Monday, Dec. 13, 2010

Monday, Dec. 13
11 a.m.
Particle Astrophysics Seminar - (NOTE TIME) One West
Speaker: Shin’ichiro Ando, California Institute of Technology
Title: Gamma-Ray Probes of New Physics: Particle Dark Matter and Intergalactic Magnetic Fields
2:30 p.m.
Particle Astrophysics Seminar - One West
Speaker: Kyle Dawson, University of Utah
Title: Cosmology from HST Observations of Supernovae and High-Redshift Galaxy Clusters
3:30 p.m.
4 p.m.
All Experimenters' Meeting - Curia II
Special Topics: JASMIN December Activation Experiments (T-972/993); T-992: Rad-Hard Sensor Studies for the SLHC

Tuesday, Dec. 14
3:30 p.m.

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Wilson Hall Cafe

Monday, Dec. 13
- Breakfast: Croissant sandwich
- Italian minestrone soup
- Patty melt
- Chicken cordon bleu
- Herb pot roast
- Chicken melt
- Assorted sliced pizza
- Szechuan green bean w/chicken

Wilson Hall Cafe Menu

Chez Leon

Wednesday, Dec. 15
Christmas Lunch
12 p.m.
- Crab cakes w/red pepper mayo
- Lemon orzo
- Sautéed spinach w/ garlic
- Chocolate raspberry torte

Thursday, Dec. 16

- Shrimp cocktail
- Prime rib
- Baked potato
- Steamed broccoli
- Chocolate mousse pie

Chez Leon Menu
Call x3524 to make your reservation.


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Strengthening ties with Indian laboratories

photo of the day
Fermilab staff met with collaborators from four Indian physics laboratories for the first Indian Institutions and Fermilab Collaboration meeting. The Collaboration participants are the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai; the Inter-University Accelerator Center, New Delhi; the Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore; and the Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Calcutta.

Fermilab's Stuart Henderson received three surprise birthday cakes from the staff at his hotel in India this fall. It wasn't the only enthusiastic reception of his trip.

Scientists from four Indian physics laboratories heartily welcomed Fermilab staff to the first Indian Institutions and Fermilab Collaboration meeting in October. It was a chance to solidify the Indian laboratories' participation in the proposed Project X, and everyone seemed eager to move full steam ahead with the partnership.

"The Indian collaborators are really engaged and energetic," said Henderson, Fermilab's associate director for accelerators. Fermilab scientists were also impressed.

"I kept hearing from those who'd been there before how much progress the Indian labs had made relative to the last time they were there," Henderson said. "It's been phenomenal in both R&D and infrastructure."

With the IIFC, Fermilab gains research partners who may help with the construction of Project X. The Indian institutions, in turn, benefit from Fermilab's R&D on superconducting radiofrequency technology. Their national interest lies in SRF linacs, and particularly in using them in their nuclear energy program. So in contributing to Project X, Indian laboratories also develop their own R&D for this accelerator-driven technology.

"In many areas they have very good capabilities," said Steve Holmes, project manager for Project X. "In other areas, they have to learn, and we're there to help them learn. We encountered a lot of natural enthusiasm for the collaboration, which was nice."

The IIFC meeting was also an opportunity to formalize points of contact on either side of the globe. Many in the collaboration met each other face-to-face for the first time.

"We regard it as a win-win situation," Holmes said. "Collaboration works best when both parties see that there's something valuable they're going to get out of it. Both of us do."

--Leah Hesla

In the News

LHC plans extra year for Higgs hunt

From Nature, Dec. 10, 2010

Collider may run right through 2012 to find elusive particle.

Scientists are preparing to run the world's largest particle accelerator for an extra year in a bold bid to find the Higgs particle, part of the mechanism that is thought to endow other particles with mass.

If the plan is implemented, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), located at CERN, near Geneva, Switzerland, will run until the end of 2012 — rather than 2011 — before entering a year-long shutdown for a major upgrade. Preparations for the extended run, which would see the 27-kilometre circular collider operating over three continuous years, are being finalized and are likely to be agreed to by CERN's management and council in January.

The decision comes with the belief that new discoveries may be just around the corner. "It would be a shame to stop," says Steve Myers, who is responsible for maintaining and upgrading the accelerator.

At stake is the particle many physicists see as the LHC's raison d'être: the Higgs. Theorists believe that the Higgs particle, together with its associated field, create a sort of cosmic molasses that endows other particles with mass. The mechanism is seen as a necessary extension to the 'standard model' of particle physics, which presently struggles to explain the origins of mass, and why some particles are heavy whereas others weigh nothing at all.

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ES&H Tip of the Week -
Computer Security

Computer security refresher courses coming

Need an update? Computer security refresher courses are on the way.

Sometimes when you get a traffic ticket outside the laboratory, you have to take a safe driving class. Fermilab’s Computer Security Team has created a similar program of brief computer security refresher classes for individuals who have been involved in a computer security incident and those who want to make sure they avoid one.

The online classes will cover such subjects as virus protection, dealing with e-mail and spam, avoiding phishing attacks, safe web browsing, working with the laboratory web proxy server, using up-to-date operating systems and keeping systems patched. Using PowerPoint presentations or videos, these classes will highlight examples of dangers to avoid and give pointers on protecting your computing systems.

The labwide TRAIN database will track course participation. The courses will be available to all laboratory employees, visitors and contractors but will be required for those individuals who fall afoul of one of the security issues featured in the courses.

Watch Fermilab Today for an announcement of course availability. We hope you will find the courses interesting and helpful. In the meantime, continue to practice safe and secure computing.

--Irwin Gaines, Computing Division

Accelerator Update

Dec. 8-10

- Four stores provided ~30.75 hours of luminosity
- Tevatron quench during shot setup due to RF trip
- Meson FTBF T-944 (JASMIN) experiment began taking beam
- MI accessed to fix vacuum leaks
- Tevatron conducted end-of-store and crystal collimator studies
- Shot setup aborted due to problem with MI bend power supply

Read the Current Accelerator Update
Read the Early Bird Report
View the Tevatron Luminosity Charts


Latest Announcements

Reserve now for extra Chez Leon lunch on Friday, Dec. 17

Movie tickets make gift giving easy

Medical Department holiday schedule

School's Out day camp - Dec. 21-22, 27-29

Weight Watchers introduces new PointsPlus program

Free 10-minute holiday wellness massages Dec.15-16

Card stampers - Dec. 14

Chez Leon lunch Friday, Dec. 17

Guided practicas for Argentine Tango thru Dec. 29

Free webinar on navigating a changing tax environment - Dec. 14

Submit a topic suggestion for Disability Awareness Seminar

Fermilab Today holiday schedule

Open basketball at the gym

Folk dancing on Thursdays in December

Free martial arts class - Dec. 15

Annual potluck party and skits - Dec. 17

Symposium celebrates 25th anniversary of first collision at Tevatron - Dec. 17

Fermilab Blood Drive - Dec. 20 & 21 (Walk in only)

Fermilab Arts and Lecture Series box office winter schedule

Users Office holiday hours

Accelerate to a Healthy Lifestyle Program through Dec. 31

Disney On Ice presents "Toy Story 3"- Feb. 2-13

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