are always welcome. Most dances are fully taught and walked through. You do not need to come with a partner. More information available at 630-840-8194 or 630-584-0825 or folkdance@fnal.gov.

Additional Activities

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