Special Joint Experimental/Theoretical Seminar
Friday October 9th 1998
3:30pm -5:00pm

Strangeness, Charm, Beauty

Lincoln Wolfenstein, Carnegie Mellon University
Jonathan Rosner, University of Chicago
Anthony Sanda, Nagoya University

HQ98 Program

(All talks are 30 mins. including discussions unless otherwise stated)

All Talks are in 1-WEST unless otherwise stated

See the Updated Schedule for links to copies of talks

Saturday 10th October 8:30am - 10:15am

Session I - CP Violation and Mixing I
Chair - Stefano Bianco

WELCOME (15 mins.)
- John Peoples, Director, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

The HeraB experiment at DESY
- Bernhard Schwingenheuer, MPI Heidelberg

CP violation, mixing and rare decays of B's at the Tevatron, now and in Tevatron Run II
- Kevin Pitts, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Recent results on B mixing and rare B decays from LEP
- Achille Stocchi, Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire, Orsay

Saturday 10th October 10:35am - 12:35pm

Session II - CP Violation and Mixing II and Heavy Ions
Chair - Ikaros Bigi

The BaBar experiment at SLAC
- Gerard Bonneaud, Ecole Polytechnique - LPNHE, Palaiseau

The Development of our knowledge of CP violation and rare B decays over the next decade
- Marina Artuso, Syracuse University

Mechanisms for generating the Baryon asymmetry of the universe
- Peter Arnold, University of Virginia, Charlottesville

Heavy quark signatures in Heavy Ion Physics -- present state of our understanding and future prospects
- Carlos Lourenco, CERN

Saturday 10th October 1:35pm - 3:30pm

Session III - Production Dynamics and Structure Functions I
Chair - Peter Garbincius

Charm production from E791
- Kevin Stenson, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Charm Physics Results from SELEX (25 mins.)
- Alexander Kushnirenko, Carnegie Mellon University

Charm and beauty production from WA92
- Dario Barberis, University and INFN, Genova

Results from HERMES
- Elke-Caroline Aschenauer, DESY-Zeuthen, Zeuthen

Saturday 10th October 3:50pm - 5:45pm

Session IV - Production Dynamics and Structure Functions II
Chair - Franco Luigi Fabbri

Heavy Quark Production in Neutrino Deep-Inelastic Scattering
- Todd Adams, Kansas State University

Results from Zeus and H1
- Beate Naroska, Univ. of Hamburg

New results from NUSEA on Onium production
- Ting Chang, New Mexico State University

Neutrino Production of charm and strange particles (25 mins.)
- Mitsuhiro Nakamura, Nagoya University

Sunday 11th October 8:30am - 9:55am

Session V - Production Dynamics and Structure Functions III and Hadronic Decays I
Chair - Dan Kaplan

B production and ONIUM production at the Tevatron
- Andrzej Zieminski, Indiana University

Heavy Quark Fragmentation
- Emanuel Norrbin, Lund University

Hadronic charm decays and lifetimes from E791 (25 mins.)
- Nader Copty, University of South Carolina

Sunday 11th October 10:15am - 12:25pm

Session VI - Hadronic Decays II and Production Dynamics IV
Chair - Marina Artuso

Charm decays from FOCUS/E687-I (25 mins.)
- Jonathan Link, University of California, Davis

Charm decays from FOCUS/E687-II (25 mins.)
- Eric Vaandering, University of Colorado

Charm and B decays CLEO (25 mins.)
- Jorge Rodriguez, University of Hawaii

Review of charm and B lifetimes (25 mins.)
- Harry Cheung, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Heavy Quark Production Issues
- Fred Olness, Southern Methodist University

Sunday 11th October 1:25pm - 3:20pm

Session VII - Semileptonic and Leptonic Decays I
Chair - Erik Ramberg

Hyperon Physics Results from Selex
- Ivo Eschrich, Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg

Hyperon semileptonic and radiative decays from KTEV
- Doug Jensen, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Charm semileptonic decays from E791
- Daniel Mihalcea, Kansas State University

Charm semileptonic decays from Focus/E687 (25 mins.)
- Will Johns, University of Puerto Rico

Sunday 11th October 3:40pm - 5:30pm

Session VIII - Semileptonic and Leptonic Decays II and Spectroscopy I
Chair - Robert Kutschke

Charm and B semileptonic decays from CLEO (25 mins.)
- Karl Ecklund, Cornell University

Lattice Gauge calculations of semileptonic and leptonic decays
- Andreas Kronfeld, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Charmonimum spectroscopy from E835
- Todd Pedlar, Northwestern University

Charm spectroscopy from CLEO (25 mins.)
- Saj Alam, SUNY, Albany

Monday 12th October 8:30am - 9:50am

Session IX - Spectroscopy II
Chair - Gianpaolo Bellini

Prospects for charm and structure function measurements from COMPASS
- Alessandro Bravar, University of Mainz

B spectroscopy from LEP
- Franz Muheim, University of Geneva

Heavy Flavor Spectroscopy (20 mins.)
- Estia Eichten, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Monday 12th October 10:00am - 12:00pm

Session X - Rare and Forbidden Decays
Chair - Brad Cox

New Results from BNL E871 on Rare K-long Decays to Two leptons (20 mins.)
- Dave Ambrose, University of Texas, Austin

Recent results on K+ -> pi+ nu nubar from BNL E787 (25 mins.)
- Steve Kettell, Brookhaven National Laboratory

Recent Results from BNL E865 (20 mins.)
- Alexander Sher, University of Pittsburgh

Review of rare decays and CP violation in charm
- Simon Kwan, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Rare B decays and CP violation from CLEO (25 mins.)
- Petr Gaidarev, Cornell University

Monday 12th October 1:00pm - 2:55pm

Session XI - Rare Decays II and CP Violation and Mixing II
Chair - Jeffrey Appel

Theoretical issues in rare decays of strange, charmed and bottom particles
- Gustavo Burdman, University of Wisconsin, Madison

CP violation in strange baryon decays from HyperCP (25 mins.)
- Catherine James, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

CP violation at Phi factories
- Giovanni Bencivenni, Frascati

Rare K decays from KTEV
- Eric Zimmerman, University of Chicago

Monday 12th October 3:15pm - 5:00pm

Session XII - CP Violation and Mixing III and Conference Summary
Chair - Harry W.K. Cheung

Results on CP violation in kaon decays from NA48
- Augusto Ceccucci, CERN

Results on CP violation in kaon decays from KTEV
- Mike Arenton, University of Virginia

Conference Summary
Chair - Joel Butler

Conference Summary (45 mins.)
- Chris Quigg, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Page maintained by H. Cheung
Last Revised: October 8, 1998
title: HQ98 Scientific Program