November 15
Fermilab Hosts Virtual Ask-a-Scientist on December 12, 2002
November 13
The Grid gets Real
November 12
Physicists Puzzle Over Unexpected Findings in 'Little' Big Bang
November 4
German and U.S. laboratories to collaborate on the development of X-ray free electron lasers
November 4
X-ray Laser Cooperation within the scope of the TESLA-Project DESY and SLAC signed agreement in Washington
November 1
Live Webcasts from CERN for European Science and Technology week
October 29
CERN experiment provides first glimpse inside cold antihydrogen
October 22
Fermilab’s Helen Edwards Receives Prestigious 2003 Robert R. Wilson Prize
from the American Physical Society
October 8
Brookhaven Lab's Raymond Davis Jr. Wins Nobel Prize in Physics
October 7
World physics community gathers for 40th anniversary of the Stanford
Linear Accelerator Center
October 3
HEP Labs Collaborate for Tevatron Run II Luminosity
October 2
SLAC Celebrates 40 Years of Scientific Achievement
September 27
Synchrotron lab Director Hodgson wins E. O. Lawrence Award
September 18
Thousands of cold anti-atoms produced at CERN
September 17
CERN launches Europe-wide tests of Grid technology
July 24
Physicists and Communicators meet at ICHEP 2002
July 23
From Theory to Certainty - BaBar announces new result on Charge Parity violation
July 2
Brazil and CERN express interest in establishing closer links
May 2
First stage of spallation neutron source completed (LBL)