Fermi National Laboratory

Volume 22  |  Friday, March 19, 1999  |  Number 6
In This Issue  |  FermiNews Main Page


The Fermilab Golf League at Phillips Park is looking for players every Thursday night from early May-August. A league meeting is scheduled on Wednesday, March 31 at 11:30 in the Snakepit, WH2NE. For more info contact Steve Baginski, x3721, Baginski@Almond.fnal.gov or Joe O’Malley, x2504.



From Fermilab’s Fire Department: Daylight savings time begins Easter Sunday, April 4th. When you change your clocks, please change the batteries in your smoke detectors–it could save your life.



I am writing to you here so that I can comment on the February 22 issue of FERMINEWS. While it contained several very important articles–most notably the coverage of the annual meeting of the URACouncil of Presidents, a meeting that was informed by the thoughtful speeches of Rita Colwell, Martha Krebs and James Sensenbrenner–it also contained an article that disturbed a number of people. This article covered an exhibit of the work of several art students, who presented their ideas of how to communicate to diverse audiences the abstract concepts of particle physics using the tools of advertising. One such idea attempted to convey the concepts of Einstein’s theory of special relativity in an ad in a men’s magazine. I regret that the design, and its appearance in FERMINEWS, was offensive to some of our readers. I am assured that the editors of FERMINEWSnever intended to cause any offense or insult.


John Peoples, Jr.

last modified 3/19/1999   email Fermilab
