Fermilab Today Friday, May 23, 2008
Furlough Information

New furlough information, including an up-to-date Q&A section, appears on the furlough Web pages daily.

Layoff Information

New information on Fermilab layoffs, including an up-to-date Q&A section, appears on the layoff Web pages daily.


Friday, May 23
3:30 p.m.
4 p.m.
Joint Experimental-Theoretical Physics Seminar - One West
Speaker: P. Jonsson, Imperial College
Title: Searches for MSSM Higgs Bosons with DZero
5-7 p.m.
Art Gallery Reception - Art Gallery
Exhibit Title: Earth Works: Gary Schirmer and Philip Schroeder

Monday, May 26
Memorial Day Holiday

Tuesday, May 27
12 p.m.
Summer Lecture Seminar - One West
Speaker: D. Ritchie, Fermilab
Title: Computing in Particle Physics
3:30 p.m.

Click here for NALCAL,
a weekly calendar with links to additional information.


WeatherMostly sunny 63°/44°

Extended Forecast
Weather at Fermilab

Current Security Status

Secon Level 3

Wilson Hall Cafe
Friday, May 23
- Old fashioned ham & bean
- Philly style chicken
- Braised pork chops
- Smart cuisine: baked fish over rice
- Roasted veggie & provolone panini
- Assorted slice pizza
- Roasted pork loin w/raspberry sauce

Wilson Hall Cafe Menu

Chez Leon

Wednesday, May 28
- Asian grilled beef salad
- Coconut cake

Thursday, May 29
- Closed

Chez Leon Menu
Call x4598 to make your reservation.


Fermilab Today
Result of the Week
Safety Tip of the Week
ILC NewsLine


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All-hands video available

Video from Friday's all-hands meeting can now be viewed online.


Ben Kilminster to receive
2008 Tollestrup Award

Ben Kilminster will receive the 2008 Tollestrup Award at Fermilab's annual Users' Meeting, June 4-5.

CDF collaborator Ben Kilminster has been trying to shine the spotlight on the Higgs boson, and in the process has drawn attention to not only the elusive particle but himself. He will receive the 2008 Tollestrup Award for his contributions to the search.

His multi-faceted work and his dedication made Kilminster, a postdoctoral researcher from Ohio State University, stand out among the many nominees for the award, said John Conway, Tollestrup Award committee chairman.

"Kilminster worked for years to improve the sensitivity of CDF and the Tevatron experiments for the Standard Model Higgs," Conway said. "He's worked both in the area of detector hardware and physics analysis. He's really brought it all together."

Alvin Tollestrup, namesake of the award, will present Kilminster with the honor at the annual Users' meeting June 4-5.

"Although I'm honored, this is validation for all of the physicists at the Tevatron conducting Higgs research," Kilminster said.

Kilminster first worked to reduce the rate at which the data collection system triggered on background events in the CDF detector. His improvements to the system help allow the collaboration to collect Higgs events, even as the Tevatron delivers data at record-breaking instantaneous luminosities

After completing his project, Kilminster switched his focus to data analysis. He played major roles in two key search modes for the Higgs, and helped create new techniques for extracting the Higgs signal from background events.

Kilminster has high hopes for future prospects, especially while Higgs data analysis techniques at CDF and DZero continue to improve.

"I think at this point, we are a few inverse femtobarns and one good idea away from finding the Higgs boson at the Tevatron," Kilminster said.

-- Rhianna Wisniewski


Multi-medium Art Gallery exhibit focuses on life, history

Artist Gary Schirmer's rural landscape-inspired paintings, including "Coal Plant," (above) are currently part of the Earth Works exhibit in the Fermilab Art Gallery.

Chinese-inspired ceramic pottery and Midwestern rural landscapes don't usually have much in common. Yet the pottery and paintings currently on display in the Fermilab Art Gallery both tell stories about influences on life and culture.

Rural Midwestern landscape paintings by Gary Schirmer and clay pottery by Philip Schroeder will remain on display as part of the Earth Works exhibit through July 16. All employees may attend an opening reception Friday from 5-7 p.m. in the Fermilab Art Gallery.

Schirmer's vivid paintings are inspired by his rural Midwestern home and depict the strange beauty of technological and industrial implants into the Midwestern landscape.

"(These show the) appendages of our ever-increasing needs and obsessions with energy and communications," Schirmer said in his artist statement.

Schirmer does not intend these works as a criticism of the technological and industrial influences, but rather "they are intended simply to acknowledge them for the omnipresent reality that they are."

