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International Film Society Regret to Inform
Friday, Nov.10, 8 p.m., Ramsey Auditorium Wilson Hall $4, $2 for Fermilab grad students.
Dir: Barbara Sonneborn, USA (1998), 72 min. Made over the course of ten years by Sonneborn, whose husband died at Khe Sanh, the film brings the Vietnam War home from a new perspectiveóthe war widow. Awarded Best Documentary and Best Cinematography at the 1999 Sundance Film Festival. Friday, Nov.10, 8 p.m., Ramsey Auditorium Wilson Hall $4, $2 for Fermilab grad students.
Arts Series Anima
Sat., Nov. 11, 8:00 p.m. Tickets $18/$9 ages 18 and under
Don't miss this exciting Brazilian ensemble's premier North American Tour, celebrating Brazil's 500th anniversary. The mix of popular and ìseriousî music performed on traditional instrument recalls the most ancient roots of Brazilian traditional music.
A Celtic Christmas
Sat., Dec. 2, 8 p.m. Tickets $20/$10 ages 18 and under
Storyteller Tomaseen Foley and an ensemble of musicians and dancers recreate a Christmas night in a remote Irish farmhouse in a time before cars, phones and TV, when the old traditions prevailed. Joining Foley are musicians William Coulter, Deby Benton Grosjean and Todd Deman, and dancers from the Murray School of Irish Dance.
DANCING Fermilab barn dancing
International folk dancing
Scottish country dancing
For information on either dancing group, call Mady, (630) 584-0825 or Doug, x8194, or e-mail folkdance@fnal.gov.
Robert Cropp, University of Toronto, completed his thesis working on the CDF experiment.
Test Run Complete
The Beams Division successfully completed a seven-week Tevatron test run. The partially installed CDF detector recorded millions of test collisions.
Circulated in the new Antiproton Recycler: the first antiprotons, at 2 p.m. on Monday, November 6, 2000. |
last modified 11/10/2000 email Fermilab |