Fermilab Leadership
The Fermilab Directorate provides the leadership necessary to support and advance the laboratory's scientific mission. This includes setting lab policy and program direction and ensuring support and funding for Fermilab. The Directorate ensures and oversees compliance with applicable DOE contract requirements, regulations, and laws and establishes and maintains excellent relationships with Fermilab stakeholders.
Young-Kee Kim
Laboratory Director (Interim)
Young-Kee Kim began her tenure as interim Director of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in January 2025. She is an experimental particle physicist. Kim's research has focused on understanding the origin of mass for fundamental particles using the Tevatron and the Large Hadron Collider. Since the mid 2010s, her research interests have also included accelerator physics. She was co-spokesperson of Tevatron's CDF experiment (2004-2006) and Deputy Director of Fermilab (2006-2013).
Read Young-Kee Kim's bio
Bonnie Fleming
Deputy Director for Science and Technology (CRO)
Bonnie Fleming is Fermilab’s Deputy Director for Science and Technology and Chief Research Officer. An internationally recognized particle physicist with outstanding expertise and a world leader in neutrino physics, she leads all areas of science and technology at Fermilab.
Read Bonnie Fleming's bio
Jim Kerby
Project Director, LBNF/DUNE-US
Jim Kerby is the LBNF/DUNE-US Project Director. He manages all aspects of the Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility/Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment-US project — the largest international DOE project ever hosted on U.S. soil — at both Fermilab and Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead, South Dakota. With over 30 years of engineering and technical management experience, Kerby led the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade (APS-U) project at Argonne National Laboratory, where he oversaw the planning, construction and implementation.
Read Jim Kerby's bio
Greg Stephens
Deputy Director for Operations (COO)
Greg Stephens is Fermilab's Deputy Director for Operations and Chief Operating Officer. Stephens plans, directs and oversees the activities of the lab's business functions to ensure integration, effectiveness and accountability in accordance with lab policy and DOE directives. He leads the lab’s safety, security, infrastructure, information technology, human resources, and communication organizations.
Read Greg Stephens's bio
Associate lab directors
James Amundson
Associate Lab Director, Computational Science and AI
James Amundson is the Associate Lab Director for the Computational Science and Artificial Intelligence Directorate, which includes scientific computing facilities and services and software development, as well as computational physics activities. His recent research work includes both computational accelerator physics and quantum computing applications. He is the lead principal investigator for the ComPASS4 accelerator simulation collaboration under the DOE SciDAC4 program. Amundson joined the laboratory in 1998 after holding positions as a visiting assistant professor and postdoctoral research associate at the University of Wisconsin and Michigan State University, respectively. He earned his Ph.D. in theoretical particle physics from the University of Chicago.
Kevin Burkett
Associate Lab Director, Particle Physics
Kevin Burkett is the Associate Lab Director for the Particle Physics Directorate at Fermilab, which includes the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment and neutrino, cosmic, energy frontier and muon research programs. Since joining the lab as a Wilson Fellow in 2003, he has held a number of leadership positions, including CMS Center Deputy Head, CMS Department Head and most recently, Deputy Head of the Particle Physics Division. Burkett has also served on the Director's Science Advisory Council and the Scientific Priorities Working Group. His prior research as a member of the CDF and CMS collaborations has been focused on energy frontier experiments. Burkett received his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan and is a fellow of the American Physical Society.
