(H-387) An A+ Rich Counter; P.S. Cooper, November 16, 1984
(CKM_1) Charged Kaons at the Main Injector; December 31, 1994
(CKM_2) Expression of Interest; April 4, 1996
(CKM_3) Expression of Interest PAC Presentation
(CKM_4) Some Thoughts on CKM; Jack Ritchie; March 28, 1997
(CKM_5) Summary of the Experiments with Charged Kaons Working Group; May 1-4, 1997
(CKM_6) A Kaon Physics Program at the Fermilab Main Injector; Peter Cooper; November, 1997
(CKM_7) Proposal (P905) April 15, 1998
(CKM_8) Proposal Presentation Slides May 15, 1998
(CKM_9) Project Plan September 17, 1998
(CKM_10) Project Plan Presentation SlidesOctober 24, 1998
(CKM_11) Approval of CKM R&D Project (E905)November 11, 1998
(CKM_12) Beam energy considerations for CKM; Jack Ritchie; Sept. 5, 1998
(CKM_13) Study of the muon background in CKM; Coleman, Milstene; Nov. 2, 1998
(CKM_14) B-Mixing Basics; Hogan Nguyen; Jan. 18, 1999
(CKM_15) Thesis; Takafumi Sasaki; Jan. 18, 1999
(CKM_16) CP Violation and Rare Decays of K and B Mesons; Andrzej Buras; May 1999
(CKM_17) The trigger and DAQ scheme for CKM; Jin-Yuan Wu; August 1999
(CKM_18) Straw Tube Development Proposal; Hogan Nguyen; August 1999
(CKM_19) Straw Tube Vacuum Requirements; Hogan Nguyen; August 1999
(CKM_20) Study of the Vacuum Veto System; Milstene,Cooper; January 2000
(CKM_21) R\&D proposal for the Muon Veto System; IHEP group; February 2000
(CKM_22) Pi0 Inefficiency Estimation, PS Cooper Feb 2000
(CKM_23)Study of the Forward Veto System; Milstene,Cooper; January 2000
(CKM_24) R\&D for Muon Veto System-Scintillation light yield, IHEP group Feb 2000
(CKM_25) A Photon Veto System for CKM;Cooper,Milstene,Ramberg,Tshchirhart,March 2000
(CKM_26) CKM Beamline Design;T. Kobilarcik,March 2000
(CKM_27) Characterization of aluminum RF cavities;L. Bellantoni,May 2000
(CKM_28) Talk presented at Run II B workshop; Cooper; February 2000
(CKM_29) GEANT simulation of RF separated beam; Coleman,Kobilarcik,Milstene; June 2000
(CKM_30) Pion Muon Separation in the Pion RICH - A GEANT Simulation; J.Engelfried; September 1, 2000
(CKM_31) Measuring Scintillator Photo-electron Yields; Peter S. Cooper; August 2, 2000
(CKM_32) The Hit Rates and Data Rates for CKM Detectors; Jin-Yuan Wu; September 25, 2000
(CKM_33) Fitting RICH Rings; Peter S. Cooper; November 13, 2000
(CKM_34) Notes on Tuning the 5-Cell Cavity; Leo Bellantoni; December 1, 2000
(CKM_35) Preprint:Kaon Radiative Decay at CKM (ex/9803033);C.Milstene,P.Cooper,M.Moinester; March, 1998
(CKM_36) Nuclear Physics B-vol93-(Proc. Suppl) March 2001.CKM talk at Valencia Conference (ex/0009046);C.Milstene et al; 27 June,2000
(CKM_37) Shielding Concerns for the RF Separated Beam; T. Kobilarcik; 18 July,2000
(CKM_38) Shielding Assessment for CKM; T. Kobilarcik; 25 September,2000
(CKM_39) Ke3 Matrix Element; Peter S. Cooper; Janaury 15, 2001
(CKM_40) DMS reconstruction algorithm; Hogan Nguyen; Janaury 24, 2001
(CKM_41) SELEX RICH Ring Reconstruction; Antonio Morelos; January 31, 2001
(CKM_42) Preliminary Results of Muon Veto Test; IHEP group; 15 February, 2001
(CKM_43) Breaking of lepton charge conservation in K decays; Landsberg, Schepkin; March, 2001
