Twenty-six Fermilab Employees Receive Exceptional Performance Recognition Awards
On Sept. 28, Fermilab recognized the work of 26 employees with Exceptional Performance Recognition Awards. The employees had been nominated by their divisions and sections for the awards. Fermilab Director Pier Oddone handed out the awards at a reception on the 15th floor of Wilson Hall.
"We have many dedicated employees here at Fermilab. It is a great pleasure to recognize each year some of the truly outstanding contributions they make to the laboratory," said Oddone. "These people have gone beyond their duties and accomplished things that are of great importance to our organization, making this a great laboratory."
The following employees received awards: |
Rick Ford
Particle Physics Division
Rick Ford is awarded an Exceptional Performance Recognition Award for his leadership of the Laboratory’s Alignment Services Group in improving its services and instigating a worldwide alignment and metrology group working on ILC issues. |
Erik Gottschalk
Particle Physics Division
Erik Gottschalk is presented an Exceptional Performance Recognition Award for his leadership, enthusiasm, and dedication in transforming the LHC@FNAL Remote Operations Center from a concept to reality. |
Anna Pla-Dalmau
Particle Physics Division
Anna Pla-Dalmau is awarded an Exceptional Performance Recognition Award for her management and technical leadership of the Scintillation Detector Development Group and the Extrusion Facility to the benefit of Fermilab and the particle physics community. |
Gina Rameika
Particle Physics Division
Gina Rameika is awarded an Exceptional Performance Recognition Award for her leadership in developing a plan including the background analysis for a US Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Program. |
Richard Tesarek
Particle Physics Division
Richard Tesarek is awarded an Exceptional Performance Recognition Award for his leadership of the SciBooNE Construction Project from experiment approval to data taking in one and one half years. |
Mike Andrews
Accelerator Division
Mike Andrews is awarded an Exceptional Performance Recognition Award for his leadership in the repair of the 8 GeV Neutrino Beam Absorber. |
Peter Garbincius
Accelerator Division
Peter Garbincius is awarded an Exceptional Performance Recognition Award for his efforts toward the successful completion of the ILC Reference Design Report. |
Fernanda Garcia
Accelerator Division
Fernanda Garcia is awarded an Exceptional Performance Recognition Award for her efforts on the design and installation of the new, simplified Booster injection girder. |
Arkadiy Klebaner
Accelerator Division
Arkadiy Klebaner is awarded an Exceptional Performance Recognition Award for his leadership of the Meson Cryogenic System Design and Construction for SCRF R&D. |
James Lackey
Accelerator Division
James Lackey is awarded an Exceptional Performance Recognition Award for his efforts on the design and installation of the new, simplified Booster injection girder. |
Milorad Popovic
Accelerator Division
Milorad Popovic is awarded an Exceptional Performance Recognition Award for his conception of, as well as his design and installation efforts on the new, simplified Booster injection girder. |
Jay Theilacker
Accelerator Division
Jay Theilacker is awarded an Exceptional Performance Recognition Award for his leadership of the Meson Cryogenic System Design and Construction for SCRF R&D. |
Amber Boehnlein
Computing Division
Amber Boehnlein is awarded an Exceptional Performance Recognition Award for her vital contributions to the management, organization and operations of the Running Experiments Department in the Computing Division. |
Suzanne Gysin
Computing Division
Suzanne Gysin is awarded an Exceptional Performance Recognition Award for her work on the Role Based Access (RBAC) system for the LHC Controls System, and for leading it to a successful completion. |
Irwin Gaines
Computing Division
Irwin Gaines is awarded an Exceptional Performance Recognition Award for his exceptional contributions to the Lab’s computer security program and in particular, for leading and chairing the Labwide efforts in data categorization and PII. |
Harry Carter
Technical Division
Harry Carter is awarded an Exceptional Performance Recognition Award for his substantial contributions, as a regional leader, to the organization, writing and technical content of the ILC Reference Design Report chapter on Cryomodules. |
David Harding
Technical Division
David Harding is awarded an Exceptional Performance Recognition Award for successfully overseeing the design and construction of the Orbit Bump (“Orbump”) magnets, which have been installed in the tunnel and successfully operated throughout 2007. |
Don Mitchell
Technical Division
Don Mitchell is awarded an Exceptional Performance Recognition Award for his substantial contributions to the organization, writing and technical content of the ILC Reference Design Report chapter on Cryomodules. |
Tom Peterson
Technical Division
Tom Peterson is awarded an Exceptional Performance Recognition Award for his substantial contributions, as a regional leader, to the organization, writing and technical content of the ILC Reference Design Report chapter on Cryogenics. |
Nikolay Solyak
Technical Division
Nikolay Solyak is awarded an Exceptional Performance Recognition Award for his substantial contributions, as a regional leader, to the organization, writing and technical content of the ILC Reference Design Report chapter on the Main Linac. |
John Tompkins
Technical Division
John Tompkins is awarded an Exceptional Performance Recognition Award for his substantial contributions, as a regional leader, to the organization, writing and technical content of the ILC Reference Design Report chapter on Magnet Systems. |
Vsevolod Kamerdzhiev
Accelerator Physics Center
Vsevolod Kamerdzhiev is awarded an Exceptional Performance Recognition Award for his contribution to and leadership role in the successful compensation of beam-beam effects by electron lenses in the Tevatron. |
John (“Jack”) Kelly
Business Services Section
Jack Kelly is awarded an Exceptional Performance Recognition Award for his extraordinarily successful planning, management and completion of the physical inventory of all government personal property at Fermilab in his role as FRA Transition Logistics Team Leader. |
Mary Logue
ES&H Section
Mary Logue is awarded an Exceptional Performance Recognition Award for her extensive and very successful efforts while serving as the ES&H Program representative on the Transition Team for the new FRA contract. |
Mike Rhoades
Finance Section
Mike Rhoades is awarded an Exceptional Performance Recognition Award for his exemplary performance in successfully managing the financial operations transition of the DOE contract from URA to FRA. |
Jim Wollwert
Finance Section
Jim Wollwert is awarded an Exceptional Performance Recognition Award for his exemplary performance in conjunction with the financial operations transition of the DOE contract from URA to FRA. |