Richard Goffi
Associate Lab Director, Science, Innovation and Technology Partnerships and Outreach (Interim)
As interim Associate Lab Director for the Science, Innovation and Technology Partnerships and Outreach Directorate, Richard Goffi champions the laboratory’s efforts to expand the impact of its science and technology. Leading a new directorate focused on catalyzing laboratory partnerships, capturing new opportunities, and connecting Fermilab with the research and innovation ecosystems, Goffi manages the lab’s academic and international partnerships, facilitates innovation efforts, coordinates grant applications, enables increased technology transfer, supports STEM education and outreach activities, and works with external foundations. He brings more than 25 years of professional experience providing technical, regulatory and management services to leading public and private sector organizations on innovation and technology issues. This includes supporting numerous high-profile DOE programs and many of its national laboratories with a demonstrated ability to transform business operations, shape emerging initiatives, and capture new research and technology opportunities. Previously, Goffi worked as an operations analyst in the Space Shuttle program for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and served as an officer in the U.S. Navy. He graduated with honors from the United States Naval Academy with a degree in aerospace engineering and completed graduate studies in nuclear engineering at the University of Maryland.
Sam Posen
Associate Lab Director, Applied Physics and Superconducting Technology
Sam Posen is the Associate Lab Director for the Applied Physics and Superconducting Technology Directorate. He provides leadership in planning, directing and overseeing numerous activities, including those related to superconducting radio frequency and magnet technology for accelerators and non-accelerator applications, cryogenic technology development for accelerators and detectors, and accelerator test facilities operations, as well as supporting various additional Fermilab projects and the laboratory's accelerator complex. Sam is an accelerator scientist who performs research in new materials for superconducting cavities and the application of superconducting cavities to quantum sensing for fundamental physics. He holds a Ph.D. in physics from Cornell University and joined Fermilab as an associate scientist in 2015. His scientific work has been recognized by several national and international awards, including a DOE HEP Early Career Award and the Hogil Kim Prize.
Panagiotis Spentzouris
Associate Lab Director, Emerging Technologies
Panagiotis Spentzouris is the Associate Lab Director for the Emerging Technologies Directorate, which oversees and conducts highly integrated basic and applied research programs across the laboratory that deliver new science and technology capabilities in support of Fermilab’s mission. Spentzouris is a senior scientist at the laboratory, former head of Quantum Science at the Fermilab Quantum Institute and former head of the Fermilab Scientific Computing Division. His prior research includes quantum information science, neutrino physics and computational accelerator physics. Spentzouris received his Ph.D. in 1994 from Northwestern University, is a fellow of the American Physical Society, and joined Fermilab as an associate scientist in 1998.
Alexander Valishev
Associate Lab Director, Accelerators
Alexander Valishev is the Associate Lab Director for the Accelerator Directorate. He oversees Fermilab accelerator activities, including accelerator operations, maintenance, research and development, construction, installation, and commissioning of new accelerator systems. Valishev is a senior scientist at the laboratory, former Deputy Head of the Accelerator Division and leader of a research and development program at the IOTA/FAST facility. His research interests are in accelerator science and technology and his previous work includes contributions to the Tevatron and the LHC. Valishev is a fellow of the American Physical Society and received his Ph.D. from Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics. He joined Fermilab as a guest scientist in 2003.
Senior directors
Velma Gordon
Senior Director, Human Resources (CHRO)
As Chief Human Resources Officer and Senior Director of the Human Resources Division, Velma Gordon leads the HR team in supporting the lab's vision for its workforce needs, modernizing business processes and ensuring continued Fermilab mission success. She is responsible for the lab's human resources functions, including talent acquisition, learning and development, compensation and benefits, and talent management. She also supports the far site in Lead, South Dakota. Prior to joining Fermilab, Gordon worked at global organizations in HR leadership roles. She holds a Ph.D. in organizational development from Benedictine University and a master's in business administration from Lake Forest Graduate School of Management.
Krysia E. Jacobs
Senior Director, Information Technology (CIO) (Interim)
Krysia E. Jacobs is the interim Senior Director of the Information Technology Division and the Fermilab Chief Information Officer. She leads the information technology arm of the laboratory that is responsible for networking and communication as well as core and business IT services. Jacobs joined Fermilab as a consultant in 2009 and was involved in establishing IT service management, enterprise architecture and numerous enterprise-level metrics and reporting initiatives and data integrations. She was hired as an employee in 2015. Her passion and focus are ensuring that IT services run smoothly and transparently, and that information technology meets the laboratories current and future strategic needs. Prior to Fermilab, Jacobs worked for 19 years at the Chicago Stock Exchange (now NYSE Chicago), most recently as vice president of IT infrastructure. She has a masters degree in theoretical linguistics from the Jagiellonian University in Krakw, Poland.

