Thursday, Sept. 29, 2011

Have a safe day!

Thursday, Sept. 29
2:30 p.m.
Theoretical Physics Seminar - Curia II
Speaker: Alexander Friedland, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Title: The Physics of Neutrino Flavor Oscillations in Supernovae
3:30 p.m.
4 p.m.
Accelerator Physics and Technology Seminar - One West
Speaker: Zhenyu Ye, Fermilab
Title: Measurement of the Top Quark Mass at DZero

Friday, Sept. 30
2 p.m.
Tevatron Shutdown Broadcast - Ramsey Auditorium
3 p.m.
Lab-wide party

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a weekly calendar with links to additional information.

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Take Five

Weather Chance of showers

Extended Forecast
Weather at Fermilab

Current Security Status

Secon Level 3

Wilson Hall Cafe

Thursday, Sept. 29

- Breakfast: Apple sticks
- Santa Fe black bean soup
- Steak tacos
- Chicken Wellington
- Chimichangas
- Baked ham & Swiss on a ciabatta roll
- Assorted sliced pizza
- Smart cuisine: Crispy fried chicken salad

Wilson Hall Cafe Menu

Chez Leon

Friday, Sept. 30

Wednesday, Oct. 5
-Beef Daube w/ buttered noodles
- Chocolate amaretto cake

Chez Leon Menu
Call x3524 to make your reservation.


Fermilab Today

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Result of the Week

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Special Announcement

Lab-wide party to celebrate the Tevatron - tomorrow

On Friday, Sept. 30, the Tevatron will shut down for the last time. A shutdown broadcast will begin at 2 p.m. in Ramsey Auditorium, followed by a lab-wide party from 3 to 5 p.m. in Wilson Hall and the surrounding area. Shuttle buses will be available to bring employees and users to and from Wilson Hall.

All employees and users are invited to watch a 2 p.m. broadcast of the activities that will take place in the CDF and DZero control rooms and in the Main Control Room as the collider

and experiments are shut down. Fermilab Director Pier Oddone will host the broadcast. Employees are invited to watch the broadcast from Ramsey Auditorium or online.

More information about the lab-wide party, including the shuttle bus schedule, is available online.

An online guestbook is also available for individuals to share their memories of the Tevatron.

Special Announcement

Intensity Frontier workshop

From Nov. 30 to Dec. 2, DOE's Offices of High Energy and Nuclear Physics are co-sponsoring a workshop on Fundamental Physics at the Intensity Frontier in Rockville, Maryland. Fermilab scientists and users are encouraged to attend the workshop to share their views on the scientific opportunities and facilities necessary for a strong U.S. scientific program at the Intensity Frontier of particle physics.

The workshop is an opportunity for the particle and nuclear physics community to identify and expand upon the scientific potential of the Intensity Frontier. Starting in September, six working groups will study and begin to document the full spectrum of Intensity Frontier physics opportunities and identify the necessary facilities to execute such a program. The working groups—heavy quarks, charged leptons, neutrinos, photons, proton decay and nucleons, nuclei and atoms—will organize smaller topical meetings during October and November. The scientific community will have another chance to provide input at the workshop, which will conclude with the preliminary findings of the working groups.

More information and registration is available online.


The Antiproton Source: A rich history and an exciting future

This is a mock-up of the proposed upgrades to the Antiproton Source and the new Mu2e building.

Fermilab’s Antiproton Source has long produced the antimatter that makes Fermilab’s particle collisions possible. While the Antiproton Source will shut down along with the Tevatron on Sept. 30, there are plans for its future.

The facility that houses the Antiproton Source will be reconfigured for two proposed experiments: Muon g-2 and Mu2e. Instead of creating antiprotons, both experiments will use the reconfigured facility to generate intense muon beams. While each would produce exciting and interesting data, they are both very different from the Antiproton Source’s original mission.

Fermilab’s Antiproton Source came out of an upgraded design of a similar machine that was housed at CERN.

Fermilab’s first antiprotons were produced in the Tevatron’s first collider run in 1988. At that time, it took more than an hour to make 1010 antiprotons. Now, the Antiproton Source can make 30x1010 antiprotons an hour.

“The antiproton production rate in those early days now seems like an incredibly slow pace,” said Steve Werkema, deputy head of the Antiproton Source.

