Fermi National Laboratory

Accelerator Update for April 11, 2008 - April 21, 2008


Friday April 11

The day shift began with Booster, the Main Injector (MI), and NuMI in access. The Tevatron (TeV) had its main bus powered and was conditioning its separators.

Experts, experimenters, and technicians worked all day in the TeV, MI, NuMI, and the Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF) and DZero (D0) collision halls.

Linac experts tuned their accelerator during the morning.

Operations began the TeV turn on later in the afternoon.

NuMI was search and secured by shift's end.

Operators interlocked CDF and D0 early on the evening shift and then put the TeV through a dry squeeze.

Booster and MI were interlocked and then put in standby to save power.

Operations turned on the Pelletron for a short time as a test.

Saturday April 12

The midnight shift began with the TeV being held at the front porch, and with the Booster kicker (MP02) vacuum pump-down progressing.

The MP02 vacuum pump-down went well.

Operators conducted a Booster hipot and discovered a ground fault . Experts accessed at the end of midnight shift to hunt for the fault.

Early on the evening shift, the Booster ground fault was discovered. It was a cable touching the power bus.

Late on the evening shift, another hipot discovered another ground fault. The search for this fault continued to the end of shift.

Sunday April 13

The midnight shift began with operators searching for a Booster ground fault.

Experts successfully pulse tested the Booster MP02 kicker.

Near the end of the day shift, Booster experts reported that they found another cable touching the bus.

During the evening shift a Linac Klystron power supply (KPS1B) tripped off; its charging supply was replaced. A MI RF station (MIRF4) tripped off and wouldn’t reset. Operators informed an expert. The TeV sector A2 temperature readbacks started having problems. A controls expert came in and replaced a control card.

Operations established beam in Linac and Booster.

Operators took the TeV separators out of conditioning mode and put the TeV through a dry squeeze.

Operations established beam to MI.

Operations sent protons to the Recycler.

Operations sent beam to the Antiproton Source (Pbar) and Pbar began stacking.

Operations established beam to the NuMI experiment.

Monday April 14

The midnight shift began with Pbar stacking, with the Linac, Booster, and MI operating normally, with CDF and D0 waiting for colliding beam, and with NuMI taking beam. The SciBooNE / MiniBooNE (BNB) experiments were off due to horn polarity problems.

Operations put the TeV through a number of dry and wet squeezes to smooth the orbit .

A Pbar Debuncher quadrupole power supply (D:Q724) tripped off and would not reset, but an expert came in late on the midnight shift and reset its internal breaker.

The day shift began with TeV studies, Pbar stacking, the Recycler stashing, and with beam to NuMI.

A TeV water leak was found on the B3 dump switch. Operators turned off the TeV and experts repaired the leak. After the repairs were completed, operators preformed a dump test and discovered a mechanical problem at A3 and an electronic failure on B3. Experts began their repairs.

The Recycler stashed antiprotons four times during the day shift.

Store 6047 was established during the evening shift with a luminosity of 214.68E30.

The Recycler stashed three times during this shift.

Tuesday April 15

The midnight shift began with Operations monitoring store 6047 and the stash, with Pbar stacking, and with NuMI taking beam when beam was available.

A vacuum burst in the P2 transfer line, near the TeV injection Lamberston magnets, caused D0 and CDF to halt data taking for about two hours.

A Linac Klystron RF station (KRF4) was down for about 40 minutes.

The Recycler stashed four times during the midnight shift.

Operations terminated store 6047 late in the afternoon and put the TeV into shot setup.

The BNB horn repairs was completed and they resumed taking beam near the end of day shift.

At the beginning of the evening shift the TeV suffered a quench at B0 during the squeeze. Experts investigated, but could not find a cause.

The Pelletron tripped off. Experts turned it back on.

The Recycler stashed four times during this shift.

Wednesday April 16

The midnight shift began with Operations monitoring the stash, with Pbar stacking, and with NuMI and BNB taking beam when available.

The TeV recovered from its quench, Operations put it into shot setup, and established store 6051 with an initial luminosity of 207E30.

Stacking was interrupted for about 90 minutes when a Pbar beam valve (BV728) closed for no apparent reason. Experts opened the valve.

NuMI took beam until the end of midnight shift when a scheduled power outage tripped off its beam permit .

The day shift began with operators trying to restore CAMAC crates and the beam and abort systems for MINOS, due to its power outage. NuMI beam was reestablished in the afternoon.

Problems with the Pbar beam valve BV728 continued all shift.

The Recycler stashed four times during this shift.

