Fermilab Today Monday, Nov. 24, 2008

Monday, Nov. 24
2:30 p.m.
Particle Astrophysics Seminar - Curia II
Speaker: Bob McElrath, CERN
Title: Emergent Electroweak Gravity
3:30 p.m.
4 p.m.
All Experimenters' Meeting - Curia II
Special Topic: SciBooNE Decommissioning Update

Tuesday, Nov. 25
3:30 p.m.

Click here for NALCAL,
a weekly calendar with links to additional information.


WeatherChance of snow

Extended Forecast
Weather at Fermilab

Current Security Status

Secon Level 3

Wilson Hall Cafe

Monday, Nov. 24
- *Potato leek soup
- Monte cristo
- *Savory roasted chicken quarters
- Alfredo tortellini
- Chicken ranch wrapper
- Assorted sliced pizza
- Szechuan style pork lo mein

*Carb restricted alternative

Wilson Hall Cafe Menu

Chez Leon

Wednesdsay, Nov. 26
- Cheese fondue
- Marinated vegetable salad
- Mixed berry parfait

Thursday, Nov. 27
- Closed

Chez Leon Menu
Call x3524 to make your reservation.


Fermilab Today
Result of the Week
Safety Tip of the Week
ILC NewsLine


Fermilab Today
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From Computer Security

Red Teams collecting organization charts

Mark Leininger, Fermilab's computer security manager, wrote this column.

The Department of Energy's Red Teams, groups of cyber security experts who work to test the cyber security at national laboratories, are on site.

There is evidence Red Teams are downloading organization charts from laboratory Web servers. Organization charts can provide useful information that Red Teams can use to launch social engineering and phishing attacks. For example, you may receive e-mail that appears to come from your supervisor with copies to other group members. This is done to make the e-mail appear authentic so that you will open attachments or click on links. Follow your intuition when you get e-mail that doesn't feel right, either because it contains unexpected subject matter or uses uncharacteristic writing style.

This kind of attack is especially difficult to detect in our environment because large groups of collaborators work together to share research information and may not know each other well enough to detect subtle changes in e-mail.

Below are actions to take if you question the authenticity of an e-mail. If you know the sender, contact them and ask if they sent you the e-mail. If the message is believable, but you don't know the sender, don't reply to the sender. If you recognize anyone on the cc: list, contact them to see if they can increase your confidence in the e-mail's authenticity. If you become convinced that a message is not authentic, please report it to the computer security team either by calling x2345 or e-mailing computer_security@fnal.gov. Do not forward the the suspect e-mail until you receive instructions on how to handle it. Note that although spam e-mails are a nuisance, they are not computer security incidents. Don't reply to spam, open spam attachments or click on links in spam e-mails.

It is safest to read e-mail as text only and turn off image display options. Your machine can get infected by reading an e-mail in html mode, particularly if images are displayed. Avoid sending e-mail in html format. This can tempt recipients to turn on html to view the formatting in your message. If you have a document that requires formatting, either send a link to the document or send it as an attachment.

Please be particularly alert during the next few weeks.

Photo of the Day

Supercomputing 08

Computing Division employee Dave Ritchie walks attendees through the spiral at the Fermilab booth at SC08, an annual supercomputing conference. The spiral displays computing history at Fermilab since the beginning of the laboratory. Images courtesy of John Urish.

In Brief

Texas Tech University strong Fermilab collaborator

Texas Tech PhD students Youn Roh and Chiyoung Jeong

We regret that Texas Tech University was left off of the "Fermilab Connection" map that ran with the article "Universities, Fermilab both benefit from collaboration" on Thursday, Nov. 20.

Texas Tech has been a member of the Universities Research Association, one of Fermilab's management organizations, since its inception in 1967.

Texas Tech PhD students Youn Roh and Chiyoung Jeong are currently working at the LHC Physics Center at Fermilab.

In the News

Standard model gets right answer for proton, neutron masses

From Science News, Nov. 20, 2008

Correct calculation strengthens theory of quark-gluon interactions in nuclear particles

When it comes to weighty matters, quarks and gluons rule the universe, a new study confirms.

One of the largest computational efforts to calculate the masses of protons and neutrons shows that the standard model of particle physics predicts those masses with an uncertainty of less than 4 percent.

Read more

Safety Tip of the Week

Holiday safety

Cook meat thoroughtly to avoid food-borne illnesses this holiday season.

This special time of year carries with it some special hazards. As you plan your holiday activities, it pays to keep a few precautions in mind to ensure you end up with only good memories.

Traffic accidents increase around the holidays as large numbers of people head out on the roadways at the same time and some of them mix driving with drinking. To stay safe, you need to pay extra attention when behind the wheel. Make sure you have a good idea where you're going to minimize fumbling with directions. If you consume alcohol, wait an hour for each drink before you drive or designate a non-drinking driver. To avoid fatigue-related accidents, consider leaving early or sleeping over if the celebration will go on past your normal bed time.

Dangers lurk not just on the roadways but in the home, particularly the kitchen.

Unattended cooking is the leading cause of home fires. Inattentiveness can lead to burns from hot food or utensils or cuts when cooking with wet and greasy.

To avoid food-borne illnesses, cook meats and poultry completely and thoroughly wash raw vegetables and fruits. Turkey needs to reach an internal temperature of 180 degrees Fahrenheit, hot dishes above 139 degrees Fahrenheit and cold foods below 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Refrigerate or freeze leftovers in covered shallow containers that are less than two inches deep within two hours after cooking. Reheated food should be hot and steamy (165 degrees Fahrenheit), not just warm.

While you should have a good time mingling with friends and relatives, keep in mind that they may have brought alone germs not common to the area, increasing your susceptibility to illness. Make sure you practice good personal hygiene by washing hands frequently and blocking sneezes and coughs with the inner side of your upper arm.

Special Announcement

"The Atom Smashers" airs on PBS Tuesday, Nov. 25

"The Atom Smashers," a documentary on Fermilab's race to find the Higgs boson and other physics beyond the Standard Model will air at 10:30 p.m. CST Tuesday on the PBS show, "Independent Lens". View more information on the film here.

Accelerator Update

Nov. 19-21
- Three stores provided ~22.55 hours of luminosity
- A LCW leak in the Linac gallery was found and repaired
- TeV quench lost store 6578
- Stuck Kautzky valve repaired

Read the Current Accelerator Update
Read the Early Bird Report
View the Tevatron Luminosity Charts


Have a safe day!

Focus group invitations

Annual Enrollment through Dec. 10

Director's volunteer award Nov. 25

No International Folk Dancing on Thanksgiving, resumes Dec. 4

Are you in the SPIRES HEPNames database?

Fidelity representative at Fermilab Dec. 3

Education Office Holiday Sale, Dec. 3 & 4

Annual enrollment carrier meetings Dec. 4, 9

International Folk Dancing, Dec. 4

NALWO - Winter Holiday Tea, Dec. 5

FileMaker Pro 8.0 - Dec. 10

NALWO - Christkindlmarket Chicago, Dec. 13

The University of Chicago Tuition Remission Program deadline Dec. 17

Additional Activities

Submit an announcement

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