Monday, Dec. 17, 2012

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Monday, Dec. 17


3:30 p.m.


Tuesday, Dec. 18

3:30 p.m.


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Secon Level 3

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Flags at half staff

Wilson Hall Cafe

Monday, Dec. 17

- Breakfast: pancake sandwich
- Italian minestrone
- Philly chicken sandwich
- Spaghetti and meatballs
- Smart cuisine: herbed pot roast with vegetables
- Garden beef wrap
- Assorted pizza
- Creole jambalaya

Wilson Hall Cafe Menu

Chez Leon

Wednesday, Dec. 19
- Pork tenderloin with brandy cream sauce
- Sweet potatoes
- Sautéed green beans
- Assortment of Christmas cookies

Friday, Dec. 21

Chez Leon Menu
Call x3524 to make your reservation.


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Preparing to provide NML's electron beam in 2013

Fermilab AD employees recently completed the assembly of the electron gun in NML. Photo: Jerry Leibfritz, AD

NML is a warehouse abuzz with humming electrical racks, hundreds of circuit boards and an enclosed laser room, which requires special training to enter. At the center of it all is the electron gun, which, if all goes well, will fire its first electron beam early next year.

Providing electron beam is an essential part of the laboratory's advanced accelerator R&D program, which includes testing superconducting radio-frequency cryomodules. The cryomodules are a key component of Project X, one of the laboratory's principal proposed projects. They will provide powerful electromagnetic fields that accelerate particle beams. To ensure the technology of these cryomodules is as efficient as possible, scientists will soon begin testing them using the laboratory's new electron gun.

The gun itself is a meter-long copper tube, but the many adjoining components that help shape the beam and accelerate electrons make the entire apparatus about the size of a smart car. At one end of the gun is the gun cavity, which houses a cesium telluride-coated cathode—the electron source.

To generate free electrons inside the gun cavity, scientists will shine a powerful, ultraviolet laser onto the cathode. A high electric field then pulls the electrons away from the cathode surface and accelerates them toward the exit. Solenoid magnets outside the cavity produce a magnetic field inside, which focuses the electrons and prevents them from drifting away.

Ding Sun, the expert that ensures the gun cavity works properly, has his work cut out for him.

"The cavity is the heart of the gun," Sun said. "The diameters of the two cells of the cavity must be 180.18 and 180.84 millimeters respectively, and to within .01 millimeters, or the gun won't work. Accuracy is essential."

An electron beam's intensity, or electron density, is contingent upon the frequency of the laser. The faster the laser's pulse, the more electrons the gun can fire in a certain amount of time. Compared to the electron gun at AZero, NML's gun will run at higher laser frequencies, higher electric field and longer pulses, producing beams with about 10 percent more energy, between 4.5 and 5 MeV.

A proposal has been submitted for the Advanced Superconducting Test Accelerator, which would be capable of producing beam of various energies for a number of experiments. If approved, ASTA would eventually become a user facility where scientists from organizations across the country can use the electron beam to test the technology and optics, for example, of their own apparatuses.

Richard Andrews, the gun's principal mechanical engineer, has been with the project since it started in 2007 and is impressed at how the team has grown from just a handful of employees to several dozen across many departments.

"How a project of this complexity can evolve to create a beautiful functioning machine to help us go forward is a tribute to the lab's extensive talents," Andrews said.

Jessica Orwig

A 3-D model cross section of the electron gun apparatus. Image: Tim Hamerla, AD
In the News

Hultgren forms new Congressional science caucus

From Northern Star, Dec. 9, 2012

Congressman Randy Hultgren, R- Winfield, has announced the formation of a new Congressional caucus focused on science and research lab development.

The House Science & National Labs Caucus is being chaired by Hultgren and congressmen Chaka Fattah, D-Pa., Ben Ray Luján, D-N.M., and Alan Nunnelee, R-Miss., according to a Friday news release.

The caucus will focus on reinforcing federal investments toward research and national laboratories while raising awareness of the positive effects that such research has on economic growth, according to the release.

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Tip of the Week: Health

Save your sole from plantar fasciitis

Do foot-stretching exercises to keep the tissue in the sole of your foot free from pain.

If you've ever had pain in the mid-sole of your foot on those first few steps out of bed or after getting out of a chair, then you're acquainted with your plantar fascia. This tendon complex, along with the deeper spring ligament, serves as the tension cable along your foot's sole that keeps the foot arched and provides shock absorption.

There are several ways to keep this critical tissue happy:

  • Good arch support in one's shoes removes some of the stress.
  • A proper shoe fit around the heel prevents sway of the ankle, which places undue stress on this tissue. Often when someone seeks my advice for a sore foot, I find them wearing flip flops or shoes without heel stabilization. The fix in this case is often to spend less time wearing such shoes.
  • Good padding in a shoe's sole or insert reduces impact stress on the foot. Gel inserts work quite well for many. Of course we are now living in the age of carbon fiber, and there are several shoe products that make use of the material's springy support.
  • Stretch! Our body's tissue shares the load between muscle groups. If one part of the chain gets tight, the neighbor pays the price. Both the plantar fascia and calf muscles can be stretched while seated: Place the ball of your foot against a vertical surface while bringing your heel in contact with the floor. Then roll your chair towards the vertical surface and hold as you feel the stretch.

If the plantar fascia is irritated, try the following:

  • Roll a golf ball under your bare or socked foot. This massages and stretches the tissue. Some prefer to use a frozen plastic water bottle, thus icing and massaging the foot at the same time.
  • Apply ice to reduce swelling and pain. Keep to 20-minute intervals to prevent damaging tissue.
  • Strengthen the muscles that flex the toes. Curl your toes through some wet sand (my beach prescription) or with your foot flat on the floor. Alternatively, raise and press toes individually toward the floor, similar to drumming one's fingers on a table.
  • Use a Strassburg sock. This looks like an athletic sock with a variable tension strap connecting toe to the top of the sock. It can hold the foot and calf in a stretched position.

If the tissue's pain does not relent, then it's time to seek professional help. Usually with a little bit of preemptive action on our part we can keep our soles at peace.

Brian Svazas, M.D., M.P.H.

Photo of the Day

Red-tailed hawk assumes post

Bill Barker, CCD, took this photo of a red-tailed hawk atop a street lamp from the second floor of the Feynman Computing Center.

New employees - December

The following regular employees started at Fermilab in December:

Kimberly Pearce, WDRS; Robert Sieloff, CCD; Laura Somerlot, FI.

Fermilab welcomes them to the laboratory.


Today's New Announcements

Timecard due early for week of Dec. 17-23

Timecard due early for week of Dec. 24-30

Timecard instructions for nonexempt employees working on half-holidays

January 2013 timecards and float holiday

Indoor soccer

School's Out Day Camp - register by Dec. 19

An Honest Approach to Weight Management - register by Dec. 21

English country dancing - Jan. 6

Martial arts classes - begin Jan. 7

International Folk Dancing every Thursday through December

Employee discounts at Journey Cycle and BMX

Atrium work updates