Fermilab Arts Series
Gaelic Storm
March 3, 2001, 8 p.m. SOLD OUT.
Choreographer's Showcase
Featuring Hubbard Street 2
April 21, 2001, 8 p.m. $17/$9 for ages 18 and under.
This traditional Fermilab Arts Series event features a variety of some of the brightest young dancers and dance companies in Chicago.
For more information call (630)-840-ARTS.
International Film Society Presents:
Eyes Wide Shut
March 9, 2001, 8 p.m. Ramsey Auditorium, Wilson Hall. USA/UK (1999), 159 min., Dir: Stanley Kubrick. Kubrick's last film. Released shortly after his death. Tickets are $4 for adults and $1.00 for children (under 12) and are sold only at the door.
Fermilab Lecture Series Presents
Living With A Star
George L. Withbroe, NASA Science Program March 30, 2001, tickets: $5
Director for the Sun-Earth Connection program, George L. Withbroe has overall responsibility for developing policy and providing guidance for NASA's program to understand the physics of the Sun.
International Women's Day
March 10, 2001. Celebration sponsored by NALWO and organized by Fermilab's Russian women. Children wanted to perform! Please see www-fnal.gov/orgs/nalwo/irina.html for details.
Free English classes in the Users' Center for FNAL guests, visitors and their spouses. The schedule is: Monday and Friday, 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Separate classes for both beginners and advanced students.
Coffee for newcomers and visitors. Thursday, March 29, 2001 at the Housing Office (Aspen East) 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Covert Bailey Video Series 12:00-12:30 in One West
March 7 - The Target Diet: Blasting the New Food Pyramid
March 14 - Food and Fitness Foolishness
March 21 - Crash Diets and Other Weight Loss Tricks
International folk dancing, Thursdays, 7:30-10 p.m., Village Barn, newcomers always welcome. Scottish country dancing, Tuesdays, 7:30 - 10 p.m., Village Barn, newcomers always welcome. For information on either dancing group, call Mady, 630-584-0825 or Doug, x8194, or e-mail folkdance@fnal.gov.
Barn Dance
The Fermilab Barn Dance series, featuring traditional square and contra dances in the Fermilab Village barn, presents barn dances on Sundays. Check the webpages at http://www.fnal.gov/orgs/folkclub/ .
packed and jammed
The Lederman Science Center Open House on February 12, with more than 1,500 visitors.
The Philip Hauge Abelson Prize; by the American Association for the Advancement of Science; to former Fermilab director and Nobel Prize winner Leon Lederman.
The Luise Meyer-Schutzmeister Memorial Award for 2000; by the Association of Women in Science; to Bonnie Tamminga Fleming (ID 08607V). The Luise Meyer-Schutzmester Award is given annually to an outstanding woman graduate student in physics, for exceptional academic achievement, the importance of the research being addressed, the quality of the research, and the applicant's potential for future contributions to the field of physics.
The theoretical prediction for the g-minus-2 value of the muon, a heavy relative of the electron; by the high-precision experimental result obtained by physicists at the Brookhaven National Laboratory. Though more data is needed to clarify the observations, the discrepancy suggests the existence of new particles and forces that influence the behavior of muons in a strong magnetic field.