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Re: Search for runs with suspect RSTDC data using pass2 ntuples

Hi Joe,

  Can you comment on the variable npvrd in the Pass2 ntuple that Peter 
used? It does appear to be peaked around 20 (as can be seen in Peter's 
plots). I guess I am a little confused as to why a Photon Veto parameter 
would appear to be including the charged track? Or does this simply 
represeent the average number of photon hits (not on the track) in the RS?


 On Fri, 11 Jan 2002, Peter Cooper wrote:

> Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 13:54:16 -0500
> From: Peter Cooper <pcooper@bnlku9.phy.bnl.gov>
> To: Steve Kettell <kettell@bnlku9.phy.bnl.gov>,
>      Sasha Kushnirenko <kushnir@fnal.gov>, Erik Ramberg <ramberg@fnal.gov>,
>      Robert Tschirhart <tsch@fnal.gov>
> Cc: Peter Cooper <pcooper@fnal.gov>
> Subject: Search for runs with suspect RSTDC data using pass2 ntuples
> this file is bnlku9:~pcooper/pass2/suspect_rstdc.runs
> 	Search for runs with suspect RSTDC data using pass2 ntuples
>  			Peter Cooper
> 			 11 Jan 2002
> At Steve's suggestion I've searched for runs with potenally bad RSTDC data
> in the fall 2001 data using the km21 pass2 ntuples.  This work can be found 
> in bnlku9:~pcooper/pass2/.
> There is no variable stored in the ntuple which directly tests the validity of 
> the RSTDC data.  There is IERRTDC; but we know that for data before Oct 25 the
> event number was not being loaded into the DYC headers so all those events 
> look like failures.  I chose to use npvrd; the number of range stack counters 
> with ADCs and prompt TDCs associated with both ends.  For kmu21 triggers this 
> number should be >20 since most muons traverse the whole range stack.  For 
> some runs there are a significant fraction of the events with npvrd<15.  These 
> are candidates for runs with missing or incorrect RSTDC data.  This can be 
> seen on the top plot of the attached figure which box-plots npvrd vs run 
> number.
> The distribution of runs vs fraction is shown in the lower left plot.  I've 
> chosen to define suspect bad runs as those having >5% of the events with 
> npvrd<15.  There are 48 such runs out of 507 runs with km21 triggers.
> This list of suspect runs is below.  The lower left plot is the npvrd 
> distribution for all data.  5.9% of the events have npvrd<18, These events 
> are probably bad.  Among the causes for these bad events are bad RSTDC data.
>     run      events     fraction
>   number    all npvrd<15
>   44364.     40.      2.   0.050
>   44416.     22.      2.   0.091
>   44420.     12.      1.   0.083
>   44446.     13.      1.   0.077
>   44454.    660.     34.   0.052
>   44470.    161.      9.   0.056
>   44472.    274.     14.   0.051
>   44578.    336.     18.   0.054
>   44582.   1284.     79.   0.062
>   44614.    288.    278.   0.965
>   44720.   1616.    331.   0.205
>   44942.    494.     55.   0.111
>   44944.    377.     41.   0.109
>   45116.     99.     18.   0.182
>   45116.     19.      3.   0.158
>   45118.    517.     87.   0.168
>   45120.   1308.    233.   0.178
>   45122.    205.     27.   0.132
>   45354.   2988.   1168.   0.391
>   45356.   3063.   1224.   0.400
>   45356.   2291.    942.   0.411
>   45358.   1295.    556.   0.429
>   45360.   6157.   2376.   0.386
>   45362.   2754.   1135.   0.412
>   45380.   5360.    430.   0.080
>   45382.   1629.    191.   0.117
>   45386.   2576.    305.   0.118
>   45386.   2011.    232.   0.115
>   45388.   1372.    147.   0.107
>   45392.     25.      3.   0.120
>   45392.   1108.    128.   0.116
>   45428.    461.    122.   0.265
>   45430.   1491.    324.   0.217
>   45432.   2617.    620.   0.237
>   45432.    820.    189.   0.230
>   45434.    152.     40.   0.263
>   45434.    598.    167.   0.279
>   45436.   2535.    623.   0.246
>   45436.   1051.    246.   0.234
>   45438.     10.      4.   0.400
>   45438.    803.    503.   0.626
>   45450.   1824.    442.   0.242
>   45452.    321.    193.   0.601
>   45454.   2699.   1815.   0.672
>   45456.   2069.   1450.   0.701
>   45536.   2779.    261.   0.094
>   45614.   1764.    304.   0.172
>   46016.     49.     49.   1.000

Steve Kettell (BNL Physics Department; e787; 631-344-5323)