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Website for Fermilab Events:
Fermilab Arts Series
Choreographerís Showcase
Featuring Hubbard Street 2
April 21, 2001, 8 p.m. $17/$9 for ages 18 and under.
This traditional Fermilab Arts Series event features a variety of some of the brightest young dancers and dance companies in Chicago.
For more information call (630)-840-ARTS.
NALWO Womenís Day
An appreciative and enthusiastic crowd of about 250 Fermilab families enjoyed NALWOís International Womenís Day performance by young talented dancers and musicians in Ramsey Auditorium on March 10. Highlights of the program included a recitation of a Pushkin poem, several beautifully costumed dances by the Fermilab Childrenís Ballet, and wonderful piano, violin, flute, recorder, and accordion musical selections. After the show, the participants continued the celebration with a potluck party at the Usersí Center.
Book Fair
Wilson Hall Atrium April 17 - 7:00am-3:30pm April 18 - 9:00am-5:30pm
Recreation Bookorp Inc. will offer quality books, stationary, photo albums, toys and much more at discount prices.
Summer camp
Registration for the Childrenís Summer Day Camp begins March 1 with a deadline of March 30. The session dates for the Childrenís Summer Day Camp are: Session I - June 18 - July 6; Session II - July 9 - July 27; Session III - July 30 - August 17. Day Camp information, booklet and registration form can be found in the Recreation Office or on our web page, http://fnalpubs.fnal.gov/benedept/recreation/campbrochure.html.
At the Village Barn, newcomers always welcome: International folk dancing, Thursdays, 7:30-10 p.m. Scottish country dancing, Tuesdays, 7:30 - 10 p.m. For information on either group, call Mady, (630) 584-0825 or Doug, x8194, or email folkdance@fnal.gov.
last modified 4/1/2001 by C. Hebert email Fermilab |