(CKM_44) Bound on the K unitarity triangle from Epsilon_K; H. Nguyen; January, 2001
(CKM_45) spec_res - An Analytic Calculation of Magnetic Spectrometer Resolutions; Peter S. Cooper; April 1, 2001
(CKM_46) Material budget in CKMGEANT v3_7; Vladimir Molchanov; May 3, 2001
(CKM_47) T-Odd correlations in Kl3gamma; Landsberg, Obraztsov, Shapkin, Vavilov; May 2001
(CKM_48) Lepton-Flavor Violating Processes in CKM; Landsberg, Vavilov; May 2001
(CKM_49) Effective Interaction Lengths in CKM Material; Craig Dukes; May 23, 2001
(CKM_50) Estimate of Low Energy Neutron Rates in CKM; R. TSchirhart; June 3, 2001
(CKM_51) Scintillator Light Yield using Green Extended Tubes; C. Milstene; January 17, 2001
(CKM_52) Scintillator Light Yield with respect to Fiber Groove Parameters; C. Milstene; June, 2001
(CKM_53) Beam Halo in the UMS; Dukes, Godang, Nelson; August, 2001
(CKM_54) Rates in the Veto System; Coleman, Milstene; August 7, 2001
(CKM_55) Plastic Scintillator for the CKM Veto System; Gonzales, Milstene, Tschirhart; August 30, 2001
(CKM_56) Photoyield Comparison between Bicron and Amcrys Scintillator; Anil Nandyala; October, 2001
(CKM_57) Overview of CKM physics opportunities beyond Kpnn; Leonid Landsberg; December, 2001
(CKM_58) Study on Several Background Sources and Detection via Raw ADC Data; Jinyuan Wu; February 11, 2002
(CKM_59) A surface reflector on the end of the WLS BCF-92 fiber for the VVS; G.Britvich, I.Britvich, L.Landsberg, P.Ledenev, V.Obraztsov, A.Soldatov; February 15, 2002
(CKM_60) First results from a low momentum e+- test beam at U-70 IHEP, Protvino; G.Britvich, I.Britvich, S.Golovkin, V.Kurshetsov, L.Landsberg, V.Maisheev, V.Molchanov, V.Semenov, E.Vlasov, V.Zaruchejsky; February 15, 2002
(CKM_61) Requirements of the CKM QIE and the associated R&D for 2002; R. Tschirhart; February 14, 2002
(CKM_62) Data Format for CKM; Wu, Hansen, Bowden, Haynes, Cooper; 25 March, 2002
(CKM_63) A Record of Scintillator Light Yields with Cosmic Ray Muon Exposures for 2002; Ariel Simons; 5 August, 2002
(CKM_64) Production testing of the CKM prototype detector tiles; Ariel Simons; 5 August, 2002
(CKM_65) A study of light yield in CKM prototype tile vs particle type; Ariel Simons; 5 August, 2002
(CKM_66) Pulse height distribution in single photon counting using a photomultiplier R-760; Eric Vazquez-Jauregui, Xochitl Sanchez, Jurgen Engelfried, Antonio Morelos; 12 August, 2002
(CKM_67) Phototube Window Issues in the Kaon RICH - A GEANT Simulation; Jurgen Engelfried; 13 August, 2002
(CKM_68) Considerations for a CKM RICH Prototype; J. Engelfried, P.S.Cooper, R. Tschirhart; 29 August, 2002
(CKM_69) First results on injection molded scintillators from IHEP; G.Britvich, I.Britvich, S.Chernichenko, A.Kushnirenko, A.Soldatov; September 10, 2002
(CKM_70) First results from Protvino VVS prototype measurements with 1.25 and 4.44 MeV photons; G.Britvich, V.Molchanov; September 23, 2002
(CKM_71) GEANT Simulation Results of the J-LAB Test Beam G. Burtovoy; October 2, 2002
(CKM_72) BIVS Technical Design; V. Bolotov,V. Lebedev,E. Mazurova,A. Pastsiak; October 10, 2002
(CKM_73) A Prediction of BR(K+ to pi+nn) in the Kaon UT Framework; L.Landsberg, H.Nguyen October 23, 2002
