Education and community engagement



Fermilab is committed to developing the science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM, workforce and stimulating science literacy. Laboratory programs serve students at all levels, from prekindergarten to graduate school.

Fermilab supports programming for educators, families, young people and the public. Our programs provide avenues for technical staff to engage these audiences with Fermilab's science and technology. Themes include scientific discovery, practical applications, and scientific and engineering practices. Because the next-generation STEM workforce is in school today, educator programs must strengthen teaching and learning in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Our programs are a catalyst for change and a resource to schools and districts nationwide.

Visit the Fermilab Education website.

Community engagement


Fermilab strives in maintaining meaningful relationships with the surrounding community.

Key stakeholders include neighbors, elected official at the local, state and federal levels, as well as local business leaders, organizations and school officials.

The laboratory partners with stakeholders from the surrounding communities on a periodic basis to provide information and updates on scientific goals and achievements, progress on the construction of the Long Baseline Neutrino Facility/Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment and other projects, as well as community, social and educational programs offered or supported by Fermilab. Speakers and experts are available to participate in events and speak to local audiences on various topics, including physics, quantum technology, environmental sustainability and other areas aligned with the expertise and experience within the lab.

The laboratory also has a point of contact for questions, and listens to community members ideas and concerns to anticipate and address needs and potential issues.

Learn more about Fermilab and the community.