Angela Manning-Hardimon
Senior Director, Finance and Procurement (CFO)
As Fermilab's Senior Director of the Finance and Procurement Division and Chief Financial Officer, Angela Manning-Hardimon partners with the laboratory leadership in support of Fermilab's vision and strategy with a particular focus on finance and procurement. Manning-Hardimon brings more than 30 years of experience in the field of finance. Most recently she served as the vice president of finance, chief financial officer and treasurer for Illinois Insitute of Technology. Prior to that, she was the deputy executive director and chief financial officer for the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning. Manning-Hardimon also held leadership roles in finance with the City of Chicago. She earned a Master's of Project Management from Keller Graduate School of Management and an MBA in Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship from University of Illinois at Chicago.
Bill Mairson
Senior Director, Environment, Safety and Health
As Senior Director of the Environment, Safety and Health Division, Bill Mairson serves as the laboratory's principal agent for planning, implementing and overseeing the necessary programs to maintain safe, healthy, compliant and secure operational and workplace conditions. He anticipates and accommodates unique mission needs as they evolve, identifies and advises on risk and mitigations, and recommends environment, safety and health policy and protocols to the laboratory director. Mairson has more than forty years of experience in environment, safety and health program management, including senior leadership roles at Los Alamos National Laboratory, the Pantex plant and Y-12 plant. He earned a bachelor's degree in occupational safety and health from Illinois State University, a master's degree in industrial safety from the University of Central Missouri, and a master's of business administration from the University of New Mexico. Mairson is also a graduate of the University of Chicago's Advanced Management program.
Bill Mairson
Senior Director, Infrastructure Services (Interim)
As interim Senior Director of the Infrastructure Services Division, Bill Mairson oversees the operations and maintenance, and support services of conventional facilities and infrastructure at Fermilab. Mairson has more than forty years of experience in safety, operations and program management, including senior leadership roles at Los Alamos National Laboratory, the Pantex plant and Y-12 plant. He earned a bachelor's degree in occupational safety and health from Illinois State University, a master's degree in industrial safety from the University of Central Missouri, and a master's of business administration from the University of New Mexico. Mairson is also a graduate of the University of Chicago's Advanced Management program.
Rae Moss
Senior Director, Communication
As Senior Director of the Communication Division, Rae Moss oversees external, internal and digital communications, focusing on increasing awareness and engagement between Fermilab and its key stakeholders, as well as the conference office. She is responsible for advancing the laboratory's brand, reputation and mission on a national and international scale. Prior to joining Fermilab, Moss held leadership positions at national labs and federal organizations, most recently she was the head of regional external engagement at Idaho National Lab. She is an organizational development and communications doctoral candidate at the University of Missouri — St. Louis and earned her MBA from Duquesne University.
Center directors
Anna Grassellino
Center Director, Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems
Anna Grassellino is the Director of the National Quantum Information Science SQMS Center and a Fermilab senior scientist. Her research focuses on radio frequency superconductivity, in particular on understanding and improving SRF cavities performance to enable new applications, spanning from particle accelerators to detectors to quantum information science. Grassellino has covered several leadership roles at Fermilab from Deputy Head of the Applied Physics and Superconducting Technology Division, Deputy CTO, and Fermilab senior team lead for the LCLS-2 HE project. Grassellino is a fellow of the American Physical Society and the recipient of numerous awards for her pioneering contributions to SRF technology, including the 2023 New Horizons in Physics award from the Breakthrough Foundation, the 2017 Presidential Early Career Award, the 2017 Frank Sacherer Prize of the European Physical Society, the 2016 IEEE PAST Award, the 2016 USPAS prize and the DOE Early Career Award. She holds a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Pennsylvania and a master's of electronic engineering from the University of Pisa, Italy.
