Hyperon Physics Symposium
27-29 September, 1999
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, Illinois.
Sponsored by the Fermi National Accelerator
Laboratory, Elmhurst College, University of Chicago, University of Virginia, University of Wisconsin, and the french Government.
(Pending final approval by DOE)
Large samples of hyperon decays are becoming available from a new generation of very high rate experiments at Fermilab, CERN, and other laboratories throughout the world. With the advent of the Main Injector at Fermilab, and other planned facilities, even larger samples will become available in the near future. It is therefore an appropriate time to review the status of hyperon physics and to examine possibilities for future experiments. Advances in theoretical physics are also providing a basis for renewed interest in this subject. Given these developements one can ask what important questions in physics can and should be addressed with large samples of hyperon decays?
Several unanswered questions in physics can be addressed through studies of hyperons: CP violation, QCD effects in electro-weak decays, precision tests of the standard model and searches for physics beyond the standard model. All of these studies require precise measurement of the type that can only be carried out with very high statistics data samples which are now becoming available. Other outstanding problems such as the source of hyperon polarization remain to be understood. To review recent progress in hyperon physics and to discuss the course further studies might take, we propose holding a short symposium (three days) that will bring together theorists and experimentalists who have worked on or are currently working on these subjects.
This symposium will only contain plenary sessions. There will be a few general introduction and conclusion talks such as:
A series of more specific talks will review the current theoretical and experimental status of the following topics (non exhaustive list):
An important goal of the symposium is to illuminate the role that hyperons will play in the future of High Energy Physics.
Hotel information (In case of problem to get the Fermilab hotel rate, please contact the Fermilab Travel Office at (630) 840 3397.)
Driving directions to Fermilab.
Check out the B Physics at the Tevatron workshop held the week before Hyperon99.
Web site: http://www.fnal.gov/conferences/hyperon99/hyperon99.html
E-Mail : hyperon99@fnal.gov
Marilyn Smith M.S. 105 Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory P.O. Box 500 Batavia, IL 60510 Tel: 630-840-3234 Fax: 630-840-2900