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Profile in Physics: Charged Up - There's nothing neutral about Boris Kayser by Gary Ruderman
Boris Kayser's passion runs deep underground. Some of Kayser's strongest
scientific interests lie at the bottom of mines where much of the basic research
begins on the elusive yet abundant and critically important neutrino.
Last fall, Kayser and other particle physicists descended ("It felt like we were
dropped") down a mile-long mine shaft at the old Homestake Gold Mine in
Lead, S.D., site of the world's first solar neutrino detector.
"For me," he said, "it was a shrine."
Kayser, 63, is an overtly enthusiastic particle physics theorist whose eyebrows
and voice rise in proportion to his excitement. He joined the staff of Fermilab's
theoretical physics department in October 2001, with the title of Fermilab
distinguished scientist. He brought with him more than a decade of academic
research, and three decades at the National Science Foundation (NSF). As
Fermilab undertakes its neutrino detection and oscillation experiments with
MiniBooNE and MINOS, Kayser hopes for a confrontation with big questions.
"If one wants to understand the universe, one must understand neutrinos," Kayser
explained. "If there were no neutrinos, the sun and stars would not shine. There
would be no energy from the sun to keep us warm, no atoms more complicated
than hydrogen, no carbon, no oxygen, no water, no us."
He summed it up: "No neutrinos-no NU'S-would be very BAD NEWS."
Kayser is most interested in the matter-antimatter relations that neutrinos may
"In the Standard Model of Particle Physics," he said, "you have a detailed picture
of nature. We try to do experiments to verify that this picture is correct. But the
Standard Model is surely incomplete, so we're also looking for places where it
breaks down. One piece of experimental breakdown is the non-zero mass of
neutrinos. The Standard Model assumes that neutrinos have no masses."
Questions abound: Where do neutrinos get their mass? Are there more than
three types of neutrinos? Are neutrinos identical to their antiparticles? In a public
lecture, Kayser likened neutrino oscillation to ice cream spontaneously changing
flavor: the oscillation changes the "flavor" of the neutrino as it travels over a long
distance. While the particle is born in the earth's atmosphere as a 'chocolate' or
muon neutrino, it can, over a great distance, become a 'strawberry' or tau neutrino.
Kayser has already placed a theoretical wager on Charge-Parity-Time Reversal
invariance. If neutrinos have a different mass than their antineutrinos, then CPT
invariance is violated. Theorists at Fermilab and elsewhere have suggested that
nature does violate CPT in just this way.
Kayser's bet: "This would be a big shocker and I'd bet against it. But nature is full
of surprises. It's loads of fun to think what the world would be like if CPT is indeed
broken, and it's important to see experimentally
whether it's broken or not."
A New Jersey native, Kayser was a Westinghouse
Science Talent Search winner in high school before
earning an undergraduate degree in physics at
Princeton in 1960. For his Ph.D., Kayser chose
particle physics at CalTech. In 1972 he joined NSF,
where he and several colleagues helped found the
NSF-funded Institute for Theoretical Physics at the
University of California at Santa Barbara.
While at NSF, Kayser's interest was piqued by the
new field of neutral weak currents. His research
migrated away from strong interaction physics,
toward the neutral, weakly-interacting neutrino.
The switch left him-he says-"more charged.
I'm intrigued by not knowing the underlying physical
laws of this new discipline."
But he felt the classic administration/research bind.
He said he was able to author or co-author more
than 100 physics papers during his time at NSF only
by defying the laws of time: "I spent 100 percent of
my time in administration-and the other 100 percent
on research."
At Fermilab, he feels he can give his enthusiasms
(and his facial and vocal emphasis) free reign-
enthusiasms that include another passion, CP
Violation beyond quarks and strong interactions.
In this area of matter-antimatter asymmetry, Kayser
and others see further possibilities for cracking the
Standard Model.
"We are lovers of symmetry," he said. "We would
expect matter and antimatter to behave in the same
way, or in mirror images of behavior, like the equal
but opposite charges of electrons and positrons.
But nature doesn't work that way; the mirroring is
not precise. Otherwise you'd walk down the street,
meet the anti-you, and both annihilate.
"Something has to explain the preponderance of
matter over antimatter," he continued. "We know that
quarks violate symmetry-that was the discovery
of CP Violation in k mesons, a very tiny effect.
But is this CP Violation the only source? We need
something more to explain the matter-antimatter
asymmetry, and we're confirming big asymmetries
in b mesons, which can be made in the Tevatron.
So we want to measure a whole bunch of different
decays in b mesons, and others which aren't
CP violating but are related. We want to see them
all and hope there's a failure, a breakdown in the
Standard Model."
A breakdown means the chance to build anew.
"This is very basic stuff," Kayser said. "Recently
both CP Violation and the physics of neutrinos have
become very exciting because of experimental
discoveries. These areas will be pursued big-time
at Fermilab-at CDF and DZero, at BTeV, in the
neutrino experiments that are coming together and
maybe more of them in the future. Nature may not
be what we've thought for the last 50 years. Fermilab
is the crossroads where this is all happening.
I love it."
last modified 5/10/2002 email Fermilab |