Fermilab Today Monday, Nov. 10, 2008

Monday, Nov. 10
3:30 p.m.
4 p.m.
All Experimenters' Meeting - Curia II
Special Topics CMS Commissioning; MINERvA Test Beam Efforts

Tuesday, Nov. 11
2:30 p.m.
Special Joint Experiment-Theoretical Physics Seminar - One West (NOTE DATE)
Title: Study of multi-muon events at CDF
Speaker: Paolo Giromini, INFN Frascati
3:30 p.m.
4 p.m.
Accelerator Physics and Technology Seminar - One West
Speaker: Sergei Nagaitsev, David McGinnis - Fermilab
Title: Alternative Project X Configuration

Click here for NALCAL,
a weekly calendar with links to additional information.



Extended Forecast
Weather at Fermilab

Current Security Status

Secon Level 3

Wilson Hall Cafe

Monday, Nov. 10
- Minestroni
- Patty melt
- Baked chicken enchiladas
- Herbed pot roast
- Chicken melt
- Assorted sliced pizza
- Szechwan green bean w/chicken

Wilson Hall Cafe Menu

Chez Leon

Wednesdsay, Nov. 12
- Eggplant parmesan
- Romaine, walnut & apple salad
- Espresso coupe

Thursday, Nov. 13
- Closed

Chez Leon Menu
Call x4598 to make your reservation.


Fermilab Today
Result of the Week
Safety Tip of the Week
ILC NewsLine


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In this issue of Fermilab Today you'll notice a few changes. We've added features to both help streamline the information gathering process for Fermilab Today, and to give you more guidance about submitting information.

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Announcements Web page - To fit as many announcements into Fermilab Today as possible, we've changed our announcement format. Beginning today you'll see only announcement headlines in Fermilab Today. These headlines will link to the full text of announcements on a separate Web page, which will remain online until the date given by the author.

Announcements form - To streamline the announcement submission and publication processes, we've created an online Announcements policy and form. Please fill out the form to send in announcement information. To keep announcements concise, we've limited the character count on the text field of this form, meaning that your announcement has a word limit of approximately 75 words.

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In Brief - We started running shorter news pieces under this headline to distinguish between straight forward news stories and longer, feature pieces.

Photo of the Day

A morning ride

TD's Tom Nicol submitted this photo, taken at the corner of Wilson Street and B Road, of the sun rising behind a tree and a motorcyclist out for a morning ride.

In the News

Simply smashing: The basics of hunting particles

From Ottowa Citizen, Nov. 6, 2008

Physics professor Alain Bellerive usually goes mountain biking on Tuesdays. This week, one of his biking buddies bailed out despite perfect weather. He said he wanted to see this cool lecture from the man who runs the Large Hadron Collider in Europe.

He didn't realize that Mr. Bellerive, a professor at Carleton University, works on that exact project, but the interest doesn't surprise the physicist.

The giant particle-hunting machine at the CERN lab in Switzerland has become the science subject for people who don't even like science.

Read more

Safety Tip of the Week


Fermilab dispatcher Zack Schmitt responds to a call in the Wilson Hall Communications Center (Click on image for larger version.)

In any emergency dial 3131. This familiar instruction is posted all over the Fermilab site and shows up repeatedly in safety training. What actually happens when you make that call?

All calls to x3131 are first routed to a dispatcher in the Communications Center located on the ground floor of Wilson Hall. The dispatcher is responsible for figuring out the caller's problem and providing assistance, usually by dispatching emergency response personnel. The laboratory's Chief of Security, Bill Flaherty, explained that x3131 gets called multiple times each day. The most common reasons are symptoms of heart attack, injuries, auto aid alarms to respond to off-site fire departments, Wilson Hall elevator problems and calls that are not really emergencies. Dispatcher Zack Schmitt added that x3131 often gets used incorrectly when people get locked out of Village housing. These folks should really call x3414, the non-emergency phone number for security dispatch.

Flaherty offered the following suggestions to improve the usefulness of the laboratory's emergency phone number.

  • If in doubt, call 3131. It's better to err on the side of safety. A few additional calls will not overload the system.
  • Stay on the line. The dispatcher will continue to collect information from you, usually until emergency responders arrive. In some cases, you may be asked to "wave in" emergency vehicles. Even if you call by mistake, the dispatcher needs to verify that you are not in trouble.
  • Know your location. Emergency responders need to know where they are going. The more specific directions given, the better. Look for building numbers or landmarks.

Until the emergency responders arrive, you are the eyes and ears for the people who can help.

Accelerator Update

Nov. 5-7
- One store provided ~6.5 hours of luminosity
- Fermilab suffers from unexpected 345 kV power outage
- Recovery in progress
- Next store - maybe on Monday, 11/10/08

Read the Current Accelerator Update
Read the Early Bird Report
View the Tevatron Luminosity Charts


Have a safe day!

Fermilab Kyuki-Do begins Nov. 10

NALWO lunch at Chez Leon Nov. 12, register today

Fermilab health fair Nov. 13

Join Fermilab volleyball, training

Barn dance Sunday, Nov. 16

NALWO Thanksgiving feast Nov. 17

Director's volunteer award Nov. 25

Exciting Explorations! child care program offered Nov. 24-26

Submit an announcement

Additional Activities

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