Downstream Magnetic Spectrometer (Vacuum Straw Tracker)
- People Downstream Magnetic
Spectrometer (DMS) Group Members
- Latest Conceptual Design (Feb 2003) of DMS chamber and Vacuum Spool
Nice Pictures
- Jpeg picture of 20-channel DMS prototype
- Jpeg picture of teststand of both
prototypes (top one in air, bottom in vacuum tank)
- Event display of cosmics through prototypes (eps)
- Jpeg drawing of 20-channel DMS prototype
- Jpeg drawing of full scale prototype
and spool
- Jpeg drawing of frame detail
- Anatomy of Straw Doublet (eps)
Evaluation of Performance of Prototype Using Cosmics
- TDC distribution of all hits for ArEthane at 1750V (chamber in air)
- TDC distribution of first hits for ArEthane 1750V (chamber
in air) (eps)
- Hit Resolution of Straws (ArEthane 1750V -- chamber in air) (eps)
- Hit Efficiency of Straws (ArEthane 1750V -- chamber in air) (eps)
- Hit Resolution of Straws (ArCO2 1500V) upper chamber in air, lower
chamber in 0.5 Torr vacuum (eps)
- Hit Efficiency of Straws (ArCO2 1500V -- chamber in 0.5 Torr vacuum)
Talks at Group Meetings and Reviews
- Qi's talk at CKM group meeting in Dec 2002 (ps.gz)
- Hogan's talk at CKM group meeting in Feb 2003 (ps.gz)
- Hogan's talk at Temple Review in Feb 2003 (watch out...big files)
(ps.gz) (staroffice)
- Paper describing construction of 20-straw prototype (submitted to
NIM-A) (ps.gz)
- Pulseshape picture of Fe55 in ArEthane using BNL-871 Electronics (ps)
- Preliminary design of electronics from Mark Kozlovsky -- March 2003
Hogan Nguyen
modified: Thursday March 13 2003 10:25 am CDT 2002