Impressions of ROOT - G. Watts
First my background. I've attempted two projects with ROOT:
- Converting large LeptoQuark mass fit ntuples to ROOT object files. Do mass
fits inside root using a shared library that had the mass fitting code (in
FORTRAN, fairly CPU intensive).
- Simpler H->b b-bar mass study for Run II
In feb I gave a talk about doing this sort of thing -- includes some sample
screen shots. See and search for the
string "Root" and you should find a pointer to a ps file. I think (but I'm
not positive) this was the talk I gave while Rene was here at Fermi (I'm
pretty sure he was one of the audience).
The first project was a mess because the i/o level was full enough of
bugs, and I was trying to use it in new enough ways (I guess) that I had to
give up. Summary of what happened:
- The biggest pain was that you couldn't write out an object the interpreter
knew about: you have to compile in the object.
- The code to read back in a tree that had been written out as optimized
(setting the branch thing to 1 so that buffers were written out instead of
whole events -- like column wise ntuples vs rowwise) wasn't the same.
- You had to explicitly tell ROOT what leaves in a split tree you wanted to
read back in, instead of it automatically figure it out, as it did in PAW. I
consider this a major step backwards. (There were no error messages!).
- When I made a mistake it was often much later in the run experience that
ROOT would bomb. As often as not, it was a acvio which was rather hard to
track down.
The second project I gave up on trying to write object i/o and instead
just used the h2root converter to make an ntuple and then tried to use it as
I did paw.
- The resulting ntuple/tree had only limited use in the browser-- the gui
wasn't powerful enough to deal with an array, for example.
- If you wanted to do anything besides just plot a single variable you were
reduced to writing code -- the ntuple/plot. Paw++, while ugly, was more
functional that this guy. I understand with 2.0 out now (I was using 1.
something) that a new GUI has been implemented, so this comment may now be
out of date.
- The CINT interp was so full of bugs as to make life really tough. Besides
not having templates (which isn't such a big deal in ROOT when you are using
it for basic ROOT stuff), it seemed to have a lot of problems in general
parsing regular syntax. The devil was in the details: complex operations
often produced acvios that by moving a line or two of source code would go
- Upside: it is now an option to move your "kumac" code to compiled code,
something that was never true in PAW. However, still not trivial.
- The graphics stuff was nice -- a plot in ROOT looked a lot better than in
PAW, for example.
My summary is good idea, poor programming practices. The middle layer is
missing -- the upper (graphics/hist, etc.) looks sharp, the lower (object
i/o) looks good but is full of bugs + cint good idea but more work -- the
middle (auto plotting/reading in of column wise like objects, etc.) is not
there yet.
I note the VR committee's recommendation on how Fermi should participate in
the development of whatever product we choose as encouraging.