
Acronyms of High-Energy Physics

This page is a list of acronyms of high-energy physics Laboratories and Accelerators and Detectors and Experiments and Other institutions .

BNL: The Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, Long Island.

CERN: Originally "Conseil Européenne pour Recherches Nucléaires," now the European Laboratory for Particle Physics, in Geneva, Switzerland.

DESY: Deutches Elektronen SYnchrotron laboratory in Hamburg, Germany.

FNAL: The Department of Energy's Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois.

KEK: Koo Energy Ken. The High Energy Research Accelerator Organization in Tsukuba, Japan.

LNF: Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, near Rome, Italy.

SLAC: The Department of Energy's Stanford Linear Accelerator Center in Palo Alto, California.

TRIUMF. TRI-University Meson Facility. (Although now there are eight universities involved, TRIUMF started with three.) Located at the University of British Columbia in Canada.

AD: Antimatter Decelerator. New facility at CERN to study antimatter.

AGS: The Alternating Gradient Synchrotron at Brookhaven.

B Factory: SLAC's new electron-positron collider, built to produce B mesons, beginning in 1999.

CLIC: CERN's proposed Compact LInear Collider.

CESR: The Cornell Electron Storage Ring. A high-luminosity electron-positron collider at the Wilson Synchrotron Laboratory, Cornell University.

DAFNE: (Sometimes DAPHNE) Double Annular Factory for Nice Experiments. 1.0 GeV high luminosity phi factory at LNF in Italy.

EPA: CERN's Electron Positron Accumulator.

FMI: The Fermilab Main Injector, due to begin operating in 1999 as an injector to the Tevatron.

HERA: Hadron-Electron Ring Accelerator at DESY.

ILC: International Linear Collider, now under study. A possible future electron-positron accelerator, proposed to be built with international participation. (If the Japanese should build it by themselves, it would be the JLC, or Japanese Linear Collider. If the Americans go it alon - the NLC, or Next Linear Collider.)

KEK B-Factory: An electron-positron collider to study CP violation in the B meson, at KEK.

LEAR: Low Energy Antiproton Ring at CERN (closed for physics in 1996).

LEIR: Low Energy Ion Ring. (LEAR is now being converted into LEIR, a machine to store ions for the LHC at CERN.)

LEP: The Large Electron Positron Collider at CERN.

LHC: The Large Hadron Collider, a new international 14 TeV proton-proton accelerator now being built at CERN, to begin operating sometime after 2005.

LIL: The Linear Injector for LEP at CERN.

Muon Collider: No acronym. Possible future accelerator, now under study in the US.

PEP: SLAC's Positron Electron Project, now the site of the B Factory.

PEP-II: The official name for the SLAC B Factory.

PS: CERN's Proton Synchrotron.

RHIC: Brookhaven's Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider began operation in 2000. RHIC collides beams of gold ions to study what the universe looked like in the first few moments after its creation.

SBLC: S-Band Linear Collider. Possible future linear collider, under study at DESY.

SLC: SLAC Linear electron-positron Collider.

SPEAR: The Stanford Positron Electron Accelerating Ring, completed in 1965. Now being used as a synchrotron light source for SSRL.

SPS: CERN's Super Proton Synchrotron.

TESLA: TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator, a possible future linear collider, now under study at DESY.

Tevatron: Fermilab's 2-TeV proton-antiproton accelerator, the world's highest-energy accelerator.

VLHC: Very Large Hadron Collider, possible new accelerator now under study as an international follow-on to the LHC.

Detectors & Experiments
ALEPH: Apparatus for LEP PHysics, at CERN.

ALICE: A Large Ion Collider Experiment, destined for the LHC at CERN.

AMANDA: Antarctic Muon and Neutrino Detector Array. International collaboration proposing to detect high-energy cosmic neutrinos at the South Pole.

AMS: Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer. A detector in space to search for antimatter.

APEX: AntiProton Experiment. Fermilab experiment to search for antiproton decay.

ATLAS: A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS. Detector now being built by an international collaboration for operation at the LHC at CERN. U.S. HEP community plays a major role.

BaBar: B-Bbar (anti-B) detector at SLAC's B Factory. Named for the elephant in Laurent DeBrunhoff's children's books.

BELLE: B detector at KEK in Japan.

BOREX: (or Borexino) An underground solar neutrino experiment at Gran Sasso in Italy.

BTeV: Proposed dedicated B physics experiment at Fermilab's Tevatron.

CDF: Collider Detector at Fermilab, studies proton-antiproton collisions at the Tevatron.

CDMS: Cryogenic Dark Matter Search. A Fermilab/university experiment to search for the interaction of dark matter particles with the nuclei of silicon and germanium detectors, now at Stanford. Will place a detector in Soudan Mine, Minnesota.

CHAOS: Canadian High Acceptance Orbit Spectrometer.

CHOOZ: An international long-baseline reactor neutrino experiment located at the CHOOZ A nuclear power station, les Ardennes, France.

CHORUS: CERN Hybrid Oscillation Research Apparatus.

CLEO:Not an acronym. Goes with CESR. Get it? Detector at Cornell's CESR accelerator.

CMS: Compact Muon Solenoid. Detector now being built for CERN's LHC by international collaboration including many U.S. physicists.

COMPASS: CERN's Common Muon and Proton Apparatus for Structure and Spectroscopy.