Major project directors
Giorgio Apollinari
Project Director, HL-LHC AUP
Giorgio Apollinari is the Project Director of the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider Accelerator Upgrade Project (HL-LHC AUP), the U.S. in-kind contribution to the LHC upgrade to support research by the worldwide energy frontier scientific community during the next decades. He manages all aspects of HL-LHC AUP and coordinates contributions from all participating U.S. institutions, including Fermilab, Brookhaven National Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, to enable the first use in accelerators of U.S.-developed technologies, such as niobium-tin magnets and SRF crab cavities. His research career has focused on the experimental and accelerator technology aspects of high-energy physics, with contributions and participations to experiments (CDF, ALEPH, CMS) and accelerators (LARP and early contributions to what is now PIP-II). Apollinari served in several technical and management roles in the laboratory, including head of the Technical Division during the expansion of Fermilab activities in the SRF arena, and has been nominated fellow of the American Physical Society. He holds a physics diploma from Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa and a Laurea in Fisica from Pisa University.

Cristian Boffo
Project Director, PIP-II (Interim)
As interim project director for the Proton Improvement Plan II, PIP-II, Cristian Boffo is leading the construction of a 215-meter-long superconducting linear accelerator and the upgrades to Fermilab’s existing accelerator complex. Boffo began his career as a member of Fermilab's Linear Accelerator group after earning a master's degree in mechanical engineering in 1999. He later moved to Europe, where he worked in industry as a project manager and business developer for superconducting systems. In 2019, he returned to Fermilab, taking on multiple roles within the PIP-II team. Throughout his career, Boffo has remained deeply involved in advancing superconducting magnet systems.
Steve Brice
Head, DUNE Coordination Office
Steve Brice is the Head of the DUNE Coordination Office at Fermilab, with the mission to establish Fermilab as the Host Laboratory of the DUNE Experiment and assist in the coordination of the LBNF/DUNE-US Project, the DUNE Collaboration, Fermilab leadership, and the relevant parts of the Department of Energy. Steve obtained his Ph.D. from Oxford University in 1996, after which he was a postdoc at Los Alamos National Laboratory; in both roles, he worked on the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO). Since coming to Fermilab in 2000, he has held a number of leadership positions, most recently being head of the Neutrino Division from 2016 to 2023. He has also served as chair of the Fermilab Wilson Fellowship Committee, the URA Thesis Award Committee and the International Neutrino Summer School. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society.
Steve Nahn
Project Manager, HL-LHC CMS
Steve Nahn is the Project Manager for the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider Compact Muon Solenoid (HL-LHC CMS) Detector Upgrade project and a senior scientist within the CMS department of the Particle Physics Directorate. His recent research focuses on several different detector upgrades of the CMS experiment at the LHC. He started at Fermilab in 2013, leading a group of about 30 U.S. institutes in Phase 1 of the CMS upgrade, a $40 million joint DOE and NSF project to enhance CMS capabilities during LHC Run 2 and Run 3, which included installation of advanced trigger electronics, new calorimetry photosensors and electronics, and a new pixel detector. After completing this project in 2019 with a DOE Project Achievement Award, Nahn became Project Manager for the HL-LHC CMS detector upgrade. This $277 million joint DOE and NSF project brings U.S. and international institutes together to substantially upgrade the CMS detector to cope with the higher interaction rates and radiation damage expected with the 2029 LHC Run 4 and beyond. Prior to Fermilab, Nahn worked on the Tevatron’s CDF experiment. He earned his Ph.D. at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he worked on LEP’s L3 detector as a graduate student and used CMS to study the nature of electroweak symmetries as a faculty member.
