RS TDC fixes, Installation of L1.1 trigger
R. Tschirhart
P. Cooper
Summary of RS-TDC work, 6/5-6/6/01.
1) Generic RS-485 cable plant problems: On arrival, an inspection of
the cable plant revealed that the strain-relief backing on the
34-pin RS-485 cables that chain between DYC outputs was not installed
on several connectors. The main role of the strain-relief backing is
to provide a surface for the DYC connector latch-eject fingers to
contact so that a tight fit is assured. At least two of these
connectors (DYC5 & DYC6) were found to be cocked out of tight
position. Strain-relief backing was added to these connectors,
and they were plugged back in again tightly.
2) Module #33 Bad Header Problem: We started first with this problem,
which we could not reproduce. This could possibly have been a result
of the poorly seated DYC RS-485 cables, which were fixed before this
problem was studied. Peter developed a CAMAC CFSA tool that can be
used to issue single CAMAC instructions. We were able to read/write
the VSN bytes of the TDC headers through CAMAC without trouble.
3) We used the test pusler delay/fanout modules to test TDCs, one module
at a time. We explicitly loaded Delay=0 into the delay/fanout modules
with F16(A0->F) data=0. This module doesn't support readback. Using
the fanout we found and fixed the following problems:
a) Generic problem with DYC5: After lots of investigation we
found that pin#1 on the RS-485 34-pin output connector on
the DYC had been bent out of contact. The pin was so badly
bent we decided to install a spare DYC. On replacing the
DYC the problems associated with this DYC readout block were
4) Modules #12 and #30 remain out of the readout. Some work was done
on Module #30 to recover it. TDC module was swapped after noting
that a FERA control bus pin that must be clipped off to allow for
connector bulk wasn't cut cleanly and pushed the connector off the
pins a bit. On replacing the TDC and cabling it back into the DYC
chain, the readout would still hangup.
5) Implemnted and tested the MPI cable plant to all 6 DYCs. Four
new FERA control harnesses replaced four of the control harnesses
that did not have a breakout pair of conductors for the MPI signal.
Two-pin ECL twisted pairs were run from each control bus MPI
breakouts to a NIM->ECL converter NIM module. The corresponding
six NIM inputs were supplied by a neighboring NIM FAN-in/FAN-out
module that fanned out the single MPI signal. Unfortunately the
L1.1 trigger system wasn't working, so we cobbled up an MPI
fast-clear-gate and fast-clear signal that was triggered off of
the received common stop signal. With George Redlinger we studied
the front-end behaviour when the fast clear leading edge fell inside
and outside the fast-clear-gate. All six DYCs readout correctly
when the leading edge of the fast clear was outside the gate, and
all DYCs did not readout (as expected) when the fast clear leading
edge fell within the fast-clear-gate. Signals required to drive
the MPI system:
a) A single NIM Fast Clear signal from the trigger that plugs
into the NIM Fast CLear fan-in/fan-out. Labeled.
b) A single NIM Fast-Clear-Gate from the trigger that plugs
into the NIM Fast-Clear-Gate fan-in/fan-out. Labeled. This
trailing edge of this gate must extend for at least 100 nsec
after the the latest possible Fast Clear leading edge time.
Remaining Problems and Issues:
A) Modules #12 ad #30 still can't be readout. TDCs and FERA control
harnesses were swapped without fixing the problem. This may be
the result of a race condition in the DYC readout that we don't
understand: Readout works with 6 TDCs in four of our crates and
only 5 TDCs in two of our crates. Could be that we are on some
kind of timing edge.
B) L1.1 MPI abort logic needs to be tested with real the real L1.1
C) We do not have a spare DC2. Next trip from Fermilab should bring
one. We should also get our DAWN VME crate and Indy returned back
to Fermilab.
Bob Tschirhardt
Last modified: Wed Jun 6 16:53:13 CDT 2001