(CKM_74) Users Manuel for the Digitization and Unpacking Code for the v4.2 Code Release (see CKM note 88); M.Wilking, H.Huang, R.Niclasen; November 6, 2002
(CKM_75) L1 Trigger Code and Test Results; H.Huang; November 21, 2002
(CKM_76) CKM Event Data Structure (see also CKM note 88); H.Huang; January 22, 2003
(CKM_77) Note on distance between the CsI and the MVS; V.Molchanov; January 30, 2003
(CKM_78) Using the KTeV CsI Calorimeter for the CKM FVS; D.J.Schmit; February, 2003
(CKM_79) Vacuum Conductance Analysis of the CKM Vacuum Veto System; Del Allspach; March 2003
(CKM_80) CKM Vacuum Veto System Vacuum Pumping System; Del Allspach; March 2003
(CKM_81) CKM Vacuum Veto System Detector Outgassing Studies; Del Allspach, John Barilla, Cary Kendziora; March 2003
(CKM_82) Verification of Dimension of the RICH Prototype Phototube Holder Plate; C.Compean; March 26, 2003
(CKM_83) BIVS Technical Design; V. Bolotov, V. Lebedev, E. Mazurova, A. Pastsyak; May 2003
(CKM_84) Study of the pi+-->e+/nu/gamma Decay at CKM; V. Bolotov, V.A. Duk, A. Pastsyak; May 2003
(CKM_85) Vacuum Vessel and Support Ring Design Global Geometry; Don Goloskie, Jeff Brandt; July 7, 2003
(CKM_86) Tests on scintillator tiles at BNL; James Frank; 11 March, 2003
(CKM_87) The CKM Track Reconstruction algorithm for v5.1 Code Release; A.R. Barker, H. Huang, R. Niclasen, and M. Wilking; 12 September, 2003
(CKM_88) Users Manual for the Digitization and Analysis Packages in the v5.1 Code Release; M. Wilking and R. Niclasen; 12 September, 2003
(CKM_89) BIVS Technical Design (update); V. Bolotov, V. Lebedev, E. Mazurova; August, 2003
(CKM_90) Fiber routing studies in molded scintillators; G. Britvich, A. Durum, S. Chernichenko, A. Kushnirenko, A. Soldatov; September 15, 2003
(CKM_91) (pdf) A K+- -> pi+- nu nu_bar experiment in an unseparated beam - I - Charged Particle Yields Peter S. Cooper December 27, 2003
(CKM_92) (pdf) A K+- -> pi+- nu nu_bar experiment in an unseparated beam - II - CKM-2 A design for CKM with an unseparated beam in KTeV Hall Peter S. Cooper January 12, 2004
(CKM_93) Cost Considerations of Implementing the CKM Experiment in the MP and the Neu trino/KTeV Beamline. R. Tschirhart Janaury 12, 2004
(CKM_94) The Investigation of the BIVS Loads; V. Bolotov, et.al.; Janaury, 2004
(CKM_95) Kpi2 kinematic reconstruction in the CKM2 detector layout; H. Nguyen Janaury 22, 2004
(CKM_96) K+ scattering rejection in CKM2; H. Nguyen February 10, 2004
(CKM_97) Kaon RICH Gases for CKM-2; J. Engelfried February 11, 2004
(CKM_98) Diameter of Support Rods for VVS; J. Brandt; March 4, 2004
(CKM_99) A Design of an unseparated beam for the CKM-2 Experiment; R. Coleman; April 7, 2004
(CKM_100) Pion scattering in the DMS for CKM-2; H. Nguyen July 16, 2004
(CKM_101) The P940 Upstream Magnetic Spectrometer, Hogan Nguyen March 22, 2005
(CKM_102) The K+ -> pi+ nu nu_bar measurement: simulations for the P940 geometry, Vladimir Molchanov March 16, 2005
(CKM_103) Analysis of the August 2004 NA48/2 Kabes Test Beam Data, Draft Version, Peter Cooper, Massimiliano Fiorini, Hogan Nguyen, and Martin Wache, March 30, 2005
Last update of this page was Wed Mar 23 17:10:25 CST 2005