The pottery Schroeder creates is also an acknowledgement of a culture and its influence. His works are inspired by the rich history and culture reflected by Tang Dynasty (618-906 AD) ceramics.

"Tang pottery experienced an explosion of technical and aesthetic inventiveness prompted by the emergence of a strong ruling class. A distinct line of pottery vessels was established which were intended for use in ceremony and ritual," he said in his artist statement.

For more information on these artists and their works, visit the Earth Works exhibit Web site.

-- Rhianna Wisniewski

From iSTGW

CMS readies network links for LHC data

CMS data transfer rate in MB/s during the data transer debugging task, from September through November 2007. Image courtesy of CMS.

Transfer 300 billion bytes (3 Gigabytes) per day for six out of seven consecutive days and move a total of 2.3 Terabytes during that same seven-day period-that's 2.3 million million bytes-these are the criteria that major network links in the Compact Muon Solenoid's computing structure must satisfy when the Large Hadron Collider turns on this summer.

The CMS computing structure comprises an internationally distributed system of services and resources that interact over the network through the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG).

The three-tiered architecture, fetchingly illustrated in a Flash animation from the GridCafe, functions as a single coherent system. Data collected at CERN, the top tier (dubbed Tier-0), is distributed to a set of seven Tier-1 sites in as many countries. Tier-1s host large-scale, centrally organized processing activities and in turn distribute data to smaller Tier-2 centers. The 45 Tier-2s provide capacity for analysis, calibration studies and simulation, and are available to the entire CMS collaboration through the grid.

Read more

- Anne Heavey

In the News

Durbin, Foster, Emanuel, Biggert announce $250 million for science funding included in supplemental spending bill

From Senator Dick Durbin's Office, May 22, 2008

U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL), Representative Bill Foster (D-IL) and Rahm Emanuel (D-IL) today announced that by a vote of 75-22 the US Senate passed the domestic funding portion of the emergency supplemental bill that includes an amendment to fund critical science programs administered by the Department of Energy's Office of Science and the National Science Foundation (NSF). The amendment provides $100 million for the Office of Science to ensure that Fermilab and other scientific facilities are able to continue their research and retain staff and $150 million for the NSF to continue critical research. A portion of that $150 million funding will benefit both Fermilab and Argonne National Laboratories.

"Today a veto-proof majority of the Senate decided to restore science funding that the Administration should never have cut," said Durbin. "I will work with Representatives Emanuel and Foster to see that Congress continues to support the critical research at Fermi, Argonne and labs across the country."

"I am proud to join Senator Durbin as we fight to obtain funding for Fermilab. The bill's passage in the Senate is a wonderful step forward for our nation's science programs but I expect that we still have a tough fight ahead. I strongly urge the House and Senate leadership to include this essential funding in the conference report." Rep. Bill Foster (IL-14)

Read more

Read more related stories on Fermilab's budget news page.


Have a safe day!

June 6 deadline for The University of Chicago tuition remission program
The deadline for applying for the tuition remission program at The University of Chicago for the Summer 2008 quarter is June 6. For more information and enrollment forms, contact Nicole Gee at x3697 or visit the Web site.

Weekly Time Sheets due today
Due to the upcoming Memorial Day Holiday, weekly time sheets are due in Payroll by 10 a.m on Friday, May 23.

Women can provide feedback on work environment May 28
Calling all female staff, users and student and senior scientists. Fermilab Deputy Director Young-Kee Kim would like to hear about your work environment at Fermilab. Please join her for a lunchtime meeting from noon-1 p.m. on May 28. The meetings will take place in the small dining room in the southwest corner of the atrium in Wilson Hall. Please bring your lunch. To arrange a private meeting with Young-Kee Kim, please contact Marilyn Smith via e-mail.

Users' meeting June 4-5
Fermilab will host the annual Users' meeting on Wednesday, June 4, and Thursday, June 5. For more information or to register, visit the Users' Meeting Web site.

Project X workshop June 5-6
Following the Users' Meeting June 5, Fermilab and the UEC will hold the third Workshop on Physics with a high-intensity proton source. The workshop begins with a town meeting in One West on the evening of Thursday, June 5, and continues the next day. A preliminary program and registration are here.

English Country Dancing Sunday
English Country Dancing will be held Sunday, May 25, from 2 to 5 p.m. in Kuhn Barn. Putting on Aires will provide live music and a potluck picnic will follow the dancing. Newcomers are always welcome, and no partner is required. For more information please contact folkdance@fnal.gov or call (630) 584-0825 or (630)840-8194.

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