Read more

Ashley WennersHerron

In the News

Faster-than-light experiments

From Chicago Tonight, Sept. 28, 2011

Did European scientists do the impossible and exceed the speed of light? They say they did; now west suburban Fermilab will conduct its own experiments on this. Eddie Arruza talks with a Fermilab scientist about the speed of light and what it all means on Chicago Tonight at 7:00 pm.

For more than a century, it's been the bedrock of modern physics: E=mc². Albert Einstein's famous equation stipulates that nothing in the universe can travel faster than light. At a little more than 186,000 miles per second, the speed of light is sometimes referred to as the cosmic speed limit.

But last week, European scientists at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, announced that they had exceeded the speed limit using a somewhat mysterious subatomic particle called a neutrino.

Read more

Result of the Week

Thank you, from DZero

As the DZero collaboration prepares to join in tomorrow’s festivities and celebrate the Tevatron, we would like to take the opportunity to recognize those who have helped make the DZero experiment a success over the years.

To the Accelerator Division goes our gratitude for providing proton-antiproton collisions with remarkable reliability at beam intensities far beyond the design goals of the Tevatron. Their effort to optimize the delivered integrated luminosity to the experiments assured continuing success of our physics program.

The Particle Physics Division hosts the experiment construction and operations and a large fraction of the experiment’s physicists. The division assured reliable, safe and productive operation of the experiment.

We rely on the efforts of the Computing Division to perform the intense processing that transforms our raw data into the reconstructed physics objects that we use for analysis. Computing Division stores and provides access to our large data set and administrates the large farm of computers we rely on for our physics analyses.

Thanks to all laboratory personnel for providing services critical to the life of this large, international collaboration which culminated in many discoveries and exciting measurements at the Energy Frontier collider.

Much of our support comes from outside the laboratory, and we would like to acknowledge all of the universities and laboratories that are involved in the DZero experiment. Also critical to our success is the continuing support of many national and international funding agencies, especially that of the Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation.

Finally, we would like to give a very special thanks to our families and to the families of those thanked above. Though as a collaboration we keep careful track of every collision that occurs and each event that is stored, we tend to lose track of the number late nights, long weekends and 3 a.m. expert phone calls that add an intangible cost to our efforts to succeed!

The DZero collaboration is looking forward to producing many excellent physics results as we examine our complete data set from Run II of the Tevatron!

—The DZero Collaboration

Special Announcement

Fermilab prairie seed harvest

At 10 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 1 and Oct. 29, join the Fermilab Natural Areas (FNA) crew for the annual Fermilab Prairie Seed Harvests.

All ages and abilities are welcome to spend a day in the autumn prairie at Fermilab. Participants help us collect the bulk of our seed for the year. This year the harvests will take place in the Main Ring prairie, where parking is available. Please watch for directional signs as you enter the Fermilab site. A hot dog lunch will be provided.

Fermilab staff and volunteers will show you what and where to collect. Please bring your own gloves, clippers and containers such as paper bags (especially with handles) or buckets, if you have them. Weather-appropriate outdoor clothing is highly recommended.

This is social event allows participants to enjoy the outdoors and learn a bit about the prairie. Please let FNA know if you are bringing a large group so we can be sure to accommodate everyone. In case of bad weather, call the Fermilab switchboard for more information at (630) 840-3000.

Accelerator Update

Sept. 26-28

- Three stores provided ~46.5 hours of luminosity
- Pelletron tripped off and was reset
- Tevatron electron lens study conducted
- MiniBooNE surpassed 1E21 protons on target in antineutrino mode

Read the Current Accelerator Update
Read the Early Bird Report
View the Tevatron Luminosity Charts


Latest Announcements

English country dancing - Oct. 2

Special Tevatron Chez Leon dinner - today

Commemorative t-shirts on sale in Wilson Hall - through Sept. 30

Fermilab Cafeteria closed at 12:30 p.m. - Sept. 30

Visa Office closed - through Sept. 30

Shuttle buses - Sept. 30

Toastmaster & Survey - Oct. 6

School's day out - Oct. 7 and 10

Indoor soccer

International Folk Dancing Thursday evenings in Kuhn Barn

Scottish country dancing meets Tuesday evenings in Kuhn Village Barn

Weight Watchers at work

Accelerate to a Healthy Lifestyle Program continues

Athletic leagues: Outdoor soccer Tuesdays and Thursdays

Bowlers wanted for 2011/2012 bowling season

Open badminton

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