CRESST: Cryogenic Rare Event Search with Superconducting Thermometers. An experiment in the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory to search for WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particle) dark matter using cryogenic detectors.

DELPHI: Detector with Lepton Photon and Hadron Identification at CERN's LEP accelerator.

DONUT: Direct Observation of the Nu Tau. A Fermilab fixed-target experiment to detect direct interactions of the tau neutrino.

DZero: (named for location on the Tevatron Ring) Collider detector studies proton-antiproton collisions at Fermilab's Tevatron.

E787: Brookhaven experiment at the AGS to study rare kaon decays.

FOCUS: FOtoproduction of Charm: Upgraded Spectrometer. A Fermilab fixed target experiment to study charm physics.

GALLEX: The Gallium EXperiment at Gran Sasso. An international collaboration uses a gallium detector at Gran Sasso, Italy to measure the solar neutrino flux produced inside the sun by proton-proton fusion.

GLAST: Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope. A proposed orbiting telescope for high-energy gamma rays.

H1: Collider experiment at DESY.

HEAT: High- Energy Antimatter Telescope. A NASA-supported program of high-altitude balloon-borne experiments to study antimatter in the primary cosmic radiation.

HERA-B: Fixed-target experiment at DESY, to investigate CP violation in the B meson.

HERMES: DESY fixed-target experiment to explore spin.

Hi Res Fly's Eye: High-energy cosmic ray experiment in Dugway, Utah.

HOMESTAKE: A solar neutrino experiment in the Homestake Gold Mine in South Dakota.

HYPER-CP: A Search for Direct CP Violation in Hyperon decays. Fermilab fixed-target experiment.

ICARUS: Imaging Cosmic and Rare Underground Signal. Neutrino experiment proposed at CERN/Gran Sasso.

ISOLDE: Isotype On-Line separator at CERN.

K2K: KEK to Kamioka. Long-baseline neutrino experiment using a beam from KEK accelerator to Super-Kamiokande detector in Japan.

KAMIOKANDE: A solar neutrino experiment at the Kamioka Observatory in Japan.

KARMEN: Karlsruhe-Rutherford Medium-Energy Neutrino Experiment. A neutrino interaction experiment using a detector at the ISIS spallation neutron source at Rutherford- Appleton Laboratory in England.

KLOE: K LOng Experiment, to study CP violation at LNF's DAFNE.

KTeV: Kaons at the Tevatron, a Fermilab fixed-target experiment to study CP violation in kaon decay.

L3: named for its location on CERN's LEP accelerator.

LHC-B: Large Hadron Collider B Experiment, being built at the LHC at CERN.

LSND: Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detector. Neutrino oscillation experiment at Los Alamos.

MILAGRO: Detector to study cosmic ray air showers in the Jemez Mountains near Los Alamos, New Mexico.

MiniBooNE: Booster Neutrino Experiment, petite size. Planned experiment to study neutrino oscillations using Fermilab's Booster accelerator.

MINOS: Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search. An experiment to study neutrino oscillations using the NuMI beam from Fermilab's Main Injector accelerator.

NOMAD: Neutrino Oscillation MAgnetic Detector, at CERN.

NuMI: Neutrinos at the Main Injector, a project to send a beam of high-energy neutrinos from Fermilab to a detector in northern Minnesota, beginning in 2002.

NuSEA: NUcleon SEA. Fermilab fixed target experiment to measure the asymmetry of down and up anti-quarks in the nucleon sea.

NuTeV: Neutrinos at the Tevatron, a Fermilab fixed-target experiment using a neutrino beam for precision measurement of the mass of the W boson.

OPAL: Omni Purpose Apparatus for LEP, at CERN.

Pierre Auger Project: (No acronym) International experiment to track down the origin of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays.

SAGE: Soviet-American Gallium Experiment. (Although "Soviet" changed to "Russian" a few years back, "RAGE" didn't have the right ring.) Recently, thieves stole the gallium from this solar neutrino detector in the Baksan Mountains of Russia.

SDSS: Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Astrophysics project to create largest-ever three-dimensional map of the sky.

SELEX: SEgmented Large X baryon spectrometer EXperiment A fixed target experiment at Fermilab to study charm baryons.

SLD: SLAC Large Detector, optimized for physics at the SLC interaction point.

SNO: Sudbury Neutrino Observatory. A solar-neutrino detector near Sudbury, Ontario, Canada.

SOUDAN II: Soudan II underground detector, in an underground laboratory in the Tower-Soudan Iron Mine in Soudan, Minnesota, to search for nucleon decay and study atmospheric neutrino physics.

Super-K: Super-Kamiokande experiment to detect neutrino oscillations from atmospheric neutrino flux, in Japan.

ZEUS: (Not an acronym, but goes with HERA) Collider experiment at DESY's HERA.

DOE: U.S. Department of Energy. Funds the lion's share of U.S. HEP.

ER: DOE's Office of Energy Research, funds basic science research, including HEP.

HENP: DOE's Office of High Energy and Nuclear Physics; part of ER.

HEPAP: High Energy Physics Advisory Panel. Advisory to DOE.

NSF: National Science Foundation. Funds university physics research, physics experiments and projects, and an HEP lab at Cornell University.

SAGENAP: Scientific Assessment Group for Experiments in Non-Accelerator Physics. Advisory to DOE.

SPIRES: Stanford Public Information REtrieval System. Online gold mine of physics information.

last modified 4/2/2002   email Fermilab
