Indian Creek aerial view

Indian Creek is a small creek that originates on the Fermilab site and leaves the lab at its southwest corner. The flow of water in the creek varies with the amount of rain that falls during the year. At present, Indian Creek has very low levels of water. Even at its strongest flow, Indian Creek is a shallow creek with a width of a few feet where it leaves the Fermilab site. Just outside the Fermilab site, the creek flows through ponds in the Savannah neighborhood.
The width of the blue line representing Indian Creek is not to scale. The creek is so narrow that it would barely be visible on this photo without enhancing it.
Fermilab monitors discharge to Indian Creek at state-permitted National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) outfalls. Outfalls are flow-monitoring points where operational waters flow into waters of the state (such as Indian Creek).
- Last modified
- 04/13/23
- email Fermilab