Fermilab Today Tuesday, Sept. 2, 2008

Tuesday, Sept. 2
2:30 p.m.
Particle Astrophysics Seminar - One West (NOTE DATE and LOCATION)
Speaker: M. Sakellariadou, King's College London
Title: Dynamics of Cosmic Superstrings
3:30 p.m.

Wednesday, Sept. 3
3:30 p.m.
4 p.m.
Fermilab Colloquium - One West
Speaker: L. Roberts, Boston University
Title: Muon (g-2): A Probe of the Standard Model and Beyond

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91 °/66°

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Current Security Status

Secon Level 3

Wilson Hall Cafe
Tuesday, Sept. 2
- Chicken & rice soup
- *Smart cuisine: Low carb burger
- Smart cuisine: Beef Spanish rice
- Smart cuisine: Chicken lemon
- Peppered beef
- Assorted pizza slices
- Chicken tostada

*Denotes carb-restricted alternative

Wilson Hall Cafe Menu

Chez Leon

Wednesday, Sept. 3
- Ham & gruyere crepes
- Confetti salad
- Mixed berry cobbler

Thursday, Sept. 4
- Pasta carbonara
- Chilean sea bass w/spicy red pepper sauce
- Sautéed spinach with garlic & lemon
- Fresh fruit tart

Chez Leon Menu
Call x4598 to make your reservation.


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PPD gets new leaders

Greg Bock (left) and Mike Lindgren were recently promoted to acting head and acting deputy head of the Particle Physics Division, respectively.

The Particle Physics Division recently got new leadership. Director Pier Oddone promoted Greg Bock as acting division head and Mike Lindgren as acting deputy head.

Bock takes over as division head from Jim Strait who left to work at CERN on the LHC commissioning after four years overseeing the PPD.

Bock's promotion comes on the heels of receiving Scientist III rating for his exceptional management and technical leadership of large scientific projects and programs, including KTeV, NuMI/MINOS, and the PPD.

He had served as deputy head of PPD since 2007.

"Greg already knows how to do the job, since I abandoned him for a number of extended absences," Strait said. "I always wondered whether people would really want me back after seeing how well Greg did things!"

Lindgren will fill Bock's shoes as deputy head while still retaining his position as CDF department head, which he has held since 2005.

"While I was Division Head, I sought Mike's advice on numerous occasions - and sometimes got advice from him whether I wanted it or not," Strait said. "I essentially always followed his advice, and things went well as a result."

The vast knowledge of the laboratory held by Bock and Lindgren will aid the PPD as it moves forward to meet the recommendations of the Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel, which favors U.S. research in the energy, intensity and cosmic frontiers, including an expanded accelerator program and neutrino research through NOvA.

Both men have shown dedication and flexibility helping keep the Fermilab PPD program healthy during six months of furloughs, retirements and layoff fears brought on by a budget cut In FY2008, which was restored in July.

"Greg and Mike are both exceptionally talented leaders and managers, who will do a splendid job of running the Particle Physics Division," Strait said.

-- Tona Kunz

DOE Press Release

DOE environmental documents available on $278 million NOvA project

From DOE press release,
Aug. 29, 2008

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has completed its environmental review of the $278 million NOvA project at its Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, IL and at a site in St. Louis County, MN, near the U.S.-Canadian border. The Environmental Assessment and the accompanying Finding of No Significant Impact are available to interested citizens.

Read more (pdf file)

LHC Update

LHC finally gets ready for action

From Physicsworld.com,
Sept. 1, 2008

After nigh-on three decades, scientists at the CERN laboratory near Geneva are on the verge of completing the world’s most powerful particle collider. With all of the 1600 superconducting magnets that will be used to guide protons around the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) having been cooled to 1.9 K, the machine is finally ready to start circulating the first proton beams around its 27 km circumference underground ring.

At 9.30 a.m. local time on 10 September, a team of scientists and engineers will attempt to thread a single, low-intensity bunch of a few billion protons all the way round the €76.3 bn LHC. On the day itself, some 200 journalists from all over the world will be present at CERN to watch events unfold, with live footage of the control room set to be relayed into the lab’s science and innovation “globe”.

The beam will then be passed step by step through each of the LHC’s eight sectors until, by the end of the day, the beam should be fully circulating. After repeating the exercise for protons travelling in the opposite direction around the ring, which could take a further day or so, engineers will then tune the collider’s magnets so that the protons can circulate happily for periods of hours without veering off course.

