Thursday, July 24, 2003  

Thursday, July 24
2:30 pm Theoretical Physics Seminar - Curia II
Speaker: S. Nandi, Oklahoma State University
Title: Unity of Elementary Particles and Forces in Higher Dimensions
3:30 pm Director's Coffee Break - 2nd Floor Crossover

Friday, July 25
3:30 pm Wine & Cheese - 2nd Floor Crossover
4:00 pm Joint Experimental Theoretical Physics Seminar - 1 West
Speaker: U. Baur, State University of New York, Buffalo
Title: Probing the Higgs Boson Self-Coupling at Lepton and Hadron Colliders

Thursday, July 24
Garden Vegetable Soup
Chicken Chimichanga w/rice and beans $4.75
Fried catfish $3.75
Muffaletta sandwich $4.75
Grilled turkey reuben $4.75

Eurest Dining Center Weekly Menu
Chez Leon

Mostly Sunny 82º/65º
Extended Forecast

Secon Level 3

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Luminosity review: Much accomplished, much to do
Jay Marx
Jay Marx
A near-capacity audience of 800 in Wilson Hall's Ramsey Auditorium listened intently Wednesday afternoon as a DOE review panel chaired by Dan Lehman offered congratulations on progress so far, along with several recommendations for the work ahead on Fermilab's Run II Luminosity Upgrade Plan. Summarizing the panel's findings, reviewer Jay Marx of Berkeley Lab noted "a very high probability that you will reach your luminosity goals this year. Achieving the scientific potential of the Tevatron complex will be a great challenge for the whole laboratory," Marx continued, "and the whole laboratory has to get behind it. The next six months will tell us a lot." Another review is scheduled for February 2004. Fermilab director Michael Witherell called the panel's recommendations useful, adding "we are committed…we will find a way. The science is important." The review panel's closeout report has not yet been posted on-line, but hard copies are available in the Office of Public Affairs.
U.S. Capitol in Washington D.C. FYI: AIP Bulletin of Science Policy News
Senate Appropriators Call for Increased Funding of DOE Physical Science
Senate Report 108-105 accompanying the FY 2004 Energy and Water Development Appropriations bill gave considerable attention to the decline in the federal investment in physical sciences facilities and research. The decline in student enrollment in the physical sciences was described. "These trends must be reversed," Senate appropriators state. The full text of this section of the committee's report follows.
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From Nature July 24, 2003
US budgets for physical endeavour
By Geoff Brumfiel
[WASHINGTON] Physical sciences in the United States could be set for their largest funding boost for years, as Congress adds money to the 2004 budget numbers proposed by President George W. Bush back in February.

Appropriations subcommittees in the House of Representatives have voted to give two major research agencies — the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Office of Science at the Department of Energy (DOE) — increases of about 6.5% next year, taking their budgets to $5.6 billion and $3.5 billion, respectively. On 18 July, the full House endorsed the DOE increase.

Bush had proposed a rise of 3.2% for the NSF, which funds most non-biomedical university grants in the United States, and 1.4% for the DOE's science office, which supports most physics research.
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Ray Orbach
Ray Orbach
More from Nature
Physics poised for sizeable gains in energy department's wish-list

The grand challenges facing physics

Steve Krstulovich
Steve Krstulovich in Fermilab's CUB
CUB upgrades: A decade of savings
By Steve Krstulovich
With the final payment for new chillers acquired in 1998, Fermilab's Central Utility Building (CUB) has completed a 10-year upgrade effort by the Facilities Engineering Services Section providing nearly $1 million in annual energy cost savings while increasing capacity by 15 percent. The projects, using creative funding methods through the Department of Energy's former In-House Energy Management, and more recently through the Utilities Incentive Program partnerships with ComEd and Nicor, were implemented with minimal interruption to accelerator operations, capitalizing on close cooperation between FESS and Beams Division. The upgrade effort began in 1994, when CUB systems reached the effective end of their projected 25-year economic lifetime. The upgrades have greatly increased CUB's reliability for Run II, while avoiding costly repairs, reducing maintenance, and eliminating ozone-depleting CFC emissions-at the same time, providing reductions in energy, water, and chemical treatment costs which were used to pay for the improvements.

Ramsey Auditorium Safety Improvement Project Complete
Ramsey Auditorium during renovations
Ramsey Auditorium during renovations
With the Directorate's full support for a safety overhaul, Ramsey Auditorium is now equipped with a new backstage staircase and sturdy catwalk offering access to lighting and other stage infrastructure. For more than 20 years, volunteers of the Auditorium Arts and Lecture Committee have climbed tall ladders, at times hoisting heavy equipment, to install and adjust lights for each performance. "We have been very fortunate over the years because nobody ever got hurt, but it was very difficult to do things that way," said committee chair Ray Yarema. "Now we don't have to move any ladders, and the lights can be reached by standing on a very secure catwalk." Yarema added that committee members are happy with the results.

July 21-July 23
- The integrated luminosity for last week was 5106.9 nb-1
- Cryo experts installed new software that should halt the valve excursion problems
- There were two stores established during this time period. They delivered luminosity to the experiments for thirty-five hours and one minute.

View the current accelerator update
View the Tevatron Luminosity Charts

Upcoming Training Classes
August 18 - Word 2000 Intro
August 21 - Excel Intro
August 25 - MS Access Intermediate
August 28 - FileMaker Pro Intro

TARGET Program Rocket Launch
The Fermilab TARGET program launch is scheduled for July 25, 2003 from 1pm - 4pm. The launch site is located at the South-East corner of Eola and Batavia Road.
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Fermilab Softball League
Thursday night's softball game features the first place Boomers battling the third place D0 Nuts. The game starts at 5:30 pm at Fermilab's softball field.

Canoe Rentals
The Recreation Office has canoes available for rental. These canoes are licensed and can be taken off site. Cost is $7.00 per canoe per day which includes life jackets and oars.
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