During the evening shift, Operations terminated store 6051, put the TeV through a wet squeeze, and conducted an orbit smooth. Operations put the TeV into shot setup, but the TeV quenched at F1 due to a power supply (HT712) trip.

A Booster RF station (BRF1) caused a lot of problems throughout the evening shift.

The Recycler stashed four times during the evening shift.

Thursday April 17

The midnight shift began with the TeV startup in progress, with Operations monitoring the stash, with Pbar stacking, and with NuMI and BNB taking beam when available.

While in shot setup, the TeV quenched. The TeV investigation and recovery took the entire shift. No cause for the quench was found.

The Recycler stashed three times during the midnight shift.

The TeV conducted studies during the day shift until it suffered an A4 and B0 quench early in the afternoon. Experts continued to investigate these quenches.

Operators prepared the TeV for an access so cryo system experts could search for a leak in the Kautzky valve pressure line.

During the evening shift cryo experts reported that they could not find a kautzky leak. Vacuum technicians replaced a C3 vacuum pump.

TeV experts conducted aperture scans and reported finding a restriction in the CDF collision hall.

The Booster West Anode Power Supply (WAPS) tripped off once during the evening shift.

Friday April 18

The midnight shift began with the TeV conducting studies, with Operation monitoring the stash, with Pbar stacking, and with NuMI and BNB taking beam when available.

TeV experts made more aperture measurements, followed by B0Q3 magnet training. The magnet was able to sit up, bark, and roll over by the time Operations needed it to conduct dry and wet squeezes.

NuMI beam was interrupted for about two hours due to a horn trip. An expert came in and replaced an air filter.

Pbar stacked antiprotons, but never stashed them due to the size of the existing stash.

A 5.4 magnitude earthquake hit the southern Illinois and Indiana border, near West Salem, Illinois during the later part of the midnight shift. There was no store.

At 10:14 AM, another 4.5 magnitude earthquake hit near West Salem, Illinois.

During the rest of the day shift, TeV experts investigated and attempted to minimize the B0 aperture restriction.

Operations put the TeV into shot setup near the end of shift.

On the evening shift, Operations established store 6065 with a luminosity of 211.57E30.

A small power glitch tripped off the Booster WAPS, and a Linac and Accumulator RF station. These devices recovered, but a Pelletron BPM front end had stopped responding and was rebooted. A Pelletron expert came in and restored the Electron Cooling beam.

The Recycler stashed three times during the evening shift.

Saturday April 19

The midnight shift began with Operations monitoring store 6065 and the stash, with Pbar stacking, with CDF and D0 using the colliding beams, and with the NuMI and BNB experiments taking beam.

KRF7 tripped off three times during the shift.

Pbar stacked antiprotons, but never stashed them due to the size of the existing stash.

Operations terminated store 6065 early in the day shift and by early afternoon had established store 6066 with a luminosity of 237.93E30.

The P1 transfer line beam permit tripped off a few times during the evening shift. Operators investigated.

The Recycler stashed four times during evening shift.

Sunday April 20

The midnight shift began with Operations monitoring store 6066 and the stash, with Pbar stacking, with CDF and D0 using the colliding beams, and with the NuMI and BNB experiments taking beam.

Operations terminated store 6066 early in the shift and by the end of the midnight shift had established store 6067 with a luminosity of 241.35E30.

The Recycler stashed four times during midnight shift.

Operations monitored store 6067 during the day shift.

There was a MIRF “Watchdog” trip on a LCW temperature indication. Operators unplugged the module that caused the trip.

Early in the afternoon, a Recycler vertical trim magnet power supply (R:V429) developed some noise that caused the loss of about 10E10 of antiprotons.

The Recycler stashed seven times during the day shift.

Operations terminated store 6067 early in the evening shift and by the end of the evening shift had established store 6068 with a luminosity of 240.05E30.

After the new store was established, operators replaced the R:V429 power supply.

Monday April 21

The midnight shift began with Operations monitoring store 6068 and the stash, with Pbar stacking, with CDF and D0 using the colliding beams, and with the NuMI and BNB experiments taking beam.

Operations reported that MIRF16 would trip off whenever operators tried to raise the NuMI intensity; their intensity stayed at 5 turns.

The Recycler stashed six times during the midnight shift.

The Plans for Monday

The plans for today are to stack, stash, and store.


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More Information
For Tevatron luminosity charts and the current status of Fermilab's accelerators and detectors (live!), please go to Fermilab Now.

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last modified 04/22/2008    email Fermilab
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