Senior leaders
Beth Fancsali
General Counsel (Interim)
Beth Fancsali leads the Office of General Counsel as Fermilab's interim General Counsel. She joined Fermilab in December 2015 as Deputy General Counsel. She is a Certified Compliance and Ethics Professional (CCEP) and a graduate of the 2019 DOE National Laboratories' Oppenheimer Science and Energy Leadership Program (OSELP). Before joining Fermilab, Fancsali was a partner in an international law firm where her practice spanned the areas of compliance, business counseling, internal and government investigations, and litigation. Fancsali earned her J.D. from the University of Texas School of Law and her bachelor's degree from Miami University (Ohio).
Mark Jeffers
Director for Infrastructure Projects
Mark Jeffers is the Director for the Infrastructure Projects at Fermilab, responsible the planning, development, and oversight of high-priority, critical infrastructure needs for the laboratory. The directorate works across organizational boundaries to facilitate the successful completion of key conventional and programmatic infrastructure projects. Mark joined the laboratory in September 2018. Most recently, he served as the Senior Director for the Infrastructure Services Division. Prior to his tenure at the lab, Mark held a series of leadership roles with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, within the commercial nuclear power industry, and served as a nuclear engineering officer with the U.S. Navy. He earned a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the Milwaukee School of Engineering, a master’s degree in energy engineering from the University of Illinois-Chicago, and a master’s of business administration from the University of Illinois-Chicago.
Mark Kaducak
Chief Project Officer
As the Chief Project Officer, Marc Kaducak is responsible for project management tools and oversight, and assures best practices are used consistently that enable the successful execution of the laboratory's large suite of projects. The CPO works across organizational boundaries to facilitate the successful completion of the lab's portfolio of projects and programs alongside the lab's operational commitments. Most recently, Kaducak served as a senior control account manager for Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Prior to that, he was the PIP-II project manager at Fermilab. Also while at Fermilab, he led the Office of Project Support Services, where he developed and led the lab’s project management systems. Kaducak earned a bachelor of science degree in engineering from University of Illinois and MBA from DePaul University.
Patrick Lam
Internal Audit
As the Manager of Internal Audit Services for the laboratory, Patrick Lam leads the Internal Audit Department, serves as the Chief Audit Executive, and works with the FermiForward audit committee. In this role, Lam is responsible for working with the laboratory and FermiForward audit committee to provide management advisory services for audits and reviews, controls, and risks while supporting the laboratory and FermiForward audit committee to be compliant while FermiForward is under contract with the Department of Energy. Lam has been in the audit services industry for more than twenty years working for public and private organizations. He holds certifications in accounting/auditing and information technology. Lam is a graduate of the University of Chicago and holds a Master of Business Administration from Kellogg School of Management.
Martha Michels
Director, Office of Performance Assurance
Martha Michels is the Director of the Office of Performance Assurance at Fermilab. She leads the implementation of the Contractor Assurance System (CAS) to support the laboratory’s efforts to deliver its mission. This includes oversight of all elements of CAS, specifically, enterprise risk, enterprise assessments, quality metrics, lessons learned, event review and analysis and prime contract management. Michels earned a bachelor's degree in occupational safety and health from the University of Wisconsin at Whitewater. Her experience at Fermilab over the past three decades has included work in the facilities, operations, ES&H and experiment organizations, serving in both technical and management roles, including deputy chief operating officer and interim chief operating officer.
Mayling Wong-Squires
Chief Engineer
Mayling Wong-Squires is the Chief Engineer, responsible for overseeing engineering systems, processes, and tools and advocates for the laboratory engineering community. She spearheads strategic planning and development of systems engineering processes in support of Laboratory projects and operation. Mayling oversees engineering initiatives that are related to research and development that align with the laboratory’s mission by securing external funding and partnerships to drive innovation and growth. She has over 25 years of experience at Fermilab working on design, manufacturing and installation of mechanical systems related to the lab accelerator and detectors. Wong-Squires received a master's degree in mechanical engineering from Case Western Reserve University and a bachelor's degree in general engineering from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
- Last modified
- 03/19/25
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