RS TDC fixes

We used 2 triggers rsmon and cosmic to study dead/bad channels. To understand if the problem is associated with RS TDC module or with Phototube/discrimminator we decided to plug cables in different RS TDC channels and see if the problems moves with the cable (which would indicate that the problem is in PMT and/or discriminator) or if it stays with the RS TDC module (which would indicate that problem is associated with the RS TDC data). Usefule pieces of code and kumacs are located here (source).

Study based on cosmic trigger I've chosen reference run 42438 to look for bad channels, that was one of the most recent runs at the time. Bad channels were identified for run 42438 (SRC, PS). On individul channel histograms 4 histograms are shown. Top 2 are for channel in question and his another end. Bottom 2 histograms show channels on which first 2 channle would reflect after the cable swap. I looked on the channels in the scope and perhaps while shaking the cables fixed the problem with channel 18M11, because it disappeared in the next tun 42439 (SRC, PS). After that in special run 42446 cables with channels in question were swapped to check if the problem moves with the cable or stays with the channel (SRC, PS). I concluded that 1 channel 15M16 is a candidate for bad RS TDC module. That module was replaced and problem was fixed. After that run 42448 without cable swap was taken. So after this cosmic trigger study 2 channels were fixed and 2 channles have problems not associated with RS TDC.

                 Summary of cosmic trigger study 
   PS     Run 42438               Bad channels before study
 7P11     about 50% efficient     problem moved  with cable
15M16     about 30% efficient     problem stayed with channel      
                                  module was replaced and problem fixed
16P02     second peak             problem moved  with cable
18M11     gigantic second peak.   problem was cured by checking cable connections
   PS     Run 42448               Bad channels after study

Study based on rsmon trigger Same technique was utilized to look on rsmon triggers. I've chosen reference run 42448 to look for bad channels. IU added two channels 7P11 and 16P02 from cosmic study to the list. (SRC, PS). In special run 42449 with cables swapped to look if problem move with the cable or stayed with RS TDC channels. (SRC, PS).

                 Summary of rsmon trigger study 
   PS     Run 42448               Bad channels before study
 7P11     is OK in rsmon          
 1M14     about 10% efficient     problem moved  with cable
16P02     is OK in rsmon          
23M18     dead                    problem moved  with cable
To summarize there are 4 questionable channels problems with which are not associated with RS TDC. I also looked on some of the in the scope.

Summary of bad channels

channel rsmon trig cosmic trig oscilloscope
7P11 OK about 50% efficient did not look
16P02 OK second peak multiple peaks at the end of the signal
1M14 about 10% efficient OK did not look
23M18 dead OK discriminator generates a train of signals (about 1000) for each RSMON pulse. Length of train is about few microseconds.

Jim Frank wondered if ADC and TDC were mixed up. Laur pointed out that there are indeed some oddities when matching RS information measured by TDC and ADC. After that Jim Frank and Dima found 3 swapped cables in RS TDC system.
Here is the history of cable swaps:

june XX        ---> someone swaped cables.  Perhaps Peter and Bob around
                    June 6.  Run 41907 (June 6) already has cables swapped.
                    I could not find quality runs prior to that.
July 31        ---> Jim Frank noticed 2 swapped cables and fixes them 
August 2       ---> Dima notices one more swapped cable     
               ---> I fix that cable and check all the cables.           
                    (BTW this cable swap explaines why Kelvin fixed PMT 16P03
                    and in mysterious ways TDC 16P11 started to work)
               ---> I do not know how exactly CFM works, but perhaps we
                    need to copy rd_map.00003 to rd_map.00006

                **** FILES ARE ALREADY IN $CAL_DB ******

        rd_map.00003       0..41906     Cables plugged right
        rd_map.00004   41907..42384     3 cables swapped
        rd_map.00005   42385..42427     1 cable swapped
        rd_map.00003   42428..inf       Cables plugged right

In table rd_map.00004 Jim assumed that 2 cables were swapped, but Dima
noticed (and I confirm) there were actually 3 cables swapped.  So I MODIFIED

Peter,Sasha Sasha Artamonov made a study of the recent data (run 42306) where he found 12 dead/bad channels in RS TDC.
Mail archive , local copy , Relevant plots

Study of first 8 "double-peak" channels showed that they have missing bits. . This module was replaced and the problem disappeared.

Here is the summary of "bad channels" based on Sasha Artamonov's list. There is 1 problematic channel left. PS , kumac , hbook .

 The problematic channels:
sector | layer | end | diagnostic | notation           
 1, 3, 1     - strange peak          1M03   Fixed - TDC module replacement
 1, 3, 2     - strange peak          1P03   Fixed - TDC module replacement
 1, 4, 1     - strange peak          1M04   Fixed - TDC module replacement
 1, 4, 2     - strange peak          1P04   Fixed - TDC module replacement
 1, 5, 1     - strange peak          1M05   Fixed - TDC module replacement
 1, 5, 2     - strange peak          1P05   Fixed - TDC module replacement
 1, 6, 1     - strange peak          1M06   Fixed - TDC module replacement
 1, 6, 2     - strange peak          1P06   Fixed - TDC module replacement
15,17, 1     - empty channel        15M17   (actually 16M21 - cable swap) Working OK
16,11, 2     - strange peak         16P11   (actually 16P03 - cable swap) Fixed July 31 by Kelvin Li
18,11, 1     - strange peak         18M11   about 10% efficient.
21, 4, 2     - empty channel        21P04   Fixed July 31 by Kelvin Li

For 18M11 Bipul said that HV adjustments are not necessary, So there is something else going on. Splitter?

Peter Upgraded web page to list newest version of TDC.list
Alexander Kushnirenko
Last modified: Mon Sep 3 12:51:57 CDT 2001