- John Peoples, Director, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
The HeraB experiment at DESY
- Bernhard Schwingenheuer, MPI Heidelberg
CP violation, mixing and rare decays of B's at the Tevatron, now and
in Tevatron Run II
- Kevin Pitts, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Recent results on B mixing and rare B decays from LEP
- Achille Stocchi, Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur
Linéaire, Orsay
Saturday 10th October 10:35am - 12:35pm
Session II - CP Violation and Mixing II and Heavy Ions
Chair - Ikaros Bigi
The BaBar experiment at SLAC
- Gerard Bonneaud, Ecole Polytechnique - LPNHE, Palaiseau
The Development of our knowledge of CP violation and rare B decays over
the next decade
- Marina Artuso, Syracuse University
Mechanisms for generating the Baryon asymmetry of the universe
- Peter Arnold, University of Virginia, Charlottesville
Heavy quark signatures in Heavy Ion Physics -- present state of our
understanding and future prospects
- Carlos Lourenco, CERN
Saturday 10th October 1:35pm - 3:30pm
Session III - Production Dynamics and Structure Functions I
Chair - Peter Garbincius
Charm production from E791
- Kevin Stenson, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Charm Physics Results from SELEX (25 mins.)
- Alexander Kushnirenko, Carnegie Mellon University
Charm and beauty production from WA92
- Dario Barberis, University and INFN, Genova
Results from HERMES
- Elke-Caroline Aschenauer, DESY-Zeuthen, Zeuthen
Saturday 10th October 3:50pm - 5:45pm
Session IV - Production Dynamics and Structure Functions II
Chair - Franco Luigi Fabbri
Heavy Quark Production in Neutrino Deep-Inelastic Scattering
- Todd Adams, Kansas State University
Results from Zeus and H1
- Beate Naroska, Univ. of Hamburg
New results from NUSEA on Onium production
- Ting Chang, New Mexico State University
Neutrino Production of charm and strange particles (25 mins.)
- Mitsuhiro Nakamura, Nagoya University
Sunday 11th October 8:30am - 9:55am
Session V - Production Dynamics and Structure Functions III and Hadronic
Decays I
Chair - Dan Kaplan
B production and ONIUM production at the Tevatron
- Andrzej Zieminski, Indiana University
Heavy Quark Fragmentation
- Emanuel Norrbin, Lund University
Hadronic charm decays and lifetimes from E791 (25 mins.)
- Nader Copty, University of South Carolina
Sunday 11th October 10:15am - 12:25pm
Session VI - Hadronic Decays II and Production Dynamics IV
Chair - Marina Artuso
Charm decays from FOCUS/E687-I (25 mins.)
- Jonathan Link, University of California, Davis
Charm decays from FOCUS/E687-II (25 mins.)
- Eric Vaandering, University of Colorado
Charm and B decays CLEO (25 mins.)
- Jorge Rodriguez, University of Hawaii
Review of charm and B lifetimes (25 mins.)
- Harry Cheung, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Heavy Quark Production Issues
- Fred Olness, Southern Methodist University
Sunday 11th October 1:25pm - 3:20pm
Session VII - Semileptonic and Leptonic Decays I
Chair - Erik Ramberg
Hyperon Physics Results from Selex
- Ivo Eschrich, Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg
Hyperon semileptonic and radiative decays from KTEV
- Doug Jensen, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Charm semileptonic decays from E791
- Daniel Mihalcea, Kansas State University
Charm semileptonic decays from Focus/E687 (25 mins.)
- Will Johns, University of Puerto Rico
Sunday 11th October 3:40pm - 5:30pm
Session VIII - Semileptonic and Leptonic Decays II and Spectroscopy I
Chair - Robert Kutschke
Charm and B semileptonic decays from CLEO (25 mins.)
- Karl Ecklund, Cornell University
Lattice Gauge calculations of semileptonic and leptonic decays
- Andreas Kronfeld, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Charmonimum spectroscopy from E835
- Todd Pedlar, Northwestern University
Charm spectroscopy from CLEO (25 mins.)
- Saj Alam, SUNY, Albany
Monday 12th October 8:30am - 9:50am
Session IX - Spectroscopy II
Chair - Gianpaolo Bellini
Prospects for charm and structure function measurements from COMPASS
- Alessandro Bravar, University of Mainz
B spectroscopy from LEP
- Franz Muheim, University of Geneva
Heavy Flavor Spectroscopy (20 mins.)
- Estia Eichten, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Monday 12th October 10:00am - 12:00pm
Session X - Rare and Forbidden Decays
Chair - Brad Cox
New Results from BNL E871 on Rare K-long Decays to Two leptons (20 mins.)
- Dave Ambrose, University of Texas, Austin
Recent results on K+ -> pi+ nu nubar from BNL E787 (25 mins.)
- Steve Kettell, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Recent Results from BNL E865 (20 mins.)
- Alexander Sher, University of Pittsburgh
Review of rare decays and CP violation in charm
- Simon Kwan, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Rare B decays and CP violation from CLEO (25 mins.)
- Petr Gaidarev, Cornell University
Monday 12th October 1:00pm - 2:55pm
Session XI - Rare Decays II and CP Violation and Mixing II
Chair - Jeffrey Appel
Theoretical issues in rare decays of strange, charmed and bottom particles
- Gustavo Burdman, University of Wisconsin, Madison
CP violation in strange baryon decays from HyperCP (25 mins.)
- Catherine James, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
CP violation at Phi factories
- Giovanni Bencivenni, Frascati
Rare K decays from KTEV
- Eric Zimmerman, University of Chicago
Monday 12th October 3:15pm - 5:00pm
Session XII - CP Violation and Mixing III and Conference Summary
Chair - Harry W.K. Cheung
Results on CP violation in kaon decays from NA48
- Augusto Ceccucci, CERN
Results on CP violation in kaon decays from KTEV
- Mike Arenton, University of Virginia
Conference Summary
Chair - Joel Butler
Conference Summary (45 mins.)
- Chris Quigg, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Page maintained by
H. Cheung
Last Revised: October 8, 1998
URL: http://www.fnal.gov/projects/hq98/html/scientific_schedule.html
title: HQ98 Scientific Program