Hi, New time offsets were made by using a data file cosmic_rsmon_Xe.42306 at trigger cosmic. The file rd_tof.00002 is located in a directory ~artamonov/work/rstdc/gold/ You can see the RSTDC times unpacked in raw mode: ~artamonov/work/rstdc/gold/rstdc_cosmic_42306_raw.ps and in calibration mode (using the file rd_tof.00002): ~artamonov/work/rstdc/gold/rstdc_cosmic_42306_tst.ps The problematic channels: ............................................................ sector | layer | end | diagnostic ............................................................ 1, 3, 1 - strange peak 1, 3, 2 - strange peak 1, 4, 1 - strange peak 1, 4, 2 - strange peak 1, 5, 1 - strange peak 1, 5, 2 - strange peak 1, 6, 1 - strange peak 1, 6, 2 - strange peak 15,17, 1 - empty channel 16,11, 2 - strange peak 18,11, 1 - strange peak 21, 4, 2 - empty channel ............................................................ Regards, Sasha A ------------------------------------------------------------- Visit this HyperNews at bnlku28.phy.bnl.gov message (to reply or unsubscribe) at: http://bnlku28.phy.bnl.gov/HyperNews/SECURED/get/e949.kofia/9.html