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Recent results on B mixing and rare B decays from LEP

Achille Stocchi, University and INFN, Milano

A review on recent results ( updated for Summer 1998 ) on B mixing and rare B decays from LEP is given.

For the first part, a special emphasis is put on the experimental results on tex2html_wrap_inline15. The lower obtained limit is at tex2html_wrap_inline17. The activity on tex2html_wrap_inline19 is also reminded.

For the second part, most important results are the new measurements of tex2html_wrap_inline21.

Finally a review of the current status of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix is presented ( within the Standard Model ) with the determination of the tex2html_wrap_inline23 and tex2html_wrap_inline25 parameters from the measurements of tex2html_wrap_inline19, tex2html_wrap_inline29, tex2html_wrap_inline31 and from the limit on tex2html_wrap_inline15. From these results the values of tex2html_wrap_inline35, tex2html_wrap_inline37 and the angle tex2html_wrap_inline39 can be deduced. The value of tex2html_wrap_inline35 has an accuracy similar to the one expected after the first years of running at B factories. The distribution of tex2html_wrap_inline15 can be also obtained, showing that the present analyses are situated in a high probability region for a positive signal, which still may be observed at LEP.

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Harry Cheung
Wed Sep 9 12:02:03 CDT 1998