Doing Business with Fermilab

Fermilab is a fundamental research laboratory with a well-defined mission in particle physics, but it is also an engine of innovation. The technologies developed for particle physics research have applications in numerous other fields, and in spreading these technologies, Fermilab plays multiple roles: customer, supplier, collaborator, facilitator.
Fermilab provides many opportunities for businesses and organizations to partner with the laboratory. Explore those opportunities below.
The Procurement Department is responsible for acquiring goods and services for the entire laboratory. It provides helpful, professional support for all procurement requirements from the development of initial plans and requirements to subcontract closeout. These activities are carried out with a "best value" procurement philosophy.
Partnerships and
Technology Transfer
Fermilab's unique technologies, capabilities and facilities are accessible to industrial partners through a variety of mechanisms. Industry partners are able to license Fermilab patented and copyrighted technologies; use unique facilities and technical services through Strategic Partnership Projects (SPP) agreements; or participate in joint research through a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA). The Office of Partnerships and Technology Transfer administers these industry-facing programs for Fermilab.
Illinois Accelerator
Research Center
The Illinois Accelerator Research Center, or IARC, is a new accelerator research facility funded by the state of Illinois and currently being built at Fermilab. At IARC, scientists and engineers from Fermilab, Argonne National Laboratory and Illinois universities work side by side with industrial partners to research and develop breakthroughs in accelerator science and translate them into applications for the nation's health, wealth and security.
- Last modified
- 03/20/2017
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