At some point this autumn, strong focusing magnets will bring the two counter-rotating beams into collision at the LHC’s four interaction points, where the collider’s main experiments are located. If all goes to plan, the LHC will be providing proton–proton collisions at energies of 10 TeV by the end of the year, with a target of 14 TeV by spring next year. Then the real fun starts and the quest to peel back the next layer of nature can begin.

Start-up fever

With the world watching the switch-on — even Fermilab in the US will be having a pyjama party to celebrate, with director Pier Oddone allegedly planning to turn up in full nightwear — a lot is riding on a successful day’s work on 10 September.

Read more

Director's Corner

Down to the wire

Pier Oddone poses in front of the CMS detector at CERN

The LHC is scheduled to have its first beam circulating around the machine next week, to be precise on September 10. It is a gutsy thing to do to predict the first turn around the machine on a precise date. The LHC is an astonishingly large and complex machine. The prediction of the first turn is only possible as a result of the last few months of remarkable progress and consolidation.

Last week I visited the control room of the LHC with Lyn Evans, the leader of the LHC. I met there with several Fermilab folks who have done a great job in helping complete the accelerator. Lyn was very complimentary about their roles. The control room is the largest control room I have seen, on an appropriate scale for the largest machine on earth. Inside one single space four large rings of consoles control four different parts of the complex, essentially four control rooms within a single room. It will make for good communications, a shared coffee machine, and an exciting atmosphere for the folks commissioning the machine.

The detectors are also complete, a silver lining arising from the various LHC delays. I visited CMS, a thing of beauty now finally honoring its name of "Compact Muon Spectrometer." It is compact indeed, very clean and deceptively simple on the outside, considering the great complexity and sophistication of its innards. Because it was built on the surface and then lowered in slices, it has an architecture that allows easy assembly and access (relatively speaking). This should be a boon for future improvements and upgrades of the detector. The contribution of US institutions and Fermilab to all aspects of CMS is huge. We are ready for the exploitation phase and almost contemporaneously the start of future upgrades. At Fermilab we are committed to the support and the strengthening of the US CMS community and the global CMS community for what should be a fantastic voyage of exploration.

Accelerator Update

August 27-29
- Three stores provided ~21 hours and 23 minutes
- Recycler installs amplifier on for 2-4 stochastic cooling
- TeV shutdown on Thursday for CDF maintenance work
- TeV quench during wet squeeze - B0Q6 power supply
- Pbar Pulsed magnet bad, needed replacement.

Read the Current Accelerator Update
Read the Early Bird Report
View the Tevatron Luminosity Charts


Have a safe day!

Today is an Air Pollution Action Day
The Partners for Clean Air and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency are issuing an Air Pollution Action Day today. Check www.cleantheair.org for updates and tips on reducing impact.

NIU offers quantum physics class
Northern Illinois University offers a physics class on quantum mechanics on Mondays and Wednesdays from 12:30 - 1:45 p.m. The class, "Quantum Mechanics Phys 660", will cover linear vector spaces, operators and the formal structure of quantum theory; elementary treatment of simple systems; matrix mechanics; angular momentum and spin, time-independent and dependent-perturbation methods, the variational principle; and applications to simple atoms and molecules. If interested, contact Amber Johnson.

Altera's Quartus II Software Design classes
The Office for Professional and Organization Development will offer classes in Altera's Quartus II Software Design Series. Altera's Quartus II Software Design Series: Timing Analysis - Sept. 16. Learn more and enroll. Altera's Quartus II Software Design Series: Optimization - Sept. 17. Learn more and enroll. The enrollment deadline for both classes is Aug. 29.

Scottish Country Dancing Tuesday
Scottish Country Dancing will move back to Kuhn Barn in the Fermilab Village for the fall season beginning Tuesday, Sept. 2. Instruction begins at 7:30 p.m. Newcomers are always welcome. Most dances are fully taught and walked through. You do not need to come with a partner. For more information call (630) 840-8194 or (630) 584-0825 or e-mail.

Oct. Microsoft Word, Excel classes offered
The Office for Professional and Organization Development will offer classes in Microsoft Word and Excel in early October. "Word 2003 Advanced" will take place on Oct. 7. Learn more and enroll. "Excel Advanced" will take place on Oct. 8. Learn more and enroll.

Bowling league sign up
Fermilab Wednesday night bowling league is looking for individuals or teams. This mixed league bowls after work at 5:30 p.m. All skill levels are welcome. Bowling begins Sept. 3, at Bowling Green Sports Center on Rt.38 - 1/2 Mile West of Rt.59. Season is 30-weeks long the cost is $15/week. Any person or team interested should contact Al Legan at x4074 legan@fnal.gov or Rich Neswold x3454, neswold@fnal.gov. More information.

Additional Activities

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